PlaneMonkey Member


  • Hi team! I'm Courtney in Québec Canada, a federal public servant who, as of this morning, is no longer on strike! Picketing in the cold and rain hasn't been good for my health, and I'm definitely feeling run down as a result. Poor snacking choices and avoiding drinking water to limit the need to use porta-potties have…
  • CW 194.8 😞 Haven't been able to catch up on posts. So much on the go. Miss you guys! Hopefully the weekend will be better
  • @micki48 what a yard! I can imagine the party we would have. I'm so excited for you to finally be settled again and the upheaval to be reduced so you can get back to focusing on everything you had to put on hold while dealing with everything over the last year and a bit. @ashleycarole86 a second peloton is such a perfect…
  • So projects will have to slow down and a bit as I'm included in the federal workers strike that's currently in progress in Canada. Being on strike will definitely affect the budget for a bit. I walked the picket line for nearly 4 hours today in winter-like conditions. I didn't bring a chair with me thinking at my fitness…
  • @DD265 I definitely could have used your help with those rocks. This pile: Became a 14" height extension to my 20ft retaining wall. Here's the before and after. I have to order gravel for the backfill so there will be more rocks to move around! Come on by....
  • CW 193.2. Bad food decisions happened the last 2 days so I haven't managed to get back to March's successful numbers. Physical activity is ramping up, I collected 3 truckloads of field stones from a neighbor and I will be making a higher retaining wall with them at my driveway this morning, and tomorrow is a other 2 back…
  • PW isn't a must, but it helps us to know if we should offer a thumbs up or a hug, depending on the way the numbers went! Congrats on the loss! Keep up what you're doing that's working for you
  • PW = previous weight
  • @carlsoda gallbladder issues are so much more common than you would think. My mother and sister as well as several of my girlfriends have had theirs out. No side effects for anyone. Let us know when your surgery is happening, we will be your cheering squad! @eggfreak you are so smart with the seltzer and having food…
  • 193.4 That's yesterday's weight cause today is even worse! Power is back on, we have water and the laundry train has left the station! Time to get back to enjoying the weekend. Hopefully with a little more food control
  • @jugar I'd like to push my weigh in until tomorrow. Some food has not transited out as I had hoped! 😉 We are still without power, but our generator is giving us heat from the pellet stove and entertainment as the tv and internet are still working. We have a gas stove so we can cook on the stovetop and boil water for…
  • @jugar the weather is nuts! We've been without power since 11am and lots of trees are down all over. My tabata class tonight was cancelled due to the weather, hopefully things will recover by tomorrow so hockey isn't cancelled Eating has not been fantastic as I'm limited for cooking methods. It's carbs central here. It…
  • I totally get you @Gidgitgoescrzy, my brain is the same! I want to exercise in the evenings, even just a few planks and simple weights, nothing I even need to change my outfit for... But no. I continue to sit on the couch and binge watch tv until bedtime. And then scroll on my phone instead of sleep. Ugh. Progress needs to…
  • Hi team, I'm Courtney, a former aircraft maintenance engineer turned civil servant writing policy on civil aviation. It has been a lot of career shifting over the past years from an active job crouching and crawling and walking thousands of steps a day to then working from home at a desk for two years, to now being…
  • Good catch! Lol Caught me in a space cadet moment. We got fresh snow on the ground so it definitely can't be may! See you in the APRIL chat thread. 😉
  • CW 190.6 PW 191.4 Hopefully this trend will continue and I can see a new decade in April. My exercise next month is set to increase so I'm going to do my best to not let my portion sizes follow! Hockey last night was super intense. The team I was a spare player for asked me to play forward so I was a bit of a chicken with…
  • Welcome @Natroushka! That's a perfect intro to give us an idea of you. If you're curious about any of us you can go back to the first couple of pages of this month and read our intros there, and we will do it again when May's chat thread opens up soon. Exactly how many critters are we talking? And congrats on keeping…
  • Thoughts are with you @jugar. Those trips are never ideal. Lots of hugs.
  • Broke student mentality just got the best of me. I'm at ikea and when you spend over $150 in home furnishings, your meal in the restaurant is free, up to $75.... So 'broke student' me of COURSE had to get the most value I could and order way more food than I needed to be satisfied. I haven't been a broke student for nearly…
  • @MoonlitMuse new shoes will make you feel like you're floating! Especially after 3000 miles in the old ones. I love that new shoe feeling.
  • @lauren_989 I did a 5k in the Toronto Zoo once. It was great! The zoo layout had a surprising amount of stairs and the lure of stopping to watch the zebras almost won over my desire for a certain finish time. The inclusion of zoo passes means you can leisurely return to the exhibits you want after the race. @jugar I'm glad…
  • @lauren_989 good job with the race! Was it windy? A runway is a big open field and the wind can come whipping through and hit pretty hard. We've got a storm brewing here now, it's going to be 50km/h gusts with snow this evening. Friends invited us over for dinner but it's a half hour drive and it's just not worth the risk…
  • CW 191.4 too bad about that hiccup last week but I'm back on track in the Green. I hope to get 4 weeks this month at least instead of all 5. Have a great weekend Ashely and Brad! @micki48 sending all the good vibes your way! A friend got me hooked on a French language podcast that as I'm listening to it, they keep bringing…
  • @jugar I can't say I've ever had an emotional response to exercise like you've just described but I'm intrigued! usually I'm just cursing my trainer based on the exercises they've decided to include (full squat thrusters I'm looking at you!) My tabata class this week and last were cancelled as the gym wasn't available but…
  • CW 193.2 Wasn't able to flush out the excess salt to get a green week. I'm recommitting to green next week. Water consumption will be up and portion sizes down! Non-scale victory: I noticed the beginnings of ab definition when I glanced in the mirror today! The added exercise is paying off!
  • Well... My prediction was correct... The scale was ugly this morning. So I'm gonna just pretend it didn't happen and try again tomorrow. Today is the day of ALL GREEN, St Patrick's day (which I understand is celebrated outside of Ireland WAY MORE than in Ireland where it's supposed to be founded - am I right?) Have a good…
  • Hockey was fantastic, over 16 minutes at my high intensity heart rate level and 31 minutes at the threshold, but it might not be enough to compensate for some meal choices earlier in the day... We shall see what the morrow brings! 6 hours to sleep before getting up for the commute to the office. Fun fun!!
  • @eggfreak You are strong, you are loved, and we are here for you. I'm glad you find moments of peace in connecting with the group chat. I really like to end my day reading the adventures, struggles and triumphs of the team before bed. it helps me reset and plan for an even better day the next morning.
  • I just received a notification that my Tabata class on Wednesday is cancelled as the school gym won't be available this week, and this is also the week that I have no hockey game. :( I'm going to have to make up my own exercise this week and make sure I don't just sit on the couch every evening. there's not even much snow…