October 2019 Monthly Running Challenge



  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    @143tobe That is soo awesome that your husband is so enthused!

    BTW, your race photos are excellent also!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    girlinahat wrote: »
    girlinahat wrote: »
    Nike's new ad, dedicated to the back of the pack, worth a watch:

    this may not be the effect that Nike wanted, but all I take from that ad is 'what disgusting human beings who think littering is suddenly okay because they are in a race and someone else is going to clean up after us' #runclean #carrymyown

    If I stop, I usually try to put it available cans. Usually though they put the cans right next to the station and most people grab and keep moving. If I can't get it in the can I try to get it to the side of the road. I've slipped and seen others slip on cups and wrappers before.

    Yeah, the need to have the cans spread out in a line after the water just like they have the cups spread out for picking up. One or two races I have been in have done that and there was much less mess.

    It still all ends up in a landfill though, unless the race at least uses recyclable and recycles.

    this is the problem for me (along with the mentality it breeds). I guess because I only run trail races, it's ingrained in me not to drop litter (most trail races disqualify you for that anyway). The more we can do to reduce the actual single-use litter the better, and that really does need a mentality shift.

    At a recent Half Marathon road race near me, the problem was two-fold. Firstly it's plastic (well done Nike on showing paper cups), and secondly the bottles were all still half-full as they were thrown to the side (water should be considered a precious resource, there are people who do not have access to water and we'd do well to remember that). Also the gel station - I can forgive the plastic bottles, but gel wrappers? No, I can't forgive that. I don't care if it is sticky as you put it into your pocket, it's not like you aren't about to wash that item of clothing after a race.

    Many races out this way (Western US) including the northwest where Nike is headquartered, use compostable 'paper' cups now. The race I was at in Boise did. Although I still made the effort to put them in the bins that were too close to the tables. It was also a pretty small race too with only about 500 runners total across the full and half.
  • eleanorhawkins
    eleanorhawkins Posts: 1,657 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    girlinahat wrote: »
    girlinahat wrote: »
    Nike's new ad, dedicated to the back of the pack, worth a watch:

    this may not be the effect that Nike wanted, but all I take from that ad is 'what disgusting human beings who think littering is suddenly okay because they are in a race and someone else is going to clean up after us' #runclean #carrymyown

    If I stop, I usually try to put it available cans. Usually though they put the cans right next to the station and most people grab and keep moving. If I can't get it in the can I try to get it to the side of the road. I've slipped and seen others slip on cups and wrappers before.

    Yeah, the need to have the cans spread out in a line after the water just like they have the cups spread out for picking up. One or two races I have been in have done that and there was much less mess.

    It still all ends up in a landfill though, unless the race at least uses recyclable and recycles.

    this is the problem for me (along with the mentality it breeds). I guess because I only run trail races, it's ingrained in me not to drop litter (most trail races disqualify you for that anyway). The more we can do to reduce the actual single-use litter the better, and that really does need a mentality shift.

    At a recent Half Marathon road race near me, the problem was two-fold. Firstly it's plastic (well done Nike on showing paper cups), and secondly the bottles were all still half-full as they were thrown to the side (water should be considered a precious resource, there are people who do not have access to water and we'd do well to remember that). Also the gel station - I can forgive the plastic bottles, but gel wrappers? No, I can't forgive that. I don't care if it is sticky as you put it into your pocket, it's not like you aren't about to wash that item of clothing after a race.

    Many races out this way (Western US) including the northwest where Nike is headquartered, use compostable 'paper' cups now. The race I was at in Boise did. Although I still made the effort to put them in the bins that were too close to the tables. It was also a pretty small race too with only about 500 runners total across the full and half.

