GrazerMcK Member


  • Feel free to send a friend request my way :)
  • I had a terrible accident in which I was left with focal and peripheral neuropathy. I couldn't walk, all I did was eat. I'm now able to walk (not far enough but enough to get me started). I need to lose half my body weight effectively. Started June 1st and to now (Aug 19th) I've lost 58 lbs (26.3kg/4st 2lbs) so averaging…
  • Take it day by day. Don't be disheartened if things don't go your way all the time. I've lost 58lbs now, and there have been times where I've put weight on and cried in frustration over it. You will get there. Keep your head up. Add a lot of people as friends, and when you're logging daily you may get some inspiration?
  • This app is fantastic for keeping on top of a lot of things. I'm sure this app will work wonders for you too!
  • Go to the help section.
  • Hey kz9agz, Happy birthday to you when it arrives in November. Great to hear you love fitbit, that's half your battle. Losing weight always seems ominous, the app does wonders for me to see the calorie intake and adjust meals appropriately. Have you tried adding a jog into your walk? As in walk for 5 minutes jog for 1…
    in Hello Comment by GrazerMcK August 2018
  • Hey there. The app for calorie intake is particularly helpful. Let's you know where you're possibly going wrong in some aspects of diet. As for exercising I feel your pain. Try taking longer walks everyday than normal even if it's bumping the step count out a touch until you get comfortable then slowly start to increase…
    in Hello Comment by GrazerMcK August 2018
  • I was offered it before and refused. However, that doesn't mean it would have worked. Use the app to monitor the calorie in take, take notes each day with how you're feeling along with slowly increasing your exercises (even if it's just walking) and see how it goes and just stay in regular contact with the doctor that…
  • Yeah this app works wonders. Spend a little time exploring the forum and read the blogs. There's really good hints and tips there.
  • Thanks for the friend requests!
    in Hello! Comment by GrazerMcK August 2018
  • Best of luck with the keto and intermittent fasting. You've done so well previously, I'm sure you'll smash it!
  • Well done! I'm down 42 another 60+ for me yet. Can still roll effectively down a hill :dizzy: Best of luck on your journey though, sounds like you're smashing it already!
  • I'm. New here too (been using the app for 2 months) really handy tool I must admit. Best of luck on your journey dude!
  • Can't say it's something I've heard of, but I sure hope it works out for you. Best of luck in your journey!
  • Hey everyone, I'm new around here but seen some amazing stories so far. A few new friends would always be good. Hope everyone's day goes well! G