June starting weight: 133.9 June goal - 128.9 lbs 5th - 133.9 10th- 133.2 15th -133.3 grrrr......... :# :# :# :# 20th - 25th - 30th
June starting weight: 133.9 June goal - 128.9 lbs 5th - 133.9 10th- 133.2 15th - 20th - 25th - 30th
June starting weight: 133.9 June goal - 128.9 lbs 5th - 133.9 10th- 15th - 20th - 25th - 30th
April was a gain for me(4-5 pound gain):(((( hoping to do better in May Starting W- 135 Goal W-130 05/02/19 135 05/10/19 134.9:/ 05/15/19 134.2 05/20/19 134.5:/// grrrrr 05/25/19 05/31/19
April was a gain for me(4-5 pound gain):(((( hoping to do better in May Starting W- 135 Goal W-130 05/02/19 135 05/10/19 134.9:/ 05/15/19 134.2 05/20/19 05/25/19 05/31/19
April was a gain for me(4-5 pound gain):(((( hoping to do better in May Starting W- 135 Goal W-130 05/02/19 135 05/10/19 134.9:/ 05/15/19 05/20/19 05/25/19 05/31/19
April was a gain for me(4-5 pound gain):(((( hoping to do better in May Starting W- 135 Goal W-130 05/02/19 135 05/05/19 05/10/19 05/15/19 05/20/19 05/25/19 05/31/19
April 1st 132.2 04/05/19 fell of the wagon so didnt bother even checking weight:(( hoping to get back on track again:(( 04/07/19 133.5:((((((( 04/15/19 132.9 :neutral: 04/20/19 132.4 04/25/19 131.9 04/30/19
completely fine to vent hehe.....thats what we are here for:)))) hear and support each other..... i also experience being stuck considering I eat within calories that are allowed....Im afraid to say but seems like the only way weight comes off when we eat way below what is allowed....:(((((.....I cant loose anything…
April 1st 132.2 04/05/19 fell of the wagon so didnt bother even checking weight:(( hoping to get back on track again:(( 04/07/19 133.5:((((((( 04/15/19 132.9 :neutral: 04/20/19 132.4 04/25/19 04/30/19
April 1st 132.2 04/05/19 fell of the wagon so didnt bother even checking weight:(( hoping to get back on track again:(( 04/07/19 133.5:((((((( 04/15/19 132.9 :neutral: 04/20/19 04/25/19 04/30/19
April 1st 132.2 04/05/19 fell of the wagon so didnt bother even checking weight:(( hoping to get back on track again:(( 04/07/19 133.5:((((((( 04/10/19 133.5 04/15/19 04/20/19 04/25/19 04/30/19 April 30 Goal Weight: 127.2
April 1st 132.2 04/05/19 fell of the wagon so didnt bother even checking weight:(( hoping to get back on track again:(( 04/07/19 133.5:((((((( 04/10/19 04/15/19 04/20/19 04/25/19 04/30/19 April 30 Goal Weight: 127.2
April 1st 132.2 04/05/19 04/10/19 04/15/19 04/20/19 04/25/19 04/30/19 April 30 Goal Weight: 127.2
thank you ladyS
is there April challenge ?
haha i also passed the written and orals and it was hard as hell lol.....right now also just trying to finish up with the document:))) thanks!!
- soon can you do the defense again? im in process of getting ready for my defense and i know how you very stressful....
Total February weight loss: 3 pounds 03/01/19 Starting weight: 133.6 03/05/19 03/10/19 03/15/19 03/20/19 03/25/19 03/31/19 Goal weight:128.6
03/01/19 Starting weight: 133.6 03/05/19 03/10/19 03/15/19 03/20/19 03/25/19 03/31/19 Goal weight:128.6
oh absolutely!!!!! we can do this!!!!
oh dear I have lost and gained 10 pounds probably about 100 times now....and it is frustrating obviously but most important to look at those number you came have done amazing already but need to keep pushing...I came originally from pretty heavy weight ....and now I am doing best I can not to get up there…