dddankur Member


  • Hello hello. I've been on an off from mfp for 4-5 years. Sometimes it helped, sometimes just overwhelmed me. Anyhow, I'm back at it once again! Welcome aboard friend, feel free to add me as well.
  • To get below 92kgs. i plateaued for a month and then eventually got frustrated and gave up. went to 94 in the next 15-20 days. Finally reeling it back in. Not seeing success on scale sometimes gets into your head. Especially if you're trying hard.
  • Hello. I'm 25. I started at 235. currently 209 in roughly three months. welcome to the journey.
  • Also, what an amazing thread this is haha.
  • I've been called fat since I was 5. I was born this way. Didn't choose to be obese. I'm into sports, play 2-3 of them at intermediate level and generally good at it. But that's still not enough. I'm considered unhealthy because of my apprearance. Every third person comes up and gives me this "super-best-awesome-proper"…
  • around 4 years ago i lost 40 pounds and was inches away from a healthy BMI i guess. Then exams came, i stopped working on my health. then vacation from college. I couldnt believe that after working so hard, killing my cravings at night and so much more, a was back to square one. cut to present. I had gained 15 more pounds.…
  • Toxic relationship with food? tell me about it. I can cook a bomb meal and crave specific foods all the time. And its always the unhealthy fat sodium blob of absolute deliciousness that you crave haha. but in the past two months, all i've learnt is that it gets better with time. yesterday night i bought this thing i as…
  • Slightly disagree with you man. I've battled with my weight all my life. Losing some excess weight in the beginning is a good push for me. I play sports. It's difficult for me to run around with the weight I have. I've started and given up at least 20 times! More than 20 serious tries! I will keep increasing the amount of…
  • Thank you everyone. I'm not starving myself at all haha. During the window I'm looking forward for either good healthy options or something that I really really wanted. I cook a lot. So good food is always around. But this time I'm in it for the long haul. Best part about IF is that if it's absolutely important, I can go…
  • Hello! I'm 24, M(5'11). A few days ago I was diagnosed with slip disc and a minor fracture in one of the discs in my spinal cord. I weigh 110kgs(242lbs). Need to lose 30kgs(66lbs). I was into sports and have used this app frequently in the past, but recently lost track of everything in my life and landed up here. LOL.…
  • Same thing happened with me. I was eating 1200 calories a day(less than 1/3 of what I used to eat before I started dieting) and my weight loss stopped for a while. But you need to push through it. If you're doing it right, then give yourself at least 4+ days before pressing the panic button in my opinion. Within 5 days…
  • I bought a kitchen scale and it helps a lot! Also, once you get the hang of it, you can just wing it. Allso, 5 grams here and there don't effect me much to be honest. I'm only human. Cheers!
  • Hello, I'm 24, M. I was diagnosed with slip disc and a minor fracture in one of the discs in my spinal cord. I weigh 110kgs(242lbs). I was into sports and have used this app frequently in the past, but recently lost track of everything in my life and landed up here. LOL. Anyways, negativity aside, I'm still hopeful that…
  • I've been told to be on strict bed rest for the first ten days, and then they'll tell me how to go about the exercise and other things. So waiting for that. Also, a lot of my friends are suggesting yoga to me. I'll give it a go!
  • Hello everyone, I'm 24, M from India. Two days ago I was diagnosed with slip disc and a minor fracture in one of the discs in my spinal cord. I weigh 110kgs(242lbs). I was into sports and have used this app frequently in the past, but recently lost track of everything in my life and landed up here. LOL. Anyways, negativity…