jphillips0276 Member


  • That is what I am talking about and its also why IF is the only thing I have been able to stick with long term. It takes those restrikes off. I often have trouble getting enough calories with OMAD, so just what you said works great. :)
  • I'm a binger too and it is terrible. I hope this doesn't sound horrible but, in the beginning, I started allowing myself to do it. On the weekends, I would allow myself to eat whatever and as much of what I wanted. Doing this, I was able to get my eating under control throughout the week. It was easier to stick to my plan,…
  • Keep up the great work. It takes time. With me, when I finally start losing, it comes off quick. We just have to stick with it and trust the process. Most ppl give up just before it starts to happen. Best wishes. ©
  • I just joined the group but do usually check in every day or so. Feel free to add me. ©
  • I'm not sure about on here but there is a google play app called body fast that I use to use in the beginning. Also, for less hassle, I often would just set the timer on my phone or computer. You can save the timer and you don't have to put much thought into it.
  • Here are a few things that have helped me. I do OMAD which is basically, 20:4. I stopped logging food and believe it or not, it helped me. I only log food every now and then but am doing it this time around to keep up with my carb intake as I am doing keto. The key for me not bring it in the house. On keto and IF,…