iisziit Member


  • Breakfast for me today was: glass of water, homemade kombucha drink, 1/2 banana followed by black coffee. That lasted me through morning Hiit class and hoovering after when I got home. Day 22 of my diet I have lost 5.2kg and exercised most days even fitting in a 20K run one of the days this week.
  • My concern is with commercial protein shakes is if it is laced with high amount of lectins (eg soy, other plant legumes - Read the "Plant Paradox") that your body cannot digest causing further health problems. Or if it has been created using GMO ingredients. Also some of these protein shakes on the market are highly priced…
  • I have run approximately 30kms this week (or 18.6miles) whilst intermittently fasting everyday. Therefore who knows as I have been known to run 119kms in a week. Just depends.
  • Hello to everyone out there I am here to make connections, get inspiration and continue my journey of healthy living and finding my happy place in this crazy world. Turned 51 this year and refuse to let that number define me. I love the topic of nutrition and fitness and most days you can find me either at the gym, going…
  • Just finished the days food intake with nori sheets filled with homemade coleslaw, sourghum and wild rice, avocado and tuna then papaya for dessert. Always then have my green tea after.