


  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Hello! Sorry to here you're down the yucky road of infertility.

    We tried for about 8 years. We've done IVF twice and FET twice. We've done clomid and lots of other fun stuff. We had to skip IUI altogether.

    We got pregnant on the 1st IVF but sadly we lost the baby. We tried again and again and nothing.

    I have PCOS and my hubby had severe male infertility. I haven't seen much of a change in my periods since losing weight but I still would like to be my healthiest just in case.

    In 2009, I got pregnant al naturale on Christmas day. It is the miracle of my life! I had been on bcp for about 7 months and got off of them because I my periods were being wacky again. 3 months later, I got pregnant naturally. We did have a miscarriage again though but I am still amazed I got pregnant naturally.

    I'm back on the pill though. Pregnancy has been nothing but mega stress that I fear it. I don't know if it will ever happen but I refuse to let it run my life. I lost all of 20's being depressed and angry about it.

    Oh and my hubby's numbers went up after being severely low (why we had to skip IUI). They're now in the low normal range. Pretty cool!
  • tnealxx1
    tnealxx1 Posts: 10
    hello ! sorry to hear about your struggle.
    my husband and i have been going through the whole thing for over 5 yrs!
    7 failedd IUIS, 3 rounds of clomid, 1 failed IVF, just got dx with type II dm. hoping to find myself stronger through losing weight, get pregnant and beat the odds! ever need any advice, chances are good i have been there!
    im new too
  • tnealxx1
    tnealxx1 Posts: 10
    my husband and i have been trying for several years as well. failed iui's and failed ivf. trying to get healthier, and lose some to help. just found out type II dm as well.
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