mvarga1972 Member


  • Good morning Ladies! 😄 Carol ~ hugs, love & prayers to you!!! Rebecca ~ my brother has 2 of those “lap dogs” they are the sweetest! ☺️🥰♥️ Have an amazing Hump Day!!!! It’s warming up here so I’m hoping to walk outside tonight! Fingers crossed!😁🤞😏😊 Missy 🌸🌺 in Indiana ☺️😊
  • Good afternoon ladies!!! Sounds like we go from crazy busy days to relaxing & laid up days, with everything in between. Love it! I love the pictures! Those deer are amazing. We get a lot outside of my work & around home too. I think they are beautiful unless they come near my car, then not so much. 😂🤣 Have a wonderful day…
  • Good afternoon Ladies! Sorry I missed the new thread until today. I am super excited because I finally found where I can see the thread on my phone!!! Before I had to look at it on my computer when I was at work, so I wasn’t as active as I could be. I really enjoyed the February thread, lol! Yes it’s been that long, I…
  • Hi ladies! I'm Missy from Indiana :) I'm a mom of two boys. My oldest is graduating this year and my youngest is 13. They keep me busy & on my toes. I'm turning 50 in June, woo hoo! :wink: We are bracing for another storm here in Indiana today, who knows if we will actually get what they say but :smirk: Have a Blessed Day!
  • I totally feel your pain! I also have a sugar addiction & have been fighting it for years. One of the main things that has helped me in the past year, surprising as it is LOL, reading labels for hidden sugars. They are every where! I even did a modified Whole30 to help cut my sugar addiction. It did really help! Then I…