orenshani7 Member


  • But I wonder thought, why aren't we counting carbon mass instead of calories?
  • Okay okay, so you saw the TED talk. Didn't gotcha! And it should be sticky agree.
  • I do exercise, but as you can see from all the answers you got, and as research shows, exercise by itself contributes very little to weight loss, and it is not hard to understand why. An intensive hour at the gym will take about 500 calories - about the amount in a piece of cake. Mild exercise is important to your health…
  • Are you working for "Coca-Cola" or something? Just kidding... You are probably right and "Sugar is the enemy" is just as credible as "Cholesterol is the enemy" used to be. Anyways, @kariemi and all, look. The main point is this: Your body is a very complex thing, and every body is different. What I suggested above works…
  • Well Google up "Fructolysis" and you will find many references. But OK, here is one: http://gardenandplate.com/fructolysis.html Now "directly to fat" was maybe inappropriate, as there is, of course, a very complex chemical process at play here. And here is where "I got the idea form":…
  • Ok agreed. No single factor determines weight gain or loss. It's complicated. True.
  • Sugar is made of mixtures of glucose and fructose. Fructose is absorbed directly into the bloodstream ( see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fructose#Fructose_digestion_and_absorption_in_humans), and it cannot be broken into glucose by the liver which can only use it to build fat, similar to how it treats alcohol. As to…
  • If this all you are eating then it is probably too little, which puts your body in starvation mode. This is why you are not loosing abdominal fat. The reason the rest of your body becomes skinnier is that your muscles are starving to death. You need to eat more, even if MFP will show you that you will loose weight slower.…
  • Go ahead, talk to us. What are your fitness goals? What are you doing to achieve them? How far are you into the journey?
  • I look at the mirror at the end of every day and appreciate what I accomplished so far. I think it is important to look back, especially when it feels like there is so much that still has to be done.
  • I feel like it has to be said, that using MFP by itself, will not make you loose any weight.
  • I hope you will not consider this as rude or inappropriate but how can you feel like a failure, when you conceive a new human being inside you?
  • I'm not sure I understand. What do you eat for the 1200 to 1500 cals ?
  • Abdominal fat is the emergency energy storage of your body. It is the last thing it will give up. Eventually, if you will be consistent and keep training, it will go down. In the meantime focus on other aspects of your fitness. Also, ask the instructors in your gym about interval training. They may say it is too early for…
  • OK and may I ask what kind of training do you do?
  • Did you try intervals training? If not, you should. Are you training in a Gym? If yes, ask the instructions about it.
  • Do it by yourself and for yourself. Otherwise you will never make it. Support is important but ultimately your body is yours and you should take care of it for that reason only.
  • I think the key is to understand that you really have to start from square one. Don't fool yourself to believe that you can take any shortcuts because you were training before. You need to start from a very low starting point and rebuild yourself up. It will, thought, take you less time to get back in shape because you did…
  • The short answer is: No. A slightly longer answer: All these B*I's are gross estimates. They measure certain attributes of the human body that in the whole of human population distribute on the famous bell curve. Then they are correlated with a rather vague notion of health and fitness. So clearly the final outcome of all…