Daily Post: October 7 Track: Yes Calories: Over Exercise: None
Username: katchoi October: Week 1 Weigh-in day: Sunday Previous Weight: 231.1 Current Weight: 230.0 Finally back on the right track
Daily Post: October 6th Track: Yes Calories: under Exercise: Ran a 5k (run for the cure)
Daily post: October 5 Track: Yes Calories: under Exercise:yes 5k run/jog
Daily Post October 4 Track: Yes Calories: Yes under Exercise: Yes 5 km jog
Daily post 10/3 Track..Yes Cal..Under Exercise yes ..5km
Daily post: October 2 Track: Yes Calories: under Exercise: yes HIIT
Daily post Oct 1 Track: Yes Calories: under Exercise: 5k jog
Daily Post: September 30th Track: Yes Calories: over :( but tracked so :) Exercise: 50 mins HIIT
Thanks. 😀 looking forward to a good month
Username: katchoi October: Week 1 Weigh-in day: Sundat Previous Weight: 231.1 Current Weight: 231.1
Hello everyone. This is my 3rd month doing the challenge. Did great the first month and not so well the second month. Month goal is to track everything everyday.
Daily Post: Sept 22 Track: Yes Calories: Under Exercise: 5k training 50 min run
Username: Katchoi Weigh in week: Sept week 4 Weigh in day: Sunday PW: 232.5 Todays Weight: 231.1
Daily post: September 21 Track: Yes Calories: under Exercise: yes 30 mins HIIT
Username: Katchoi Weigh in week: Sept week 3 Weigh in day: Sunday PW: 231.7 Todays Weight: 232.5 Not a great week but little tracking doesnt help. Heres to next week
Daily post for Sunday 9/15 Track: Yes Calories: Yes, over Exercise: yes 5k training 4.4 km
Username: Katchoi Weigh in week: Sept week 2 Weigh in day: Sunday PW: 231.7 Todays Weight: 231.1
Daily Post Sunday Sept 8 Track: Yes Calories: Yes, under Exercise: yes HIIT
Daily post: September 7 Track: Yes Calories: under Exercise: yes 5k training 50 mins
Daily post Tuesday, Sept. 6rd Track: Yes Calories: Under Exercise: no
Daily post Tuesday, Sept. 3rd Track: Yes Calories: Under Exercise: yes 50 min 5k training run
Track: Yes Calories: under Exercise: Yes 40 mins of HIIT
Track: Yes Calories: under Exercise: Yes. 51 mins ZR 5k traing week 4
Username: Katchoi Weigh in week: Sept week 1 Weigh in day: Sunday Todays Weight: 231.7
Hello Katchoi here. This us my second month. I did pretty well I think last month. Fell off the tracking wagon at the end but am ready to get back up and keep this weight loss going.
Katchoi Week 5 Sunday PW: 236.1 CW: 233.2
Daily post for 8/24 Track: yes Calories: over Exercise: Yes, running with ZR
Daily post for Friday, Aug. 23rd Track: Yes Calories: under Exercise: yes 35 mins HIIT
Daily post: August 20 Track: Yes Calories: under Exercise: yes 45 min ZR week 3