lorindariess Member


  • I know this is an old post but I had to comment. I am a strong believer in love at every size however i think the idea of health at every size is a dangerous concept. The fact is if you are overweight your chances of developing diseases are increased no matter what your blood work says. And to lie to yourself about that is…
  • I'd love some accountability partners. I started tracking my food last Monday but didn't weigh myself until Wednesday and was 10 lbs heavier than I thought. I have around 130 lbs to lose but just trying to take it a day at a time.
  • I've also done it with avacado and bacon too but used goat cheese instead
  • Yes I do and sugar free syrup. Total calories for the recipe is 437 calories if you subtract the butter it's 337 calories. A great thing to do to is to take 1/2 cup of frozen blueberries and a squirt of sugar free syrup put in microwave for around a minute. It makes a delicious syrup plus you can either omit or reduce the…
  • Why don't you try a little of both? For example when eating weigh your food when possible for a week and write everything down with no judgement. Then input everything in after and see how many calories you consumed. Then you can look back on it and say did I have maybe a larger serving of mashed potatoes than I thought or…