tracydnevins Member


  • Sadly, in nerdville alone. I’m reading a historical nonfiction, to prepare for an online class I’d like to take. But: I did watch SOUL last night and loved it!
  • Hi paper uni!!! I’ve been called “Geeky”, and truly, it would be an honor to be one! You can be the judge. I’m here making round TWO on MFP , hoping something sticks. The Adipose are adorbs, love the bugers! Since Capaldi, I admit I just haven’t been keeping up with the Doc. I’d like to be added to a weight loss group…
  • Thank you!!! I definitely will!!!
  • @Katmary71 Oh no!!!! God bless you!! Multiple surgeries I can’t imagine only in my nightmares!!! My insurance is only going to cover about 20 sessions, so I’ve got to make every single one count!!!
  • @bold_rabbit Thank you for the encouragement!!! They did an assessment yesterday, and I actually start next week. Should be fun with the snow and all!! lol They will combine that with core training to get these muscles going!! I was surprised at the actual strength of my legs! He pulled them straight up for testing the…
  • I think I may have confused people: PT in my case, means physical therapist and not Personal wanted to clarify that. I have a disability, but I want to work getting stronger. Walking would be huge!! Xx
  • @Theoldguy1 I absolutely will cooperate! I do “bed” exercises to help strengthen the core muscles. This may be a bigger issue, however. I have some hardware in my spine that cannot come out, and three new discs ready to pop. Due to a bad fall I had months ago, I am beyond scared to do anything with a PT present. The goal:…
  • I’m also curious. My doctor suggests putting me on synthriod, but I already take a zillion prescriptions. I know it’s gonna be longer and harder to lose at this rate . 8lb lose in 50 days....meh....
  • Its good to know I’m not the only oatmeal lover here! I knew that guy was a loon.
  • It always fits, though it is bit high in carbs, still, it’s very filling. This guy picked FRUIT LOOPS over oatmeal!! Ugh....
  • I DID track... what a disaster!!!!! But, this is ONE DAY!!! If it’s Christmas, Thanksgiving, things like that, I’m gonna splurge! I feel like depriving myself just makes me more likely to give up. I ate almost double in calories. Not good. But tomorrow is a new day. ☀️
  • Thank you @SERmom3 ! Got that figured DebraKgooins....Walking is a challenge at this time, but I do some bed and chair exercise. I’m in need of a new MRI to see if there’s more damage. Weight loss is key to being pain free. I suffer in ways that are unimaginable. It’s causes depression, very bad depression. I…
  • @beacon8 Please send me a friend request!! I’m looking for all kinds of friends, but your case is similar to mine. No wheelchair, but I have extreme pain, and walking is murder. I had major spine surgery, and I’m left essentially with a bionic back. I’m starting PT soon, and hope it helps.
  • Wow Kat!! You’ve been through the ringer!! I’ve had three fusions and exercise is paramount!! I start PT very soon!! Please send me a friend request. It sounds like we may be in the same boat 💗
  • Procolorer: is this a mental thing for me? I’m riding at a 6.1 A1C. The very last thing I want is a whopping case of diabetes!! Was it worth it? It was pretty dang good!! Homemade!! One small slice was 300 calories and tons of sugar and carbs!! Because of spine surgery, I can’t just walk it off. My calories are so…
  • Most definitely need some friends , as a newbie. Pre-diabetic, and literally watching EVERYTHING I eat!!! This is my first honest attempt to lose lbs and get my numbers down. PLUUUEEESSSEEE tell me I’m not alone!! 🌻
  • I’m new also!! Congratulations on your journey!! I’m trying to avoid diabetes, and some days, especially now, can be so difficult!! I’m on 30 days and have lost over 7lbs. One pound at a time. Also....I have serious ortho problems and do water therapy. It’s a SLOW process for me. You are on a great start!!!
  • George Harrison: “What is Love “ 💗 A proud lover The Beatles 😬
  • I’m siblings all have it. Some is just Hereditary. I really hope you can control it without complications.
  • The HOLIDAYS!!!! Thanksgiving won’t be as bad as Christmas. It seems like everyone has expectations, and I hate letting them down! The parties, a taste of this and that. The Dr. said my thyroid was super low, but it was up to me to get on synthriod. More meds. Nah. I HAVE to do this!!!!!
  • Thank you April!! Another horrible start to the AM... meh...but....I’m not going to let the set backs get me down. I wish I had more support here, like someone to do this with!! I’m terrified of diabetes!! I can’t wait to start PT!! I think it makes a world of difference. I have titanium rods in my back, and it’s all…
  • Thanks! I do need a scale, but for now, I’m measuring everything!! Also, I’m seeing a nutritionist. Still, oi! I really got upset by going over yesterday on the carbs. I still had plenty of calories, but since I can’t burn them with regular exercise at the moment, I try to stay under.