Anita777michelle Member


  • I wasn't talking about sugar diabetes. That's a different nutrition plan than someone who isn't diabetic. My mom has sugar diabetes, but I don't. It doesn't make a difference where the sugar comes from with diabetes. With diabetes it's about the A1C count level. Cinnamon supplements bring the A1C count down & can heal…
  • I fully agree. I'm not getting the debate on here with ppl who are supposedly here to improve their health. I guess they're just on here to argue & lose weight. I have been on other weight loss apps and people have always agreed about the processed foods vs fresh foods. Sugar isn't the enemy or carbs & wasn't even what I…
  • Just starting on reading your reply I can't finish reading it b/c you're very dogmatic. Please don't explain to me why I lost weight. I think I would know how since I'm the one who put the work in & not you. It seems to be such a battle on here over carbs. I lost the weight eating some organic & non GMO processed food,…
  • I'm sorry but I'm not going to do that. I don't have time proving my point on here. I've haven't been on a weight loss app with so many complaints about bad carbs before. This is the first. You'll have to do your own homework if you really want to find out if what I'm saying is true. This is true: A pastor friend of mine…
  • Also I've lost 30 lbs before joining this app. I lost it by eating good carbs & not eating the high processed carbs. So I know why I'm stuck. I fell back into the high processed junk that provides no health benefits or energy to the body. I was keeping the junk out of the house and am going back to that. Also you might…
  • Yes I see how uneducated ppl are on here about carbs. I disagree and believe there is a difference. Bad carbs are the processed carbs/ high sugars(bad sugars) and there are bad sugars that cause cancer and I know what I'm talking about so before you think I don't I'll explain. A pastor friend of mine had cancer. She found…
  • I disagree. There are bad carbs. Processed foods that are high carbs & full of sugars are bad carbs. Good carbs are whole grains, fresh veggies and fresh fruits. Fruit does have sugar but it's not processed and much healthier to eat. I don't think it's good health to eat processed sugars & high carbs a lot. It will…
  • Tomato, tomato... I do think our bodies go through sugar withdrawals b/c it is compared to heroin how it affects the body when the body has too much & some carbs are full of sugars. Good carbs like whole grains, veggies & fruit don't have all that bad sugar. So I think it depends on the carbs. I've not been eating enough…
  • Junk is higher in carbs and are the bad carbs I'm referring to.
  • Junk has higher carbs is all I meant. The good carbs like whole grains, veggies/fruit is what I need more of & limit the bad carbs like hostess cakes, candy bars & so forth. I just call it junk b/c it's not very healthy & definitely not good to have in excess. That's all.
  • How did I demonise junk?
  • I know that's what I'm going to do. I bought way too much junk so next shopping trip will not do that.
  • I think our bodies go through withdrawal especially with sugar when you start counting calories and start avoiding just eating what we feel like. So I agree that our bodies do get addicted to carbs. Sugar has been compared to heroin with how it ways us down & is so addictive. The more sugar, the higher the carbs so they…
  • No. I'm not trying to do low carb. I'm just craving the junk lately. I plan to just start again tomorrow.
  • I'm not on a low carb diet, but I have been craving a lot carbs. Binge eating has not helped me. I have tried to eat only good carbs to find myself craving carbs. I'm not good at dieting. It's a miracle I have lost weight. I lost 30 lbs over year ago. I just want to lose 6 more lbs so I'm lighter but have been not able to…
  • Thank you. Your advice was very helpful and I will definitely take this advice!
  • Hi Jenny and Gail. Thanks for the support. I sent you both a friend request. Have a great day!