xzombie4ux Member


  • 8/1 (starting weight): 182.6 lbs/82.83 kg 8/8: 181.6 lbs/82.37 kg 8/15: 180.8 lbs/82.01 kg change from last week: -0.8 lb/0.36 kg total change: -1.8 lbs/0.82 kg Again, this isn't as much as I was hoping for, but I'm really impressed, considering I am currently on my period and bloaty! I have dinner tonight with my…
  • I wanted to give an update about the workout program I've been following! Today marks just over halfway done (day 11 out of 21), and it's been really enjoyable so far. I might be cursing the video while I do it, but I never regret doing it afterward. I don't think that this program is sustainable for a long period (at…
  • 8/1 (starting weight): 182.6 lbs/82.83 kg 8/8: 181.6 lbs/82.37 kg change: -1 lb/0.46 kg This isn't as much as I was hoping for, but that's alright. I'm glad that I'm losing, I just need to stick with it!
  • Hey everyone! This has been a very tough couple of days, mostly because I'm not entirely used to eating to compensate for intense activity. Today was the first rest day of the workout program I'm doing, and I could not be more excited! I'm ending my day with a peppermint coffee and a movie night online with my partner! I…
  • My starting weight (8/1/2022) is 182.6 lbs or 82.83 kg! I don't have any idea what I intend on losing, just as much as realistically possible. I want to try to weigh in weekly, but I'm not going to be frustrated if I miss a week of weighing in. Consistency is key!
  • Hey all! I just wanted to share where I'm at before this all starts, as well as share some of what I've done up to this point that has helped me lose weight and keep it off. I do want to give a general disclaimer that I currently struggle with an eating disorder, and that has impacted my weight loss a *lot*. Between now…
  • Hello! My name is Valentine, and I'm from the southern U.S. I'm a fairly young adult and all my life, I've been considered overweight or obese. On Christmas Day 2021, I realized that at 240 lbs (108.86 kg), I had probably gotten a little out of control, and that I would love to be considered a healthy weight for once in my…