Hi everyone.

Just looking at the post. I have been dieting or changing my diet for health reasons. It's so frustrating not being able to eat what you always eaten before. I've lost a little over 30 lbs but I seem to be stuck. I frustrated as I sit here and my wife is eating so-mores and I'm drinking water with lemon. My Doctors have me on a very strict diet and I fighting it tooth and nail. I guess having two strokes in a ten day period is one way to get the doctors attention. I'm not complaining I'm just not used to someone telling what I can and what I can't eat. Oh and the bonus is my daughter is a Cardiac ICU nurse. Will be talking latter. Jim


  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,222 MFP Moderator
    You've got this, Jim. :)
  • HowardJustice
    HowardJustice Posts: 8 Member
    Agreed. You can do this. The way I looked at my health issue: it is the ultimate motivation. But yes. There are some tough days.
  • jenncornelsen
    jenncornelsen Posts: 969 Member
    It can be especially hard when your partner is not following the same plan as you. I asked my husband to not bring junk food in the house in the beginning, it was just too hard to resist. Try to focus on feeling better, having more energy? Whatever positives you can will help keep you going!