Hello, I'm new - anyone else who has PCOS and/or IR

Hey y'all, I'm 28 years old and I just started counting calories with MFP today. I had lost weight several times with Weight Watchers but always gained in back sooner or later because I never managed to stick to a healthy lifestyle.

In June I was diagnosed with PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) and just a week ago my endocrinologist diagnosed insulin resistance (though I don't have IGT - yet). I am now on Metformin (1000mg/day) and am planning to change my lifestyle.

I am supposed to keep essentially a diabetic diet (a balanced diet that is low in calories, fat & refined carbs, and high in fiber) and exercise 3-4 times a week (I am planning on starting running again and signed up for a Zumba class that starts in October).

It's probably not going to be easy but I want to do everything I can to be healthier and hopefully avoid diabetes and other conditions down the road.

I'd love to hear from anyone who also has PCOS and/or IR to be supportive of each other and share tips. But if you don't have either, don't let that stop you from getting in touch either. I'd love to find friends here & support each other!

- Karen


  • dstsur5or
    dstsur5or Posts: 30 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I have pcos and my most important recommendation is to not let it mentally tear you away from what you can and will do physically.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    IR here - on 1000 mg Glumetza. I tell you losing is not easy, but it is possible. I don't follow a diabetic diet, I have cut out grain altogether, no pasta, rice whole grain, bread - nadda. Protein, and about 75g vegetable carbs daily. If you are interested in learning more - read marksdailyapple.com Although it suggests adding healthy fats, I personally found that it doesn't help, so I eat them in moderation.
  • Welcome to MFP!

    I myself was diagnosed with PCOS and IR when I was 22 and am now 26. I truly understand the struggle of losing weight permanently that you have described. I was referred to MFP after my hubby started talking about having a baby, and I realized that I needed to make a HUGE lifestyle change to make that happen.

    You will find numerous ladies on here with PCOS who are all very supportive and encouraging. I hope that you find us all enjoyable and join us in our journey in NOT dieting, but changing our lifestyles to become healthy.

    One bit of advice I have about the IR (which plays hand in hand with the PCOS) is be honest with yourself and your doctor about the way the metformin may affect you. There are numerous people that have a hard time with metformin. Stomach problems, etc. I had an issue of it making me so tired and no energy at all. I did some research and found Cinnamon pills help your body absorb your insulin just like the metformin does. For me, it drastically increased my energy without having stomach problems. If you have any issues with the metformin, talk to your doc about using it just to kick start the process of insulin absorption, and then switching to cinnamon pills and see how that works for you.

    Good luck, and add me as a friend if you like!
  • nosugarcoating
    nosugarcoating Posts: 194 Member
    Thanks for the replies, everyone.

    I think so far I am doing okay with both diagnoses. Maybe I am in denial or maybe it's just because I'm the eternal optimist, but while it does make me a little sad (ya know, I always thought I was really a pretty healthy person), I am not letting it get to me too much on a daily basis.

    I had actually lost quite a bit of weight last year (when I presumably already had both PCOS and IR), though I noticed it was much harder than a few years ago. So hopefully, with the Metformin I will be able to lose weight more easily again. The hard part for me is really sticking with it, even for many many months, and then maintaining my weight.

    I am not planning to cut grains out of my diet entirely but I want to switch to whole grains (bread & pasta) as far as I can and eat less and smaller portions of them. I want to go to nutritional counseling soon, hopefully that will give me a few pointers on what would be best.

    Luckily I am not having any stomach problems at all yet with the Metformin (I started taking it two days ago). I was expecting them from what I read about how frequent they are but luckily nothing so far.
  • Hello,

    I am 31 years old and I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2005 when my husband and I had tried to conceive. I have always been heavier and have also lost and gained weight throughout my life. I have found that this website is very helpful with calorie counting but the process still remains difficult. You watch what you eat and exerise and still do not see the weight come off as fast as you would like. I joined this website at the referral of a friend and have found it very beneficial. Within a month, I had lost 16 lbs. That is with a 1200 calorie diet (I set for myself), limited sodas (if so only diet) and exercise.

    Stay in touch with individuals that give you motivation and enourage you.
    Avoid those that do not motivate and set unrealistic goals.
    Good luck and stay in touch.

  • russellma
    russellma Posts: 284 Member
    Hi... I'm almost positive I'm in the same boat, although I've never gotten a formal diagnosis. My symptoms are spot on, but the last time I had it checked a few years ago, my doctor brushed me off, and I've had little interest in going back. I do best when I lower my carb count and exercise.
  • nosugarcoating
    nosugarcoating Posts: 194 Member
    Have you considered going to a different doctor/ a specialist (an endocrinologist)? I think that many GPs may simply not be knowledgeable enough to know how to deal with PCOS and IR. I first did an OGTT with my GP and they didn't consider my results abnormal because they were low enough (but the progression was wrong - instead of going down after 2 hours, it went further up). My endocrinologist saw right away that the results pointed at something being wrong with my insulin production/processing.
  • Ang78el
    Ang78el Posts: 5
    HI I also have PCOS and IR. I was diagnosed when i was 22. I am now 29. Losing is very hard, but doable. if you have been stuck at one weight for a long time like me it may be hard to get started. It is great that you have just taken the information you have been given and gone straight to the best sources to get the results you need. I am also on metformin 100 mg 2x/day. You will probably get constipated, but i have been able to counteract that side effect with taking magnesium supplements. Another thing about metformin is that it inhibits the absorption of several nutrients so make sure that you take calcium, magnesium, vit C, and a good B-12. that way you should getwhat you need.

