I saw my APRN for a follow-up yesterday. She was thrilled with my weight loss. All my lab work was excellent. The only thing was my fasting glucose was 106. It has been hovering between 105 and 107. I was extremely disappointed that it had not dropped below 100. She told me not to be concerned, that I may have a naturally…
I have been allowing myself some extra treats for the past week- I tracked every day but Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve. I chose to be lax and enjoy the holidays- my weight is up a couple of pounds- not unexpected and I am in a place where I can handle it emotionally. I did continue to exercise during the week. I am…
How much did you need to lose before you started to see a change in how your clothes fit? I have lost 13 pounds. I have been exercising and feel better. I may see a slight change in how my tops are fitting, but I have pants that I am hoping will fit soon. I am 5'6 and have at least 30 pounds left to lose if that makes a…
I just signed up for a free year long class/support group to prevent diabetes. It is for people who have been diagnosed with pre-diabetes and is designed to help make lifestyle changes which is what I am trying to do. Apparently you work with a coach and meet 3x's a month with a support group. It is all on Zoom so there is…