Carbs out of control



  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    apullum wrote: »
    Do you have a medical condition that requires you to restrict carbs?

    No. I'm not trying to do low carb. I'm just craving the junk lately. I plan to just start again tomorrow.

    "junk" is usually a glorious combination of carbs and fats... Don't demonise the carbs.

    How did I demonise junk?

    You didn't. You're blaming the carbs for your problems but "junk" often has a similar amount of fat.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,173 Member
    edited August 2018
    I think our bodies go through withdrawal especially with sugar when you start counting calories and start avoiding just eating what we feel like. So I agree that our bodies do get addicted to carbs. Sugar has been compared to heroin with how it ways us down & is so addictive. The more sugar, the higher the carbs so they work together to keep our bodies dependent. I definitely need to get my mind off of the cravings and do something productive. It's hard b/c I'm home a lot. But also I did recently by a lot of the junk carbs so that's been very hard to stay on track. I won't do it again. I know the good carbs & healthier sweets I like. Kind bars are one I already have made my plan on what I'm going to do on my next grocery trip. I don't want to deprive myself, but I need limits on what is in the house.

    I am disabled and don't work so I am home a LOT. I try to fill my time with projects...I crochet and I do crafting. I just finished refinishing a kitchen table for my apartment. But, like you, I was going to the grocery store and picking up junk to eat. Last trip I walked past the pastries and bought some nuts and yogurt and popcorn and even some rice cakes, the last 2 which I can have in moderation.

    It takes me about a month to get past the cravings completely. But when I do, I honestly don't crave the junk anymore. I will, on occasion, splurge a little and indulge but I don't go overboard. We all deserve to indulge on occasion....we just have to be able to make it the exception and not the rule.

    I should add that, as a diabetic, ALL carbohydrates are something I have to limit....not only the bad ones but the good ones as well. I can have a half cup of pasta....that's it. It's not much so I just don't eat it at all. Potatoes....I have to avoid them or eat half a potato at the most and only occasionally. Rice....I don't eat it. Noodles....don't eat them. Bread.....on occasion and in moderation. Fruit....again, I have to be careful and I never eat dried fruit...that has a higher sugar content than fresh fruit. All these things spike my sugar and I am already dealing with nerve damage in my ear, my feet and must be wary about my eyesight. I won't demonize carbohydrates....they serve their purpose in a balanced diet....just not so much in my diet.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    I'm not on a low carb diet, but I have been craving a lot carbs. Binge eating has not helped me. I have tried to eat only good carbs to find myself craving carbs. I'm not good at dieting. It's a miracle I have lost weight. I lost 30 lbs over year ago. I just want to lose 6 more lbs so I'm lighter but have been not able to get out of this rut.

    I don't know if others agree with this or not but I honestly believe we get addicted to the carbs. I know I do. Now that I am back on program, I feel the cravings....they can be very strong. But I work my way through them by redirecting myself to do something to take my mind off them until they pass. And they do pass. One thing I do is post on MFP...keeps me occupied. :D

    I think our bodies go through withdrawal especially with sugar when you start counting calories and start avoiding just eating what we feel like. So I agree that our bodies do get addicted to carbs. Sugar has been compared to heroin with how it ways us down & is so addictive. The more sugar, the higher the carbs so they work together to keep our bodies dependent. I definitely need to get my mind off of the cravings and do something productive. It's hard b/c I'm home a lot. But also I did recently by a lot of the junk carbs so that's been very hard to stay on track. I won't do it again. I know the good carbs & healthier sweets I like. Kind bars are one I already have made my plan on what I'm going to do on my next grocery trip. I don't want to deprive myself, but I need limits on what is in the house.

    I eat what I feel like but make it fit into my calories. Im not addicted to carbs as for the sugar vs heroin debate Im pretty sure there are NO legit studies saying it affects the brain like heroin does. I still lost weight eating things I like and improved my health markers doing so. a lot of that was due just to losing some weight.the other was meds I HAVE to take as well as eating a low fat/low cholesterol diet(health issue) so my carbs have to be on the higher side. I am more satiated eating higher carb than I do eating lower carb and my energy is better.
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    Also withdrawal (even though it is electrolyte imbalance) doean't necessarily mean addiction anyways. There are lots of cases of physical dependency on things that isn't addiction.
  • Anita777michelle
    Anita777michelle Posts: 28 Member
    edited August 2018
    By definition, nothing is good to have in excess. There are no "good" carbs or "bad" carbs. It depends on context and dosage.

  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    Bouncing blood sugar does cause cravings, and quick digesting carbs are a way to shoot your blood sugar up high and drop it quickly. Not all people have the same bodies - many have no issues with carbs, while many others are insulin resistant to some degree. Since fat people often have some degree of insulin resistance, reducing carbs can be helpful.

    Incidentally, @livingleanlivingclean - carb withdrawal is a real thing. It's so common in keto dieters that it's nicknamed "keto flu." Carbs are the body's preferred source of energy, and when they are not available it takes a while to adjust.

    vitamin deficiencies can also cause cravings for certain things too.
  • CheekyChiq88
    CheekyChiq88 Posts: 109 Member
    One thing that helps me sometimes when i'm struggling with higher carb content. I like to have my most processed carbs like bread and such earlier in the day and sometimes i even make it a challenge to only have one meal that day with processed carbs and then i try to stick with fruit or veg from midday on. Also sometimes for myself I crave breads and such when i want comfort food. Sometimes a tea or a hot coffee can help, not always but sometimes!
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