    as far as cutting our grains go, my dr told me to do so. I't not 100% convinced that I need to cut ALL grains out just seriously cut them. I am just starting my new method, which is only eating 1-2 servings of grains and making sure that they are whole grains, we grind our own grain so that is good too, I am eating lots of veggies and lean meats, nuts and lots and lots and lots of water. We have been eating smoothies, and we are adding veggies to our smoothies this week to add more fiber. I know thatthe dr said to eat lots of fiber, grains have a lot of fiber but so do veggies, choose veggies over grains for your fiber intake, that way you don't have to worry about the extra sugars/carbs. I have reduced my calories from 1500 for weight loss to 1300. I have a fast metabolism so it has been interesting, the first few days are the hardest while the stomach shrinks and gets used to less, but I know that it is successfull, I have been doing it for 4 days now and i have lost 7 lbs. I don't feel deprived, but getting rid of most of the grains has really helped.

    Best of luck, and I hope you keep in touch. It is nice to have other people who understand what struggles you have. support is always helpful.

  • Ang78el
    Ang78el Posts: 5
    I really does help having a Dr that know the endocrine system specifically. sometimes the symptoms or results are not obvious to a GP or an OBGYN but they are to an endocrinologist.
  • nosugarcoating
    nosugarcoating Posts: 194 Member
    Thanks for your reply, Ang78el. I have set my daily goal to 1670 calories as that is about my basic metabolic rate. I will see how I do with that, and reduce if I don't lose weight. I must admit that anything below 1400-1500 seems really really low to me right now.
  • WendyHJ
    WendyHJ Posts: 60
    I was diagnosed with PCOS and IR when I was about 34 (2004). i took Metformin for about 2 weeks and then quit, I didn't necessarily agree with the PCOS diagnosis and since I wasn't interested in having children - ever - treating it wasn't that important to me.

    I adopted a dog the following year and that took care of the IR. Within 6 months of adopting my Sophia, (a cute little Italian greyhound) the insulin resistance no longer showed up on tests. We'd been eating organic since 2001 but by no means were pure about it. I've never felt my eating was the problem and altho my thyroid levels have fallen just outside the range of normal it was not enough to be put on medication. My triglycerides used to be ridiculous too but that also is normal. The only thing left is cholesterol,, ridiculous with HDL at 39 and LDL at 180 or something insane like that.

    My diagnosis is more of a blend of fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis. I take several medications and struggle with attacks of fatigue. But my quality of life is much better at 40 than it was at 33. I have to take just one day at a time and lower my expectations of myself. It will be interesting to see if weight loss will eliminate these illnesses.
  • LCDMomma
    LCDMomma Posts: 67
    Hello! I just sent you a friend request. I just joined this site and hoping it will help me to lose some weight and help with my PCOS.
  • nosugarcoating
    nosugarcoating Posts: 194 Member
    I've added you!

    I just wanted to say thanks to each of you who replied and/or added me! I feel so welcomed on MFP!
  • tnealxx1
    tnealxx1 Posts: 10
    hey there..im new as well! PCOS/endometriosis/ new onset type II DM. My husband and I have tried to concieve for 5+ yrs now. tyring to get the weight off to assist with the process! my sugar has been awesome, and working out really helps!
  • Ang78el
    Ang78el Posts: 5
    I think that is a great way to start! I had a typo on my big post, I am not on 100 mg I am on 1000mg same as you. I started at 750mg but it didn't control it well enough and I got worse. I just finished my day and i totalled out at 1250 calories. I didn't feel deprived or weak. i got hungry which was new for me. I haven't been getting hungry, so it hasn't bothered me to reduce my calories. the hardest part is trying to keep my kids out of the food. it seems like the less I eat the more they eat.

    I think that you are going into this change in your life with a great attitude and with your head firmly on your shoulders. It is important to not get too discouraged and think that you need to do something totally outrageous to be able to loose weight. Because of the PCOS and IR it does make it harder to loose weight. Therefore you do have to do a bit more and do things a bit differently than others that want to loose the same amount of weight. But it is doable. If you are married it helps if you have the full support of your spouse, because if you are trying to be good and your hubby comes home with your fav flavor of ice cream that doesn't really help all that much, but if he makes some of the changes with you it will help a lot. and just a tidbit, if you drink alcohol, remember that beer and a lot of alcohols are made from grain and that will affect your blood sugar and insulin levels. It may be something to seriously reduce or eliminate. anyway, I hope your first week goes well and that you are able to loose the ideal 1-2 lbs. keep in touch!
  • nosugarcoating
    nosugarcoating Posts: 194 Member
    Thanks Ang78el. I am not married - the hardest temptations for me are the candy and cake at work (it seems like there is a birthday every week). Will definitely have to learn to say no a little more often. :)
    I already don't drink much alcohol (i.e. frequently) but will definitely limit my intake to 1-2 drinks when I do - that is also something my doctor told me. I don't drink beer but I love my cocktails and I know those are full of sugar.

    tnealxx1 - I hope you will conceive soon. Luckily my blood sugar levels haven't been affected yet by the IR (yet), they are normal. I am not currently in a relationship so I hope that I can get the PCOS and IR under control before I am and want to have kids.