    Here in southern Spain the only thing they've used in any of the races I've run were plastic bottles, and yes the marathon/HM course particularly was absolutely disgusting with piles of empties after stations by the time I got to them. Being back of the pack and with the sole target of avoiding the sweeper wagon, I have no problem at all with adding a few more metres to approach a bin and throw my empty bottle in it. Then again, I always run with at least one bottle if not more so also have no problem hanging onto it until I can dispose of it properly. Guess those extra few grams of empty plastic would ruin my race time if I was trying for time though.
  • username301
    username301 Posts: 247 Member
    Nike's new ad, dedicated to the back of the pack, worth a watch:


    Nike are pretty good at their marketing.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    edited October 2019
    Rules here seem to be, for road running: grab cup, don't stop (certainly for the front quarter of the pack (for the rest it seems to be stop right in the wrong place so the person behind you collides with you), drink, toss towards bin, if you goes in, great, if not, there are a million volunteers who are there specifically to pick up cups. For trail it seems to be: stop at water stops, fill cup, have a chat with the marshalls, eat a few jelly beans, put cup away, carry on.

    This is my experience too. For trail especially I carry my own bottles and refill. Around here the mantra is "leave nothing but footprints and take nothing but experience."

    The more relaxed nature of ultras and trail is another attraction to them over the road for me.
  • hamsterwheel6
    hamsterwheel6 Posts: 544 Member
    @hamsterwheel6 I used to want to skydive, until when I was getting my private pilots license, my instructor let me go up in a small skydiving plane, just to watch. I was sitting in the floor, buckled in, when he banked the plane to let the divers go out. They climbed out on the wing strut and then let go. All I could think of was that, if I ever tried, he'd have to land with me clinging to the strut. There was no way I'd let go. So, that ended that fantasy.

    See, glad I’m not the only one!

    @143tobe great determination and race! Congrats to both of you...
    @MegaMooseEsq sorry about the cancellation, now you can concentrate for tomorrow! I would probably pick it up and do a virtual race to feel like I earned it.
    @autumnblade75 be careful with that knee...take it easy on the race if you have to. I have a pretty weird gait, my right foot goes outward than in..I try to keep it straight but feels very off...don’t if that can be corrected either
    @zeesparrow Right! Love seeing those times on sprints even if ever so briefly!

    Packet pick up today for the race tomorrow. Temps should be low 60’s to start..Woohoo!
    Rest day, did do a 2 mile walk yesterday, super easy on the legs as I really want to do well.
  • hamsterwheel6
    hamsterwheel6 Posts: 544 Member
    Went to bed Friday evening saying I would do that night's run Saturday morning with no intention whatsoever on following through.

    Well would you credit it, I did it 6am Saturday morning. Thats right teenage me, I got up at 6am on a saturday, through choice.

    1st morning run in at least 3yrs, my watch says its a clear PB (which I put down to my phone/watch playing up). But I did it,.

    Goal for October:
    1. 15runs.......3
    2. 80km.........13km
    3. 8km long...x
    4. PB 5km......Done 5 Oct

    That’s awesome!
  • hamsterwheel6
    hamsterwheel6 Posts: 544 Member
    No run yesterday, did two hours of volleyball instead. It was a company picnic and a group of people started a game and called me and my wife to join them. Since that was better than attempting and falling small talk I went over and of course, my wife joined me. All of our endurance training really paid off as people kept dropping out of the game (temp was in the 90s) too tried to continue and others rotated in to replace them. My wife and I were on the field for every single game and never rotated off.

    When the last game finally ended, we left, which was far better than rejoining the small talk game.

    No run today, have company over. Hope to get a longish run in tomorrow. We will see.

    It certainly does pay off. Sounds like a lot of fun!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,105 Member
    @MegaMooseEsq Sorry about the cancellation, but glad they cancelled early enough for you to just go back to bed. Good luck tomorrow. As for the medal, if I did pick it up, I would definitely do a virtual race to make up for it. I would personally feel bad about having a medal I didn't "earn."

    Great pace for the sprints, @zeesparrow .
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @MegaMooseEsq I'd pick it up and do a virtual race. You paid, you put in the training, you earned it.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,105 Member
    @Squish815 Hope your cold is better and you have a great first HM tomorrow!

    @7lenny7 Hang gliding is something I would love to give a try. Seems a little safer than sky diving. I think I would like the feeling of flying. I used to have dreams that I could fly all of the time. I haven't had those lately. Humm. Wonder why?

    @HonuNui Glad you didn't rage quit. Hugs for your grief and worksuck.