kbaker540 Member


  • I did weigh, it looks as though I may have lost 3 lbs. I need to get a new scale as I cannot see the dial on my scale, even with glasses on, lol. So I'm thinking a big digital type would do it, I had one before until it quit working and went back to the old dial scale. I'm trying the intermittent fasting. I try not to eat…
  • good idea.. will do..
  • Yes! Mc, that's what we need to do, is get moving. I have a recumbent stationary bicycle, so I have dusted it off and rode it 30 min yesterday and today. I hope it holds up, it's very old, 20+ years, I hear it making a noise. btw, my weight (I'm embarrassed to say) is 234. I have let it get away from me for many years. I…
    in Happy Comment by kbaker540 January 2023
  • I have coffee with a flavored creamer, and my lemon water bottle also. I drink both. I've been drinking water with lemon for many years now.