

  • Hi everyone, It's a lovely morning today, sun shining and a humidity of 94% and I'm staying inside most of the day. We are going on a weekend trip to Orlando and having family and friends go with us to our timeshare. It'll be fun. We have five kids and five adults. It should prove interesting since we've only gone with…
  • Good morning everyone, I had a early dr. appt this morning. She changed some meds and increased others. the one she put me on is a weight gaining med as if I didn't have enough of them. but I shall perservere. I take about 34 pills a day and about 6-7 are weight gainers. So I am fighting an uphill battle all the time.…
  • I just wanted to post a quick one. You are all so interesting. I would like to get to know more about you but have a short memory span and can't remember some things like what people say. And peoples faces, but I get along okay after awhile. tula23-Walking against a current sounds like it might be fun. I don't know how to…
  • Hello all, This is my second time to post. I am getting everyone confused, there's so many of you. I have lost 2.4 lbs already and this is my 6th day with MFP. I am staying riqorously to my caloric count and counting everything that goes in my mouth with as much accuracy as I can. I feel good about what I am doing and for…
  • Hi my name is Donna and I am 61 and trying to stay motivated. I found this site after being on another program and failing miserably, didn't gain but didn't lose either. So I went up to get an app on calorie counting and found this site and have become very attached to it. It's not complicated, it is rather easy to follow.…