gininthegym Member


  • If I am staying overnight and want to keep to my macros I make overnight oats. But they don't even need to be overnight. I put my 30g oats in a Tupperware, add some chia seeds/ground flax/scoop of plant protein powder. Then when I want to eat just add water - you could use milk but keeping it simple here. Stir and leave…
  • I was just going to come on and say probably the butter. Broccoli is delicious just as it is - I'd hate to waste 100 kcal on unnecessary fats.
  • Hi! just found this group It's so hard . I am now in my mid fifties and still as active, However I am at my biggest EVER. I have always carried my weight well, flat stomach, perky in general. However now I have an actual belly :( I hate it, hate the way I look and feel. After quite a bit of reading up on it I believe that…
  • Who gave you 1500 calories? The best way is to calculate your TDEE and then work out how much you need to amend this -to gain or lose weight. MFP tends to allocate a standard amount of calories which is not always suitable.
  • I eat a lot of tofu as I am a vegan My favourite thing is a tofu scramble - it looks and tastes (somewhat) like scrambled eggs if done correctly - and makes for a nice late breakfast at the weekend for all the family. I also press, marinate and oven bake slices of tofu to add to my veggies/grains meals. There are lots of…
  • I sent you a friend request
  • I have made my diary public if anyone wants to see it. It's pretty dull as I am following a fairly strict shred programme at the moment. (although I sometimes forget to complete the diary at the end of the day, I do stick to my plan)/
  • Ah - I was looking for a thread like this. Where ARE all the vegans ?
  • Not a sweet tooth here, but it will be interesting to see what the sugar content is of my daily diet. I try not to use many pre-packaged foods so that probably helps but we will see :)
  • Hi - Vegan here and attempting to lose body fat. Most days my plan is on course - but at the weekends I tend to stray.... ;)
  • This !! I try and feed the family Whole Food Plant Based most of the time. I use a lot id dried beans and lentils - which I can buy in bulk at the refill store ( which also reduces unnecessary packaging and plastic waste). I buy frozen veggies for soups and cooking with. However i find that as a standalone veg they aren’t…
  • Since I (and the rest of the household) changed to a vegan diet we spend so much less money on food. I buy dried lentils/pulses etc in bulk. I will shop for vegetables more than once a week to ensure they are fresh but I try and always go to Lidl for those as they cost much less. I batch cook for myself (on a specific meal…
  • In my opinion all bathroom scales are inaccurate. I have had both digital and mechanical - and still have t do an average of 3 readings. Are you using the scales on a hard, level floor? I don't have a fitbit - I do have a Garmin. I don't however, take any notice of any calories burned. I have used my new Premium status so…
  • I have just upgraded to Premium. I'm not sure yet if it is worth the money but I do like the benefit of not having my exercise 'giving' me the extra calories to my daily allowance. i want to log my exercise but I don't want to mess up the numbers. Other than no ads I'm still finding out what else is worth paying for?
  • Me. I started off this year by doing Veganuary - and am still on it. No meat,eggs or dairy for me. My trouble is that I have enjoyed cooking and eating so much that my weight loss is not happening. Quite the reverse. ha ha.
  • Hi - can I join? Just completed Veganuary - and I'm staying Vegan. Only trouble is I'm not losing weight - quite the opposite. So will need some accountability and tips!
  • I havent been back to the gym since it closed in March. I have made a decent home gym. Bought a wright's bench, barbell and plates, exercise bike. In the summer I ran outdoors but it's not so tempting on the wet and dark winter months. I also like to follow online workouts for cardio and strength. My leisure centre does…
  • Is this your 14th baby ? Or was that a typo? I say eat to your appetite - keep it to good sources of proteins, fats and tons of veggies. It's not the time to try and lose weight - neither is it time to binge eat (for two) :) Be kind to yourself - it's a big job growing a human.
  • I am not 1oo% certain but I do wonder if the seasons affect the amount of fat in the fish? Also there are different varieties of salmon - some oilier than others. I never use oil - just bake in a parcel of foil or parchment paper. I am cooking salmon this evening for dinner - I will report back on the oiliness :) Mine is…
  • It is very difficult to guesstimate what's in a pizza shop pizza. As already mentioned the amount of oil, butter, cheese and salt will be way higher than you'd use at home - makes it so much tastier. I'd aim for a higher figure than you would think and call it done. As long as this isn't every day then it won't impact upon…
  • There are some other sites you might want to check out for specific help with this. If you use facebook check out Macros Inc - they can help you set your macros for your purpose. High er protein for sure- and the right kind of workout. Also don't forget that it can take longer for women to build enough muscle to show.
  • I have some sports wear that seems to hold the 'stink'. I have tried many things - a hotter wash, bleach, white vinegar. The best thing I have found is a laundry cleanser - antibacterial. What I do believe to be true though is NOT to use fabric softener when washing clothes which are designed to be sweat wicking. Once the…
  • Hard boiled eggs. Boil up a few and store in the fridge. A little smelly for eating at work but lots of protein and will certainly fill you up for a while. Sliced vegetable crudites - something sturdy like Carrot, courgette, radish - they won't go soggy in your tupperware . Make a small pot of hummous or other dip to make…
  • This is such a divisive topic. I'm no fan - they have only become mandatory herein the UK in shops and indoor spaces this past week. I don't go out to work, nor does anyone who lives in my house. We are probably the least chance of being infected/infectious of anyone I know. I have worn a face covering twice in the last…
  • I always use water - no problem with it making the correct consistency. I generally add protein powder anyway though - either whey protein, or vegan blend.
  • Slightly different in the UK where we have 3 options. Barn eggs (many supermarkets don't even sell these now) Free Range - so with some access to outdoors, not always as 'free and happy' as the consumer would like to imagine, and Organic. I try and buy those as I always feel a little guilty for eating animals and their…
  • No - our gyms don't require it. Classes are kept smaller, with marked out spaces for each person. I have only worn a mask twice - once to go get my hair cut, and once in the supermarket after they were made mandatory last week. I did not enjoy the experience at all - I couldn't see properly, breathe or hear (I must lip…
  • No - a calorie is a calorie. Although I find that protein foods satisfy my hunger much more than bread/pasta/potatoes. I rarely hit my daily goals but certainly try. Egg white, fish (fresh or canned), protein powders, greek yogurt/skyr, nuts, quinoa - all are great for upping the protein count.
  • Without the skin. Unless you eat that? :) Frozen bananas make smoothies thick and creamy. So if you only want to eat half then wrap and freeze the other half for a protein smoothie later.
  • Are you bored of chicken? Want some suggestions for something different?
    in Chicken Comment by gininthegym July 2020