christyc1256 Member


  • I'd love to join Rain Dancers again!
  • I am an emotional eater, I too will focus on the HALT method. I think tired is the worst one for me - if I am tired and would like to nap but cant - I go for food (and/or coffee) instead. I am working very hard on sticking to just one coffee a day and then switching to tea. I drink tea black no sugar so it is much better…
  • My meal planning - try to meet my protein goal at least 5 days a week, every week otherwise to eat what I want but stay under my calorie goal. I'm going to plan out and stick to at least 5 meals per week every week as that seems to help me stay on track.
  • Goals - Log all of my food - Exercise at least 30 minutes every day and a minimum of 60 minutes strength training per week - Drink at least 40 oz of water every day
  • My goal for 2024 is to get back to healthy habits. In 2023 I let some of it slip so back to basics for me - track everything I eat, exercise every day, drink enough water, get enough sleep.
  • How many 5% Challenges have you done? This will be my first What do you like to do for fun? I read a lot, I am doing my first book challenge this year. Otherwise still trying to find what I like to do :smile: What major city do you live in or near? State? Alberta - Canada What are you health/fitness goals for this season?…
  • New to this challenge - let me know what you need for me to sign up for a team - thanks!
  • I love the Rainbow Plant Life site for recipes, here are some of her high protein options. if you eat eggs, you could probably add an egg to some of these to up the protein - all of her recipes are vegan. this peanut tempeh is very good as well…
  • These are two of my favourites, I am sure they would be similar calories if you swap the fake meat for real meat :) Also 3 medium sized slices of Mediterranean pizza with a salad is about 630 calories Or I make a bowl with brown rice, salad greens, avocado, edamame and a chipotle lime dressing for around 500 calories.
  • My sunglasses were all of a sudden too big!
  • i pre log for the day if I am planning on eating differently than I usually do. I often eat the exact same things for multiple days so if it is a standard day I just log at the end of the day as I know what the day will look like any way. If I add or change anything I can see what the impact was after entering.
  • I find having chopped veggies to grab as snacks is helpful - you can do it at the start of the week to have them for the rest of the week. Also keeping salad ingredients prepped and ready to go so you can throw a quick salad together. I wash and dry greens, chop radish, cucumbers, etc. Some things you have to do as you…
  • I had 50 to lose, people started commenting after I was about 15 pounds down.
  • It took me a while to get to post the 'I'm done dieting' before and after. I did post a face before and after when I was close to done. I have been in maintenance for almost 2 months. So far so good. I was 175 - 180ish to start and now 125. I am 5'1 and 47. Now I am working on increasing my strength - I have been doing…
  • Today I got a new one. I ran into a person at the gym that I havent seen in a few months and they said 'oh you lost a lot of weight, too bad your calves are still so big'. I just had to laugh, I mean who does that - yes, I DO have big calves so I guess they were just pointing out the obvious but it is surprising that…
  • It is a very fun challenge with amazing people!
  • Chips and portion control ha ha! I have been a vegetarian (who hates eggs and avoids dairy) for more that 30 years and have been thin and overweight and now just got back to normal bmi. I still eat all the same foods I used to, just now in moderation - I used to eat chips for lunch (and sometimes dinner) and nothing else…
  • 2021 vs 2022 still 15 - 20 lbs to go but feeling better!
  • I think you need to be ready for a lifestyle change and want the end result more than you want to keep things the same. For me it helped to just tell people. In the past I wouldn't really say I was trying to make a change in case I failed. This time I told friends and family and it makes me stay on track, I said I would so…
  • Tempeh chili. I have been scared of tempeh as the process to make it sounds kind of gross. I really need to up my protein though and it is packed with protein! The night before I made the chili, I marinated the tempeh in 1/4 cup bbq sauce and the adobo sauce from a can of chipotle chilis. I am adding tempeh to my chili…
  • Round 160 – Aug 20 - Aug 29 I started at 173 in July, reduced calories which forced smarter choices and getting some exercise. Goal for these 10 days, lose 1-2 pounds and get better at drinking water. Day/Weight/Comment 8/20 - 168 lb / 8/21 - 166 lb/ retaining water yesterday faulty scale, not sure. I did drink water but…
  • I have been doing the 16:8 plan for about 30 days. I honestly dont know if it is helping as I have also reduced calories - it does make it easier to not snack at night. The first few days were rough because it was habit to have a coffee (with cream) first thing but now I drink tea (black) first thing. I havent been hungry…
  • Round 160 – Aug 20 - Aug 29 I started at 173 in July, reduced calories which forced smarter choices and getting some exercise. Goal for these 10 days, lose 1-2 pounds and get better at drinking water. Day/Weight/Comment 8/20 - 168 lb / 8/21 - 166 lb/ retaining water yesterday faulty scale, not sure. I did drink water but…
  • Round 160 – Aug 20 - Aug 29 I started at 173 in July, reduced calories which forced smarter choices and getting some exercise. Goal for these 10 days, lose 1-2 pounds and get better at drinking water. Day/Weight/Comment 8/20 - 168 lb / 8/21 - 166 lb/ retaining water yesterday faulty scale, not sure. I did drink water but…
  • Round 160 – Aug 20 - Aug 29 Hi, I started at 173 in July, reduced calories which forced smarter choices and getting some exercise. Goal for these 10 days, lose 1-2 pounds and get better at drinking water. Day/Weight/Comment 8/20 - 168 lb / 8/21 - 166 lb/ retaining water yesterday faulty scale, not sure. I did drink water…
  • Round 160 – Aug 20 - Aug 29 Hi, I started at 173 in July, reduced calories which forced smarter choices and getting some exercise. Goal for these 10 days, lose 1-2 pounds and get better at drinking water. Day/Weight/Comment 8/20 - 168 lb / 8/21 - 166 lb/ retaining water yesterday faulty scale, not sure. I did drink water…
  • Hi I don't know how to filter the recipes. I am vegetarian, I avoid dairy and I don't like eggs so eat pretty close to vegan. After 30 years of vegetarian eating, I have finally decided to work on getting enough protein. I am having a hard time finding enough without carbs. Black soybeans, edemame and tempeh are lower carb…
  • Round 160 – Aug 20 - Aug 29 I started at 173 in July, reduced calories which forced smarter choices and getting some exercise. Goal for these 10 days, lose 1-2 pounds and get better at drinking water. Day/Weight/Comment 8/20 - 168 lb / 8/21 - 166 lb/ retaining water yesterday faulty scale, not sure. 8/22 - 166 lb / I still…
  • Round 160 – Aug 20 - Aug 29 Hi, I started at 173 in July, reduced calories which forced smarter choices and getting some exercise. Goal for these 10 days, lose 1-2 pounds and get better at drinking water. Day/Weight/Comment 8/20 - 168 lb / 8/21 - 166 lb/ retaining water yesterday faulty scale, not sure. I did drink water…
  • Round 160 – Aug 20 - Aug 29 Hi, I am pretty new, I still don't know what alot of the abbreviations mean:) I started at 173 in July, reduced calories which forced smarter choices and getting some exercise. Goal for these 10 days, lose 1-2 pounds and get better at drinking water. Day/Weight/Comment 8/20 - 168 lb / does tea…