stinkyfungus Member


  • Your point? Never said the the beverage is “good” because it’s organic. Hell, like I said I could care less about the organic label. The whole organic thing is mostly a scam as far as I can see. (Kinda like the low/no carb thing) I drink it because I LIKE it. And considering it does not seem to be costing me anything when…
  • Ummm, I never said some states permit employers to test for nicotine during a pre employment drug screen. Or that the practice was illegal. This fact Is moot. My point (which you seem to have missed) was That evidently what one does these days on their own time, off property, is becoming the business of the employers we…
  • How is this much different from testing for any drugs? Because right now at this moment... Nicotine is legal... and “drugs” ain’t. (Well some states have decriminalized pot) A pre employment drug screening looking for (illegal) controlled substances is reasonable. You aren’t supposed to use those period. A pre employment…
  • This. Back in the day I found It’s a lot easier to kick another 6’ guy in the face with some real power if you limber up a little before you hit the mat. Just sayin’
  • Question is... When you are out doing roadwork as a Keto adherent - How long and hard can you go flat out before you bonk? Are you actually fit? Or do you just look good and maintain a healthy weight? (Neither of Which are unworthy achievements. don’t get me wrong.) But There is a difference. For example: Yesterday’s…
  • I know right? It is pretty counter intuitive. IDGAS about the organic label, I drink it because 1. It actually tastes good. Kinda like guava, and is kinda light and crisp on the palette. Not like fruity mystery syrup typical of other drinks. 2. The sweetener in it is actual cane sugar (not HF corn syrup, not fake…
  • Lean or fat... no one has been dumb enough to get in my face about one or the other. Probably for the best. (For them) 😉
  • And the 84 pounds I’ve lost thus far. (25 to go) 46 grams of sugar every morning in the form of one can of rockstar organic energy. An average over all deficit of 2k cal a day due to exercise let’s you do all sorts of supposedly “bad” things... and still melt fat like an ice cube under a hot faucet.
  • Ummm you mess with my ability to occasionally make SMORES or grill a fresh caught fish over a Smokey wood fire mere yards from where I caught it... and where my bedroll is. You ain’t gonna need to worry about bears...
  • I simply can’t do what I do (that which lights my fire exercise wise) on a Keto diet. So no... for me, Keto = bad I don’t think You find many hardcore cyclists (folks that race, or train like they race and are truly dedicated to the craft - not just using it for “cardio”) doing the low/no carb thing. IMHO, seems That’s a…