tj3084 Member


  • Hey Megd44: I think the fact that you kept the weight off until you quit cigs is a great sign. By the time you get your weight back where you want it you’ll have adjusted to life w/out cancer sticks and you know already that you can keep it off. You quit a physically addictive substance and there was bound to be fallout…
  • Ah Sunnycin: That sounds tough! Things that are already hard get even harder when we feel like it’s beyond our control. I feel ya girl. This week my digestive issues have protested my new fruit and veggie regimen big time! Stick with it though…we have to know that we are worth the effort. I have book suggestions for you,…
    in Rough week Comment by tj3084 March 2023
  • Hey, Megd, I was just curious how much weight you lost the first time on here, how many cals a day you ate, and how long it took you? I’m averaging 1300-1400 although it’s set to 1560. since mid-February I’ve lost 7.4 lbs. I’m happy with that but when I go back to work I’ll definitely need more food. My job requires…
  • Hi Megd44! You quit smoking - Fabulous! I smoked for 23 years before finally quitting in the early 2000s. Best decision ever! I agree with you about menopause. The struggle is real! And knees are a topic here for sure. Desertbloom and I have been talking knees. I am hoping that losing the weight will help with my knee…
  • Hey SunnyCin, Ah ice cream, my love, my nemesis - tell me how shall I go on without you as my constant companion on this long and difficult journey? Parting tis such sweet sorrow 😋 All that to say that’s my number one trigger food. My biggest problem at this point in my life is finding time to eat properly. And since…
    in Hello Comment by tj3084 March 2023
  • Hey Desert Bloom, I checked the dates and could tell you’d posted but I wonder if there’s another, more visible way to post? I found it anyway 🙂 I am so sorry to hear about your car. What a tough break! Don’t let it get you down or discourage you though. Stay focused on what you’re prioritizing and what is good and right -…
  • Hi SunnyCin: I am 58 as well and am so happy to be able to talk to women in my age group! Like you, I tried intuitive eating and gained weight. And, have you ever read any of Geneen Roth’s books? She says go for it, eat whatever you want, whenever you want and after a time your body will stop craving and begin to eat…
    in Hello Comment by tj3084 February 2023
  • Hi Desertbloom: Funny you mentioned knees…I work inpatient as a nurses assistant and I have some osteoarthritis and sacroiliac problems. Was having pain but slapped on a lidocaine patch, took some Advil and worked a 12 hr shift. Haven’t worked since. It’ll be one month by the time they cleared me to return. I developed a…
  • Hi hitlady, I think breaking it up is a great idea. Set a small goal and reach that so you can get a taste of success and, hopefully, get hungry for more. That’s my strategy anyway. That and giving and seeking support. Keep going - my sister always used to say “ Nothing beats a failure but a try,”
    in Hi Comment by tj3084 February 2023
  • Welcome! It is hard to lose those we love isn’t it? I lost my biological mother, my adoptive dad and 4 siblings so I can certainly understand the pervasive sense of sorrow. Spring is soon coming and every new day can hold a tiny joy if we let it. Maybe we can commit to trying to love and encourage ourselves as they would…
    in Hello Comment by tj3084 February 2023
  • Wow Desertbloom, you’ve certainly been through a lot! The important part though is that you are, as you say, alive and kicking and have another shot at the life that might make you happy. That’s why I’m here (And why I decided to gamble on grad school @ the ripe age of 58). Like you I’ve always tried to be independent (and…