gloriawrightcook Member


  • Becky, oh no, are you doing okay? That sounds very painful. Could it be a hamstring issue? Did you get any rain? We haven't had any in weeks either, but yesterday we got some finally! It was so hot yesterday, and humid! There have been tons of nasty gnats, seems like millions, but probably thousands. Today weather is…
  • Hello!!! Becky, it is really dry here too. So many leaves have just dried up and fallen. But here and there is some really pretty fall color. It is around 85 here today but then that front is coming through and it will be in the high 60s on Saturday. I know that is not as cold as where you are. I've been enjoying my…
  • Good Morning! Okay, now we are having some really cool weather here! Today it is 77 and overnight it is supposed to be in the 40s! The 40s, WOW! That will be an adjustment because last week when I ran it was in the 70s when I ran! Saturday I ran at the track, just a 5K with an additional mile (walking) to warm up and a…
  • It was 99 degrees here yesterday! Ugh! My run in the morning was pretty warm too and so humid, so it wasn't that great. But we will also have cooler weather starting tomorrow. Highs will be in the 70s/80s with lows in the 50s/60s, so it will be much better for running. We don't have any 40s coming up just yet, maybe later…
  • Hello! Oh Becky, I am so glad for you that you are feeling great and have made it a year. I know to you it probably seems like it has been a long time but to me it seems like it has flown by. I agree with you so much about PT. I would like to do more PT myself but it is so pricey. And yahoo on the run at the lake! One step…
  • Hi There!!!!! Hope everyone is doing well! Becky, we finally have some relief from the humidity so it isn't quite as bad. It is supposed to get to 83 today and 87 tomorrow and maybe a bit more humid again, but I think after that we will also be seeing some lower temps and lower humidity. I can handle the heat but that…
  • Signing up for Tenacious GR8TERS, thank you!
  • Hey!!! Great to hear from you Becky! It's still pretty hot and humid here, but it could be worse. It's only 88 today, pretty humid, and it's supposed to be in the 90s and humid for a few days. Pretty normal for here though - the average temperature for today is 84 so it is a tad warmer than the average but at least it is…
  • Hello! It's been a busy day here. I did my strength training this morning. For some reason today, everything hurts, not because of the strength training, but just in general. I should probably do some yoga to loosen up some things, especially my lower back and hamstrings. Becky, kids here went back to school on August 1st.…
  • Happy Monday! The weather here has been okay - some rain on and off (but sometimes just a lot of lightning and no rain), super hot and humid, but for us, it is just summer weather. Saturday and Sunday were a lot better, not as hot and not as humid - it was 91 yesterday and that is average for us. So pretty much perfect…
  • It continues to be hot and humid here, but sometime later this week, we are supposed to get the somewhat cooler and less humid weather. Forecast for my 5K this Saturday is supposed to be amazing at about 62 degrees. Becky, I have also noticed the daylight becoming less. Plus, school started here a week ago and so I have to…
  • Just stopping by for a minute to say that I found a training plan to use. I don't know if I will do the half marathon or not but I will start the training - I told it I am a beginner. I might as well be. Gone are the days of the 2:20 half marathon. I don't know if I will ever get back there or not. So today it had me run…
  • Summer is definitely flying by! School started here on Monday. That means when I run I need to be kind of careful on my routes because of the traffic patterns, and it kind of limits some of the places where it is okay to go because of traffic. It's so hard finding longer routes around here. It is NOT pedestrian or bike…
  • Hi All! A couple of days ago I took my new Sauconys to the track for some speed intervals. I have had this model and version of shoe so I knew it wouldn't be a problem - probably not even a break in period needed. Today I ran my neighborhood in them. I would have expected to be faster today - it was hot but not humid, but…
  • Hi Sharon! So glad that you are recovering, you have really been able to stay active! I have to tell you, I have had the worst of luck the Garmin and walking on the treadmill. When I walk on it, the Garmin pretty much doesn't even register. I have a Garmin 645 and it says I am doing a 40 min/mile (or not moving at all),…
