October 2019 Monthly Running Challenge



  • polskagirl01
    polskagirl01 Posts: 2,014 Member
    @kgirlhart and @katharmonic great races!!!
    I skimmed posts so might've missed someone.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,119 Member
    @ariceroni Very pretty place to run. Sounds like you did great! Glad your foot is better.

    @T1DCarnivoreRunner Not sure I would have had the mental fortitude to do 20 miles on a 1/2 mile track. Good for you. You'll do great in your marathon next week.

    @rheddmobile Sounds like an awesome day! Congratulations on your placement wins!

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,119 Member
    @kirstymm Fingers crossed that the rest did the trick and your ankle is okay.

  • polskagirl01
    polskagirl01 Posts: 2,014 Member
    Thank you, @hamsterwheel6 and @katharmonic for your concern about my knee. It held up well enough for this morning's 5k. I won my age group, with a not particularly speedy 31:27.6. I think I've earned the shirt and represented the Hospital's free race registration adequately.

    The race was along the Fox River, and the water level was high enough that they've closed Walton Island and adjusted the race course. There are footbridges connecting the small islands in the river, and there were 11 Pokestops along the loop from one end of the chain to the other - it was always my most efficient item-gathering location. The benches along the paths were halfway underwater. So that was something to see. Nothing else particularly noteworthy for a race report.

    I'm a bit behind already for the month - keeping the knee working is more important than making big miles for the month.


    Great news about the knee! And the race!
  • Scott6255
    Scott6255 Posts: 2,450 Member
    @autumnblade75 so great that your knee held up well, and you won your AG!
  • Tramboman
    Tramboman Posts: 2,482 Member
    Scott6255 wrote: »
    @autumnblade75 so great that your knee held up well, and you won your AG!

    A win is a win.
  • autumnblade75
    autumnblade75 Posts: 1,661 Member
    Tramboman wrote: »
    Scott6255 wrote: »
    @autumnblade75 so great that your knee held up well, and you won your AG!

    A win is a win.

    No objections. I'm probably better at picking races small enough to claim an award than I am a runner, though. Many didn't stick around for the awards ceremony to claim their medals. It was pretty soggy on the field, and the pavement was pretty crowded. I think the raffle was a bigger draw than the race. It's nowhere near a PR, though, and nothing much to brag about.
  • hamsterwheel6
    hamsterwheel6 Posts: 544 Member
    Thank you, @hamsterwheel6 and @katharmonic for your concern about my knee. It held up well enough for this morning's 5k. I won my age group, with a not particularly speedy 31:27.6. I think I've earned the shirt and represented the Hospital's free race registration adequately.

    The race was along the Fox River, and the water level was high enough that they've closed Walton Island and adjusted the race course. There are footbridges connecting the small islands in the river, and there were 11 Pokestops along the loop from one end of the chain to the other - it was always my most efficient item-gathering location. The benches along the paths were halfway underwater. So that was something to see. Nothing else particularly noteworthy for a race report.

    I'm a bit behind already for the month - keeping the knee working is more important than making big miles for the month.


    Great to hear you managed the race and won your AG! Way to do it!
  • hamsterwheel6
    hamsterwheel6 Posts: 544 Member
    @kgirlhart Congrats on you PR and win! And you beat Peggy 😁
    @katharmonic awesome race as well
    @rheddmobile sounds like a lot of fun and you did great in your race as well...double win!