lessjess22 Member


  • It's hard, but you just have to be patient. Weight loss isn't linear and instead tends to occur in fits and starts. There are a lot of reasons the scale isn't moving. You could be gaining muscle. You could be retaining water. Your body could be undergoing recomposition. You kind of just have to keep the faith and trust the…
  • When you're on Instagram, it's important to remember that a lot of what you're seeing isn't real, and most of the people you see don't look like that in reality. The vast majority of models and fitness influencers use filters. Filters can do amazing things and you can even apply filters seamlessly to video. You are also…
  • Yeah. I've lost only 15 pounds and I feel better physically AND mentally. It was very unexpected since I'm still close to my highest weight ever. It's very motivating to feel so much better so soon!
  • Hi, I'm new to this thread. I started my journey at the beginning of May. I've lost 15 pounds as of this morning. I have 71 to go to my goal weight. However, I have no weight loss deadlines because I'm focusing more on making sustainable lifestyle changes than on the scale. I've very pleased I've lost 15 lb but I know that…
  • Yasso frozen yogurt bars. Low calorie and very delicious.
  • You sound like you might be wanting to see a nutritionist long term primarily for accountability and motivation. They may not be your best resource. A nutritionist is typically only seen for a few visits to teach you about nutrition. A therapist is great for the emotional and motivational aspects, and I think your plan to…
  • I took 10,000 steps on Saturday for the first time in many months. I was pretty tired and a little sore the next day since I'm heavy and not used to walking that much, but totally worth it.
  • This is a textbook binge-restrict disordered eating pattern. You may want to consider seeing a nutritionist or therapist to help you with this. A nutritionist could help you plan a more satisfying meal plan to help reduce your urges to binge. A therapist could help you work on your relationship with food. if you don't feel…
  • Yesterday was tough but I made it work. I was super hungry and wanting to eat all day. I managed to limit the damage by having one small snack that only put me 100 over my calorie goal. Then I did more exercise than planned to make up for it too. Learning how to handle imperfect days is an important skill for me to develop.
  • Right there with you friend. Historically, I'm great at losing weight but not keeping it off. This time, I'm aiming more towards developing healthy lifelong habits than pursuing a certain number on the scale. I likely will never be "thin" as I love food too much and the work involved in maintaining such a low weight is…
  • It takes guesswork. I tend to log what I consider the "worst case scenario" and that way if it has a lot of calories I'm accounting for it.
  • Saved some calories for Thai food. It was healthy and filling, and felt like a treat since I love it!
  • Hey, I'm a fellow girl that struggles with summer heat. Ideas: - Drink cold/ice water as much as possible. I know it's probably a bummer but avoid alcohol and caffeine as much as you can because it will only make you run hotter. - They sell neck fans on Amazon. I have one and it helps when I have to be outside. You could…
  • Lol, I just realized the post I replied to is from 4 years ago. Oops :# To add something to this thread I will say that my reason is to prove I can to all the people who think I CAN'T!
  • Wow, that guy is a rude jerk! I'm sorry that happened to you. He has no right to say that, doctor or not.
  • Everyone has different motivators so maybe this works for some people. For me, heck NO. I know I'm fat. I don't need anyone to tell me. It just makes me feel bad about myself and makes me want to rebel against healthy habits because my brain goes "they can't tell me what to do!" even though I know it only hurts me in the…
  • Just wanted to say thank you for the really insightful and detailed replies. It really encouraged me and helped me remember that I can tweak what I'm doing until it works for me. I don't have to change it all overnight. This is not a matter of vanity, I just want to be healthy and feel better. 88olds statement that "We…
  • Congrats, this is a huge achievement! What an inspiration for all of us <3
  • I burned over 400 calories from exercise yesterday. As someone who is ramping up after being inactive for a long time, that's a lot for me.
  • Hey there. I just wanted to show my support and encourage you to keep going. A walk is better than 0. I'm really heavy and out of shape and I'm having to start slow myself. A walk or some extra housework or a little yoga or weightlifting is all I can handle right now. I hope to add more as I get more fit. Keep going, every…