

  • can be really good, and can be really bad..! the cheese and dressing is a killer!
  • thanks!! do you guys have any advice for staying motivated and doing the program>?
  • hey there! tim told me you were coming to fitnesspal!! welcome!! we love it! I notice my sugar drops more often when i dont eat protien at every meal. so i have been trying to do that, as well as work out everyday. far so good. im currently working on week one. i started eating a protien bar of some sort 30 minutes b4…
    in Newbee Comment by tnealxx1 August 2011
  • im new also..and so far so good.
  • try diet mt dew, or diet orange crush.! it is amazing really cold!!!!
  • my husband and i have been trying for several years as well. failed iui's and failed ivf. trying to get healthier, and lose some to help. just found out type II dm as well.
  • hello ! sorry to hear about your struggle. my husband and i have been going through the whole thing for over 5 yrs! 7 failedd IUIS, 3 rounds of clomid, 1 failed IVF, just got dx with type II dm. hoping to find myself stronger through losing weight, get pregnant and beat the odds! ever need any advice, chances are good i…
  • hey new as well! PCOS/endometriosis/ new onset type II DM. My husband and I have tried to concieve for 5+ yrs now. tyring to get the weight off to assist with the process! my sugar has been awesome, and working out really helps!