
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,447 Member
    faithcreek wrote: »

    I saw this ❤️ I have 7 strawberries to be planted I have a old tin tub I might use?

    That could work.

    My strawberries are in planter boxes around the railing at the front door.

    Machka in Oz
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,226 Member
    Faith be careful of the drainage. An old tub that's deep enough or has drainage holes should work for strawberries. Sounds like it would be pretty!

    Annie in Delaware
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,194 Member
    Still want to post a picture of my view of one of the NM fires but still not working. Oh well.

    RvRita in Roswell, NM
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,226 Member
    Katla Hope it goes smoothly. There are all sorts of powers of attorney they do nowadays. Good for you getting all that settled.

    Annie in Delaware
  • minicooper452
    minicooper452 Posts: 640 Member
    Glad you found us again Missy! I have a calendar remindar with the montly link. I have to change it when we get to the next month. The phone app is just to small for me to see and I'm on my computer all day anyway.

    That recipe sounds wonderful Rebecca! Kind of like a jambalaya I make for Mardi Gras. IS THAT REALLY a deer just resting in front of your house? I love it! We have our family of "big dogs" (we call them) living in the neighborhood and they wander through from time to time. Most days I don't catch them because they're very early or late. Now here's one from last fall where mama came in and sat for awhile in the backyard. It was GLORIOUS. So Blessed to have her there.

    Good luck Carol!

    I'm so glad you're getting out and back to having some "fun" with friends Betsy! Enjoy.

    WOW Heather! Well done.

    Welcome ALL newbies!

    Nothing really new here. Just work and life. Take care.

    Carla, in MN
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,691 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Morning all! Happy Tuesday!
    Lisa- Did Levi have his Easter pic taken at a library, bookstore, or school? That red bunny, looks a lot like Clifford the Big Red Dog with bunny ears attached! lol And a chicken tractor? Never heard of it! All I could imagine is a small gentle combine type tractor that scooped up your runaway chickens and put them in a hopper/tractor bed to carry them to their chicken coop! lol
    Rebecca- Love the video of Athena singing! She is mesmerized by the lights on the kareoke machine. Curious, is she singing Beyonce's All the Single Ladies? "Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh..." Love your pic of Norway as well. I was eyeing some baskets (like the one pictured) at the living history show I went to last month. Oh and that doe looks like she knows a safe place to rest. She is quite round in the haunches; I bet she is pregnant! Wouldn't it be fun if she chose your yard to have her fawn?!
    Debbie- I am wondering if a sound machine would help you sleep? Put it on white noise or another sound to drown out hubby's early morning activity noise? I am a very light sleeper, as well. I wake to every creak of a floor board coming down the hall.
    Allie- Miles is a chunker! (But so cute) Be careful lifting him! IF you are not used to it, you will be sore for a couple weeks while your body gets used to it. Is there a way you can put the car seat in first, then buckle him in? Or at least buckle him in close to your car, so that you don't have to carry baby AND seat so much?
    Welcome to all of the new ladies! - Boy! so many of you joining us! Jump in when you feel the urge!
    Machka- Your fall pics are beautiful! Seems so strange to see you moving into fall; while we here in North America are awaiting the arrival of spring and summer!
    Chinese cookbook- I got a wonderful cookbook with the wok set that I inherited from my father in law many, many years ago (about 30?). I memorized a few of the recipes, and now my daughter has the wok/book in TX with her.

    Well, spring is coming and he are studying all kinds of "signs of spring", here in my childcare home. A couple of women will be bringing me some frog eggs from their garden/water features. So the kids will be able to watch the tadpoles hatch and change. That should be exciting for them. We will also begin our "planting" in the next couple of weeks.

    I have added yoga to my morning routine (again), because I intensified my walking pace. If you don't know, I am very "meh" with the yoga. I think my body needs that gentle stretching every day; but my brain has a hard time calming down to do it. Oh well, I will get it done.

    That's all for now. Kids arriving. ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)

    Ooh I hope she is pregnant! I will look closer the next time I see her! Our neighborhood has walking paths in between the backyards and the next streets over. Then the walking paths open up to a play area in the middle. So truly I think she and her kids just go from street to street, then sleep in the middle.

    I have no idea what she's singing!🙃😁. I love the TA DA at the end.👍💖
    That is a sweet basket pack huh? Would be great for daily shopping, but heck, that's what the basket on a bicycle is for right? Oh to live in a small town in Tuscany, and ride around gathering treats from vendors in the city square.😁
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,142 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Terri what are the NLNS you are limiting?

    Lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    2022: Be still and listen.
    NLNS -
    N o
    L ate
    N ight
    S nacking

    This is what I reallllly need to start doing- I do great during the day. I don't even eat anything or want anything until noon and am good about my choices for what I do eat. Then later at night, woops- last night it was a piece of the pineapple angelfood cake I made for Easter. I think I need to freeze some so I don't end up having a piece every night-the guys are not eating it, choosing the fudge brownies instead(only one piece left of them)
    My go to late night snack is a spoon full of peanut butter- there goes all the calories I had left and a few more(never more than 1200 cal for the day even with snacks)

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,578 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    We are scheduled to meet an attorney today. Our son has been worried about wills. I hope we have a productive meeting.

    Katla, great idea. Have you done a medical and financial power of attorney? I can see your son's concern since he and his sister don't live close to you. Our executor/and POA is a much younger family friend we know and trust. We decided that getting our family in the Midwest involved in these decisions would be too burdensome for them.

    I am assuming OR laws are similar to WA.

    Good luck.

  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,691 Member
    faithcreek wrote: »
    faithcreek wrote: »
    faithcreek wrote: »
    A beautiful scene in Norway!
    Daffodils, my mommas favorite flower.💖💐

    I Love this @Whidislander!

    Hello I am jumping in. I am over 50 with 10/12 pounds to go, a restarter on MFP, love to garden and be out in the yard. Of course this isn’t me but.. I can dream. 🙂 fc from az


    Nice to meet you! That wasn't me either, but I have a yearning to visit my homeland, and there is a dairy farm in Trondhiem, Norway where they'll take you in and let you stay a spell if you're family!
    I need to lose about 90 lbs but it'll take some time, didn't get on my body overnight, so I don't expect it to just fall off me!
    Whidbey island

    Hi You also! That would be amazing to visit, there is a dream that can turn to reality! You have the best reasons to lose, a beautiful place to live and a darling granddaughter.


    Maybe, we aren't rich folks, but live within our means. My husband left the workforce fairly early at 51 yrs old, because of his liver. In 2014 he was able to receive a complete liver transplant🙏💖. So I appreciate just seeing him healthy now. We are quite homebodys! Traveling just kind of puts a hiccup in my life.🙃😁. Yes my Athena is my sweetpea, and I'm her Mimi.💖

    I think the last 2 years has made more homebodies than not. Glad your DH is healthy!

    fc in az

    Indeed! I am glad husband is good company! We converse at mealtimes, but much of the day he's in his side of the house, and I'm in mine. A little separation is a good thing in general. We appreciated our eldest son when he was here, as a room mate. He's now stationed overseas, as well as our youngest sailor son. We travel summers to our middle son and his cute family, that's about a 5 hour drive here in Washington State. I have two sisters in Oregon that I visit too. Of course any time we're in Oregon we visit my husbands side. We were both raised in Oregon, him a city kid, me a country girl. His momma turned 89 this month, bless her heart. She's from Arkansas, and a tough old cookie!
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,691 Member
    edited April 2022
    Glad you found us again Missy! I have a calendar remindar with the montly link. I have to change it when we get to the next month. The phone app is just to small for me to see and I'm on my computer all day anyway.

    That recipe sounds wonderful Rebecca! Kind of like a jambalaya I make for Mardi Gras. IS THAT REALLY a deer just resting in front of your house? I love it! We have our family of "big dogs" (we call them) living in the neighborhood and they wander through from time to time. Most days I don't catch them because they're very early or late. Now here's one from last fall where mama came in and sat for awhile in the backyard. It was GLORIOUS. So Blessed to have her there.

    Good luck Carol!

    I'm so glad you're getting out and back to having some "fun" with friends Betsy! Enjoy.

    WOW Heather! Well done.

    Welcome ALL newbies!

    Nothing really new here. Just work and life. Take care.

    Carla, in MN


    Such a pretty photo of your deer! Yep, because we're under a grove of trees, there's always a dry front yard, (for the most part), so momma deer will catch some shut eye there. There isn't a "herd" per say, just her and her two youngens. There's a bush in the back yard they munch on.

    Definitely not like when we lived in an apartment on the Oregon coast. There, we had elk herds!

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,817 Member
    Katla ... my dad is finally moving on assigning POA and health care proxies. This has been a huge issue for my brother and I the past few months as my parents health has been failing and we've had our hands tied because we weren't authorized to help them. And today I just reminded my husband that we have to meet with our attorney soon as well.

    Welcome ... to the new ladies!

