HowardJustice Member


  • I Read this again. Thanks for sharing. Good to hear from those who have been successful over a longer time. Quite encouraging. I graduated from cardiac rehab (after 4 stents) for about 12 weeks losing about 20 and focusing on cardio not weights. Goal is drop 60 lbs to 180. Eating habits of a lifetime are ext. difficult to…
  • Yep. I mix w various concoctions of no sugar yogurt, various milks, almonds slivered, oatmeal, purple berries, and let sit overnight. Chia expands similar to tapioca. Breakfast snack or a dessert. The dark chocolate recipe didn’t turn out too well. 🤔. And yes too many recipes on line.
  • Agreed. You can do this. The way I looked at my health issue: it is the ultimate motivation. But yes. There are some tough days.