kiwilimeade Member


  • @ythannah very true. I wish they would do the dietician support again. I remember an episode where the woman claimed 3 or so times that she lost that reading material describing the diet and that's why she kept failing LOL
  • I have found my people! Love watching 1000 lb sisters, haven't been keeping up on the current season of 600lb but will return to it soon. I wonder how closely monitored they really are. From what is shown, the first month or two of their journey the people on 600lb life are often living in a different state than Dr. Now…
  • I just find a way to fit them in. I've been craving sushi for a while, so I pre planned when I was going to buy and eat it. Yesterday my boyfriend was eating chips while we watched tv and I could not ignore the yummy cheddar scent of them. I tried to ignore the craving but could tell I felt like I was really depriving…
  • I agree with the other commenters saying "maintenance range". Try to eat at maintenance for a while to determine how your weight fluctuates. I know mine can fluctuate a lot due to sodium intake and where I am in my monthly cycle (both water weight, I think), so when I'm maintaining I keep my goal weight in the middle and…
  • I love soda! Actually grew up on diet but then learned to love regular soda, oops. I'm cutting back now. I still drink some regular soda if I'm sharing with my partner, but now I measure it out and limit how much I drink. Otherwise, I'm going back to diet version now. I have soda once a week on average.
  • I don't think that's possible. When we make our own recipe, MFP doesn't know how we cook the meal. When we cook something, especially soups and chilis, water evaporates. That changes the weight and volume of the total dish, so MFP can't accurately count calories per cup or cups per dish even though you've input the…
  • Walking in home depot! I love that. I think it's the wood shavings smell in that store that I love so much. :smile: I can't do my exercise walking in stores cause I just end up shopping/standing in aisles looking at junk more than moving. Haha
  • Can you try walking inside when the weather is bad? I do that when it's too dark after work to go for a walk on weekdays. I live in a small apartment but can still do small loops around the room or march in place while watching tv.
  • @JustaNoob that's unfortunate but good to know. Thanks! Maybe I'll try it as a dessert alternative but not think of it as "ice cream".
  • We usually buy Umpqua brand. I've found it's a good value and very creamy. Would love to do ben and jerry's but i hate paying so much for the little container. Does anyone do the all banana homemade ice cream? I've heard it's a good substitute, and I've been thinking about trying it so I can eat more ice cream for the same…
  • Welcome! I had a 15lb goal and 10lb left to lose now. We can do this!
  • Good luck! I've also been doing a lot of sitting and snacking during this pandemic. :smile: Actually now that I've started, I think during "stay at home" is the best time for me to be losing weight. Less social eating happening these days.
  • Feel free to add me too. I just joined last week and am also trying to log daily.
  • I use sweet potatoes as an easy healthy snack. Pierce and microwave about 5 minutes, top with a little salt, pepper, and lots of spice, alternating what spice to keep it interesting - cumin or turmeric are my favorites.