Nephelys Member


  • I don't do cardio every day, only two or three times a week for 1 hour per session, the other days I do weight training and I have a rest day per week. I don't experience any muscle loss, on the contrary, I gain muscle gradually, not quickly of course, but I always increase my performance from one session to the next. The…
  • Personally, I don't eat the calories burned by exercising. For me, I'd really feel like putting in so much effort for nothing (although the benefits go beyond just burning calories of course). My daily calories is set at 1400, and if I have a cardio workout which, according to the machines (so here the numbers are to be…
  • *sending you some virtual hugs* Oh yes I relate. I always have cycles of obsession with the scale, which come and go, especially when I'm in a period where I'm really trying to get my body fat down, where I weigh myself every morning and depending on the number, that's going to have a direct impact on my state of mind and…
  • Basically, as soon as you go for the weight loss option, the results just go absolutely crazy. I tried it too, out of curiosity, and in my case, it recommends 200g a day of protein for weight loss (versus 80g for maintenance and 120g for muscle gain). In each case, it's too much. At least for me. Beyond those insane…
  • I think you're mistaken, what's generally recommended is between 1.5g and 2.5g of protein per kilo of body weight, not per centimetre, and it's when you want to build muscle. So even less for someone who doesn't have that kind of goal, I think it's around 0.8g. A calorie is a calorie. But some foods will satiate you better…
  • Like the others said , MFP's 5-week predictions are often off the mark. I'm in the opposite situation, it usually predicts a loss of almost 4kg/5kg (8lbs/11lbs) in 5 weeks, and guess what, that never happens either. It doesn't take into account my extra-slow metabolism. Well, II've only got a few kilos to lose, so it goes…
  • Thanks for your answers! :) I'm a bit surprised to read that overall it seems accurate for you guys, I really have the impression that it puts me higher than I think I am. As this website's data base is based on user input, I think we can exclude high-level athletes. So inevitably the stats are low compared to the…
  • We've completely drifted off of OP's question, and I feel like I'm the one who initiated it, sorry OP! I was reading your stories and am both amused and terrified lol. I've never had a big gym fail. Apart from falling and sprawling miserably on the ground in the middle of the room because of an area that was 2cm higher, I…
  • I'd say it all depends on you and your goals. Everyone has their own pace as long as you can maintain it in the long run, and there's nothing to stop you from adjusting it later and seeing how it works. It's better to start slowly but surely and acquire good habits in terms of nutrition and adjust as you go along, rather…
  • Isn't vShred like a big joke in the fitness game? Of all the youtube channels I follow (which are pretty serious and legit) all say that this guy gives really bad advice and stupid excercises to do. I think it's one of the names I hear most associated with negative things and one of the most controversial. And having had a…
  • I wouldn't say I'm a beginner, I've been weight training for a while now, but I haven't been 100% consistent, so my performance is sometimes a bit low compared to someone who would have trained for the same amount of time. And I've also had several periods of caloric deficit, so that's slowed my progress. I think I'm in…
  • In the place where I do my squats, no, but it's not really made for squats. The "real" squat racks, I think they probably have them - but those are right in the middle of the gym, I just don't feel comfortable using those with everyone around, and they're never available anyway.
  • Is going to failure for squats not necessarily very recommended? I'm talking about a case where you don't have anyone to assist you. Same concern for the bench press. For squat, I'm always too scared of not being able to get back up and/or hurting myself, so I never go to the point of failure. Some might say it's less…
  • I finally reached 130 kilos (~286lbs) when doing hip thrust this week, which is twice my bodyweight! I've never been very athletic/sporty to begin with and after my weight loss my almost non-existent muscles were closer to marshmallow than anything else, I couldn't even do a bodyweight lunge, today I do sets with two 24kg…
  • Before anything else, the only thing that matters is you. Your body, your choice, your goal as long as it's healthy. Try not to worry about what people will say, but focus on yourself and your goals. Whatever you do, there's always someone to criticise anyway, and it's often people who are in no position to criticise, but…
  • Cardio bores me to death. The only thing I've found is to change machines to give the illusion of variety. I do 20 minutes on the bike, then 20 minutes on the elliptical, then 15 minutes on the treadmill (either running or fast walking at 15%) and 5 minutes as a finisher on the StairMaster. I also change the settings on…
  • Yeah, I've kind of stopped using calculator, they tend to really overestimate the numbers. And the results vary so much from one website to another. Especially since, unless you have a job that requires physical strength, it's better to set not very active, otherwise the numbers get too big. The same goes for exercise,…
  • Is it doable? Yes. I've been doing it for months and months, I've even gone lower. Is it a good idea? Not really. It's really hard to keep. But I got to such a low calorie intake when I was/ am (I'm again in that phase) trying to lose the last few pounds of fat. And my body had already been through a lot of restrictions…
  • Hi ! If you are 5'1", 1900 is maybe a little too much in order to lose weight. I know everyone is different but at 5'5.75, with 6 days of workout a week my maintenance calorie intake is ~1700kcal. But I have a very inactive job though. I'd also say look at how much you burn during your workout, approximately of course.…
  • Hi thanks for your answer ! I'm 32. I know it's sometimes unsustainable and not necessarily the best in terms of health, but really it's more of a personal goal. I want to see what my body would look like if I could achieve that. And from there, see if it's worth it and how feasible it is for me to maintain it. Mostly, I'd…
  • Hi ! thanks. I'll look into that! How much of each do you consume per day?
  • I mean everybody is different.. so what works for you doesn't mean it'll work for me. And I don't know if this is your first diet or not because that counts too. The more you put your body through dieting phases, the less responsive it becomes. For example,my boyfriend, who's never been on a real diet, just needs to drop…
  • Loose skin, pancakes and sagging breasts, seeing my body ruined and that despite all my efforts in the past and the present nothing will change that. I felt more feminine at 90kg (200lbs) than I do today at 59kg (125lbs). And despite being around 20% of body fat, and doing heavy weight training for 3 years, knowing that…
  • I lost 60lbs 7 years ago and have never regained the weight. My weight fluctuates from time to time by about 5/8lbs but never more. And honestly , it's not that hard to achieve that ... just a bit of discipline, commitment and self-control. But if you've lost your weight in a healthy way (no stupid miracle diets) you…