Meal replacement shakes



  • Luke_rabbit
    Luke_rabbit Posts: 1,031 Member
    whitpauly wrote: »
    boldknee wrote: »
    18 Shake is supposed to be good. I haven't tried it because it includes stevia. Since most people tolerate stevia well, this may work for you.

    One of the reasons I make my own smoothies is because I can start with protein powders that are unsweetened and avoid the now ubiquitous (at least in "diet" foods) stevia.

    How come you don't like stevia? I'm just curious

    Actually stevia decimates my lactobacillus which leads to very unpleasant side effects. It's a known issue with stevia, but seems to only happen to a small number of people. But most people tolerate it well and even find it sweet -- I find it barely sweet.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    whitpauly wrote: »
    boldknee wrote: »
    18 Shake is supposed to be good. I haven't tried it because it includes stevia. Since most people tolerate stevia well, this may work for you.

    One of the reasons I make my own smoothies is because I can start with protein powders that are unsweetened and avoid the now ubiquitous (at least in "diet" foods) stevia.

    How come you don't like stevia? I'm just curious

    I'm not the one you asked, but will reply anyway - I can take stevia in tiny amounts, like when Celestial Seasonings used to put it in some of their teas. It's also ok in my chocolate protein powder. I don't like it in plain protein powder, and my BioChem Natural Whey doesn't include it.

    I don't like it in normal amounts because to me it has a artificial-sweetener like unpleasant taste - chemically sweet, as opposed to sugar-sweet.
  • caprihana
    caprihana Posts: 38 Member
    kbushe3221 wrote: »
    Any one here use them? What do/don’t you recommend? I have liked slim fast and Herbalife so far but just kind of sampling them right now. If you are going to tell me to not use them than please don’t comment at all thanks!

    I'm going to be starting on the Arbonne 30 Healthy Eating Plan which includes protein shakes....I'll let you know how I get on!
  • iisziit
    iisziit Posts: 5 Member
    My concern is with commercial protein shakes is if it is laced with high amount of lectins (eg soy, other plant legumes - Read the "Plant Paradox") that your body cannot digest causing further health problems. Or if it has been created using GMO ingredients. Also some of these protein shakes on the market are highly priced for the average family budget. Therefore, I personally would rather make something to eat knowing exactly what went into it and using this time as an enjoyable informative experience that builds life long healthy behaviours that last long after the fad of dieting has worn off. If time is an issue then prepare your recovery meals or general meals in advance and store either in the freezer or in the fridge to quickly grab. The money you will save doing this can be put toward a better use.
  • kevinemsley
    kevinemsley Posts: 10 Member
    edited October 2019
    "meal replacement shake", isn't that an oxymoron? :-) A shake is simply a 'meal' in liquid form and if it contains the bodies required nutrients, drink them as often as you like. I have been consuming a liquid breakfast and lunch for 3 years now and found that this is an effective means of controlling and reducing the amount of rubbish i eat and thus i have managed to keep approx 20kg off my body. It is nice to have some solids now and then to make use of the teeth and to add some good fibre to the diet.

    oh and if anyone is interested, I use PHD products as I find the taste of their protein powders/diet whet etc to be much more palatable than many others (especially the Orange or Mint Choc)
  • FireyChimera
    FireyChimera Posts: 155 Member
    I don't suggest meal replacement shakes/ drinks at all. We are meant to eat real and nourishing food until we are satisfied :)
  • caprihana
    caprihana Posts: 38 Member
    I don't suggest meal replacement shakes/ drinks at all. We are meant to eat real and nourishing food until we are satisfied :)

    You're absolutely right, in the real world all our nutrients should come from food, and 50 years ago that might have been the case. These days land is over farmed, pesticides are used, and the soil just has got the same nutrients in it. If you want to get everything from food you need to be very rich, and you'd be very bloated. It's a lovely idea, and one I believed in too, but sometimes you have to put aside your beliefs and know that the world is changing.
  • candylilacs
    candylilacs Posts: 614 Member
    Premier Protein. You could buy it on Amazon and Costco. I usually use Vanilla.

    When I'm commuting 90 minutes to my job, and I can use the protein drink and chai tea latte.
  • teresa19622015
    teresa19622015 Posts: 34 Member
    I’m trying to do 5/2 until Christmas and find it hard to eat tiny portions of real food. So I bought some Exante just to use two times a week. I try not to eat too early in the morning and the shakes are fine (have only tried a few) and quite creamy so satisfying. I eat 1500 calories on the other five days. Because I have a limiting eating window and it’s only for a day, I haven’t had trouble keeping to it. I did Cambridge decades ago and couldn’t stick to it day after day.