  • Y'all just have to tell you about my shoe - one of my Saucony shoes. I was running on Tuesday and it was making a noise but I didn't want to stop to look at it so I just kept going. Later on that day I went for a walk with my BFF and I was wearing those shoes and it was making the noise so I stopped to check it out. Half…
  • Hello Friends!!!!! Em, I was at a Fleet Feet running group a couple of weeks ago and I tried some new Asics. Can't remember what kind they were but they had way more cushion than I am used to! I wasn't sure if I liked them. They were comfy and with my joint and connective tissue issues, probably some cushion wouldn't be a…
  • Hi Em! What kind of Saucony shoes do you wear? I wear Altra shoes sometimes, they have a zero heel drop and a wide toe box. For Saucony I wear Freedoms, and am still in one of the older models, which have a 4 mm heel drop. I don't really consider either shoe a minimalist shoe and would love any insights anyone has on this.…
  • Hi Em! So happy to see you here! We are still here, please visit us whenever you are able! I am still running a bit, not as much, have had to back off a bit and slower too but still working it! I am actually doing a 4 mile race next weekend. It is supposed to be brutally hot. Well, it has been brutally hot for about the…
  • Becky, I have been clamoring to put in a garden but everyone tells me that the deer (and other critters) will just eat it, and that is probably true, but food is definitely getting super expensive. I did speedwork the other day, first time I've done that in a long time. It was at the track. Now my fast pace is the pace…
  • I had a good run this morning, still super duper slow but it was RUNNING, so hey, I am happy. It is still very humid but way less oppressive than it was, and there was a nice breeze so it actually felt rather pleasant. I am going to walk with my friend later.
  • Becky, sounds like you are having a good and busy summer! Sometimes raccoons will get into the birds nests. They will get the eggs, and the grown birds too, if they can. My sister in Michigan said her tomatoes aren't doing so great this year either. My BFF here said her tomatoes are doing great but none of her other stuff…
  • Hellooooo!!!!! Sorry, I don't get here as often lately, it just seems like I get busier and busier all of the time. I have been running outside, but very little. With this heat and humidity, it is pretty unbearable, even in the early mornings. I think we are supposed to get some relief from this for a couple of days. I…
  • Sharon, just a few more days before your surgery - I know you will be happy to get that behind you so you can get back outside. Six weeks isn't too bad for recovery time. And gosh, I am so impressed with how you have been able to get your running done anyway! I was discharged from the wound care clinic yesterday! Yay! I…
  • Hi there!!! Glad to hear from you Becky! I can't imagine what it would be like running in Florida, it is so humid there...although from talking to my friend down there in Orlando, it is often a lot worse here, so I don't know, we seem to all get our share of that weather I guess! In fact, it is very hot and humid here…
  • Happy Friday EVE!! Becky sounds like you are doing so well! I am so very glad for you. I know you have been working hard to recover from your surgery, and then having your knees hurt on top of that. You are making such great progress. Yes, the heat and humidity here seems to be never ending. It looks like we will get a…
  • Good Morning! The weather here is beyond hot. The heat index/feels temp yesterday got up to 112 degrees. It is really too hot to run. Yesterday I walked and today I did a run/walk/run for a couple of miles, then walked the rest of the way home. It was already in the 80s when I left the house with heat index/feels like in…
  • Good Morning Everyone! It is so hot and humid here. But it is normal so I just need to get used to it. I did a short run, then walked for a bit. Had rheumatologist today as well. Thankfully don't need to see her again until July.
  • Hi Everyone! Spring challenge was indeed a challenge as I was bitten by a brown recluse spider that had me hospitalized for a few days. Now, six weeks later, I am undergoing wound care for the itsy bitsy spider bite - it is putting a damper on my summer fun and they tell me it could be months or even a couple of years…
  • It was pretty nice here when I got outdoors, a bit warm for that early in the morning but the humidity was still low and there was such a nice breeze. Now it is so humid and there will be rain and storms later. I need to back off the distances with my running and focus on building my endurance back up so I decided to do a…