Below freezing. I'm in ohio and up til this week it's been freezing amd I have to take my toddler with me.
Honestly im lazy, I'm going to be getting a treadmill soon so that will help or when it finally warms up outside.
I'm 32, if I ate 1500 calories a day I would gain even more weight.
What would my tdee be? I'm 4'10" 151lbs and am not active
I dont exercise, the most activity I do is cleaning. I have some hormone issue. My acth is low as well as my thyroid but they won't treat it. I have gained 40lbs in the last year on 1200 calories. I was on birth control for 2 months and lost 30lbs eating the exact same, had to stop the birth control and gained it all back…
No it was correct, my bmr is 1280 so it's already not much of a deficit..
I had been counting calories already at 1200 and was still gaining weight, I started 14-10 IF at the same calories and I've lost 5 lbs
My doctor is aware and isn't concerned, it has always been like this no matter my weight.
So if my normal bo is already low, averages around 80 over 40, would losing the water weight drop it more?
If 5'5" is short what am I at 4'10" lol
yes. I was diagnosed by an endocrinologist. The birth control pills helped all of my symptoms and I was losing weight without dieting or anything, but after trying 4 different brands and them all causing daily migraines, they took me off of it for fear of a stroke and I can't use anything with estrogen in it.
Thats my other problem. I have dentures and can't chew well at all. I can't eat lettuve or anything like that and celery is too hard. I can eat steamed broccoli or carrots but no greens.
All of the symptoms started immediately after the tubal, i dont know of they placed the clips too close to the ovaries or something but I didn't have pcos prior.
If carbs make me bloated would I lose more weight at least cutting out bread or pasta
I want 100lbs. I was 120 after having my son in 2017, had my tubes tied and it caused pcos and I gained 47lbs. I was 167 lbs and started birth control and lost 22lbs without changing anything. Due to migraines I can no longer take birth control and the weight is coming back. I get really bloated for hours after eating any…
thats my question, I had it at 2lbs a week and it said 1200, I changed it to 1 and it still says 1200, if I put maintain it says 1500.