1poundatax Member


  • You have done a great job already! I like your final goal weight- of Fit. I do not have a predetermined final goal. I know my long-term goal and I will see how I feel, how my bloodwork is, etc. when I get there. I would still be overweight but the last time I got to that weight I was happy with it and maintained for…
  • I like the websites Skinnytaste and Slender kitchen for recipes. I have found the more I used them the better I became at adapting my own recipes.
  • Good Morning, I am so glad you are here. A great place to help you realize that you are not alone.
  • Congratulations- Great Job!
  • Congratulations on 13 pounds down. Doing it slowly and making it about lifestyle changes is the way to go in my opinion. I am doing the same thing. Slow and steady wins the race- that is my motto right now. It will take as long as it takes. You are doing great!
  • Hi, I know it is frustrating when the scale doesn't move as quickly as we want it to or sometimes moves in the wrong direction. You say you started at 190 and it sounds like you have hit 188 at some point. That is a 2 pound weight loss in 3 weeks, even if it bounced back up. I know for me my weight bounces up and down day…
  • I like this idea. I am not worried about Halloween as I will not be home so I will not buy candy. Like most of us I don't know what Thanksgiving or Christmas will look like. I like your idea of a day or 2 to indulge and then food needs to fit within your plan. I tend to do a lot of cooking and I know that I will want to…
  • @Steelkid- wow, awesome job! Keep it up!
  • Amazing transformation! Thank you for the inspiration.
  • Awesome job!!!
  • @EileenL2015, After years of doing this, sometimes successfully, sometimes not, I have accepted that it is a gradual process. I finally got serious due to some health concerns. Every day I try to make good decisions- some days are better than others. I never cheat because their is nothing "off limits" for me. If I eat it I…
  • Welcome Becca, Congratulations on starting your journey to healthy eating and weight loss. Fad diets, don't work as you know. To lose weight and keep it off it has to be a lifestyle change. Find what works for you, for example I never eat back the calories I burn in exercise. It doesn't work for me, maybe because of my age…
  • WOW! You look amazing- thank you for the inspiration. I think you are smart to continue to log what you eat and watch calories. I will do that once I am in maintenance. I lost about 65 pounds years ago but put put about 40 back on. It was very gradual and I kept thinking things like "it's only a few pounds" but eventually…
  • I weigh myself every day, multiple times a day. I am working on getting it down to just 1 or 2 times a day. I have learned not to be upset by fluctuations- I sometimes see fluctuations of several pounds throughout the day. By getting weighed daily I know what my overall trend is. When I am not weighing myself regularly is…
  • I am in my 60's and am losing weight. It is a slow process- some weeks I am up- some I am down but I have lost 14 pounds in the last several months. I try to make healthy choices but I have no "forbidden"foods. For me this is not a diet but a lifestyle change so that I can improve my health. I log everything I eat or…
  • Hi, I'm an INFJ. I love to be with family or a small group of friends but I absolutely need and love quiet "me" time. Though I miss some activities and people this quarantine has not been nearly as difficult for me as it has been for some. In fact I have loved not having to make excuses not to do things!
  • @cristiwinks, thanks for asking this question. I have been trying to figure it out and couldn't.
  • Thanks everyone, I appreciate your input. I was surprised when I went to put a pair of pants on today that I would swear I wore last year and they were nowhere near fitting today. I definitely weigh less than a year ago. Maybe I ignored the fact that they didn't fit last year. Oh well- I know they will fit again at some…
  • Great job! I love your perspective and your attitude..
  • I love that you stuck with it. It is inspirational to me that it took you time. I am looking to lose 30 pounds though definitely could lose more. I know the sooner I get it off the better for my health. But I know I need the mindset it will take as long as it takes and when I lose the weight that isn't the end- I need to…
  • I bought a dress to wear with leggings months ago. I wasn't happy with how it looked but I was determined that some day I would be. Today was that day! I still have 30+ pounds to go but I am making progress.
  • Beautiful day here. I am doing my fall cleaning. We had just moved in to this house in November so I didn't feel the need to do a deep cleaning in the spring. Feels great to be working on it now though. I am having new furniture delivered this afternoon- very excited. I hope I like it as much in my house as I did i the…
  • Congratulations! What an achievement!
  • For me it was being diagnosed as pre-diabetic. It was realizing that if I lose weight I have a better chance of surviving COVID. It was learning that vaccines are not as effective in obese people. It was hating that I struggle to get up and down from the floor when I play with my 2 year old granddaughter. It was having a…
  • Exercise is vital to your overall health. For me exercise is not enough to lose weight without an intentional calorie deficit. Over the last few years I have manged to gain 35 pounds while working out regularly at the gym. It happened slowly and I was in denial about it (even though I saw it on the scale.) I have found…
  • Awesome- you look great and are an inspiration!
  • I agree with previous posters. Don't follow a "diet." What do you like to eat? Are their healthier ways to prepare it? There are a lot of websites that provide healthy recipes using real food. Eat what you like, weigh or measure it and log it. For breakfast I eat yogurt and a multigrain frozen waffle, or- oatmeal made in a…
  • Wow- I know it may not feel like it when you have a week where you give it your all and don't see the results you are expecting but you are doing great. I agree that doctors do not know much about weight or weight loss. Years ago I had a doctor who told me the reason I had strep throat was because I was overweight- umm no,…
  • I am so sorry for your losses. I am glad that you are here and are taking care of yourself. I know that you can do this!
  • Today I noticed lunges and squats were much easier than a couple of months ago.