    Betsy ... there are no expectations for recently bereaved people ... I suspect your friends are just looking for a way to support you. Let them.

    Carol ... I hope you have good luck with the hearing aides! Mine are sitting beside me as I type this ... :|

    Just came back from touring an assisted living facility near me for my parents (who are 200 miles away). It was a nice facility. Not as nice as where my parents are currently residing. The one bedroom suite was half the size of their current apartment. And the price was at a minimum $4000 higher than they are currently paying per month. No one retires to NY. No one. The cost of living is too high and this is going to be an issue for my parents in OH if they move my direction. Do you think Illinois would be cheaper? That's where my brother is.

    Ate a bite of chocolate before bed last night and paid for it all night long with heartburn. It is way past time to get back to healthy food choices. For me, that means clean, whole foods with little processing and less sugar. And a cut off time for any eating of 7:00 pm.

    Beth near Buffalo where it is once again blowing and snowing

  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,788 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,994 Member
    Afternoon ladies
    Carol- i have my own carseat for the car.. ha ha but its not like when my kids were little.
    They have infant ones with a handle now that clip into a base that you leave in the car..so you haul kid and car seat in and out of wherever you need to go..
    I bought diapers at Costco last week and bought size 3.. we tried them this morning and they fit.. much better than the size 2 Sams ones..those Sams ones he was constantly wet..
    So we wont buy those again..
    Tracy tried feeding him a bottle this morning .. ha ha silly goose like thats gonna work...
    I did order a normal carseat for my car. Even though a friend of mine gave me one ,I dont want to take chances with rules and regulations of older ones.
    Of course Tracy is worried about me carrying him without a carseat because he is a wiggle worm..Ill be ok..
    He is rolling over and trying to get up on his knees and crawl.. but those gums are really bothering him..
    I did buy some of that hylands teething medicine you suggested.. and i hope it works..poor little guy all he did was cry yesterday
  • rsnsza
    rsnsza Posts: 11 Member
    Loving all these deer photos!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Worked today. They were obviously very slow last night so there wasn’t a whole lot of prep to do. So I left early and went to the gym. Yippee! Then I stopped at the Salvation Army and then since I had extra time, I stopped at Big Lots since I haven’t been there in a while. Found another jigsaw puzzle at the SA. Really, I’m not crazy about the picture. But it was still in the factory shrink wrap and to me that is important. Too many times pieces of the puzzle fall out, and that is so frustrating not to be able to finish the puzzle

    N2coutoure – welcome to a great place for support. We talk about everything (except politics and religion) because what’s happening in our life also affects how we eat.

    Anne DE – glad to hear about your uncle

    Debbie – prayers for David. My heart goes out to Teri. I haven’t seen my grandson in almost a year. I can’t even imagine what it must be like not to have seen him that long. I’m sure PJ doesn’t even know who we are. We must be twins because I’m good during the day, too. But at night???? I’m really trying to rectify that. It’s not easy, that’s for sure

    KJ – I’m with you on the yoga. My body needs it but my brain doesn’t cooperate

    Carol GA – Good luck with the hearing aids

    Made more chocolate bran muffins. Rummikub here tonight, so far we have 11 people. Not bad at all. The thing will be will others have it at their house? I know one gal said that she would, but it wouldn’t be fair for her to do one month, me the next and so on. Got the Rice Krispie bars out of the freezer. Need to get the sourdough, too. Guess we’ll have that too

    Michele NC
  • strongerfaith
    strongerfaith Posts: 43 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    faithcreek wrote: »

    I saw this ❤️ I have 7 strawberries to be planted I have a old tin tub I might use?

    That could work.

    My strawberries are in planter boxes around the railing at the front door.

    Machka in Oz

    I bet that is pretty.

    fc in az

  • mvarga1972
    mvarga1972 Posts: 5 Member
    Good afternoon ladies!!!
    Sounds like we go from crazy busy days to relaxing & laid up days, with everything in between. Love it!
    I love the pictures! Those deer are amazing. We get a lot outside of my work & around home too. I think they are beautiful unless they come near my car, then not so much. 😂🤣
    Have a wonderful day everyone! Many blessings!!! ☺️😁☺️

    Missy 🌸🌺
    in Indiana
  • strongerfaith
    strongerfaith Posts: 43 Member
    Faith be careful of the drainage. An old tub that's deep enough or has drainage holes should work for strawberries. Sounds like it would be pretty!

    Annie in Delaware

    Thank you for your input. I would have DH add drain holes... but not sure if really want to do that? The tub is really neat the way it is.