

  • donna5049
    Hi everyone,

    It's a lovely morning today, sun shining and a humidity of 94% and I'm staying inside most of the day. We are going on a weekend trip to Orlando and having family and friends go with us to our timeshare. It'll be fun. We have five kids and five adults. It should prove interesting since we've only gone with family and the friends I am talking about we know only one daughter who is the best friend of my DGD, both 11 and the other two about 7 years old maybe 8. And their mom and BF. So I'm sure everything will be great.

    I hope each of you has a great w/e.

    Wish me luck on staying on my plan this w/e. Don't want to gain any as I am fluctuating now up and down. So will weigh myself when I get back. Hope to do some walking and swimming so hopefully that will take some calories off.

    See you all when I get back.
  • AmyPearshape
    AmyPearshape Posts: 69 Member
    Hi. I'm new here. My weight loss is going slowly, but at least I'm not gaining. Mfp is definitely helping. I need encouragement to get to the gym this week. I work at a school and have been working late, and then "I can't possibly go to the gym because I have to..." fill in the blank with some important task for my family.
  • tobybear
    tobybear Posts: 109
    Hi. I'm new here. My weight loss is going slowly, but at least I'm not gaining. Mfp is definitely helping. I need encouragement to get to the gym this week. I work at a school and have been working late, and then "I can't possibly go to the gym because I have to..." fill in the blank with some important task for my family.
    Welcome Amy. This place definitely helps me. I have only lost 6 pounds but that is more than I have been able to lose before coming on here. You can friend me if you want to.

    What a day today is. It has been raining and now the sun is coming out but still looks cloudy, it is now 65 now and suppose to get up to 74. Nice weather finally got rid of the humidity. Don't want any more 90 with heat index of 110. Give me upper 70s or lower 80s and I am happy.

    Today will be a day of watching football, my Packers play tonight so I gotta watch them.

    I hope everyone has a great day today. Enjoy.
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 730 Member
    I hope that everyone is having a good weekend. I am working so my weekend is over...another one will be here on Wednesday which is my next day off.

    Welcome to all the new members....wonderful group of ladies here. You will love everyone. We are all here to help, guide, support you and to have fun too.

    I have to share 2 NSV.....I can cross my legs is one.....I haven't been able to do that in at least 10 years. I noticed that about a week ago. I sat down and just automatically crossed my legs....stunned to say the least. The other one is just as amazing. I was wearing a dress to a party...and I haven't worn a dress in ages....but I wanted to wear something different as it was a summer garden party. Well, my thighs don't rub together any longer...imagine that!! Perhaps these sound silly, but to me, it means that I am making progress.

    Have a wonderful day, everyone!!!!!!

    Pam aka Cherubcrnp
  • tobybear
    tobybear Posts: 109
    I hope that everyone is having a good weekend. I am working so my weekend is over...another one will be here on Wednesday which is my next day off.

    Welcome to all the new members....wonderful group of ladies here. You will love everyone. We are all here to help, guide, support you and to have fun too.

    I have to share 2 NSV.....I can cross my legs is one.....I haven't been able to do that in at least 10 years. I noticed that about a week ago. I sat down and just automatically crossed my legs....stunned to say the least. The other one is just as amazing. I was wearing a dress to a party...and I haven't worn a dress in ages....but I wanted to wear something different as it was a summer garden party. Well, my thighs don't rub together any longer...imagine that!! Perhaps these sound silly, but to me, it means that I am making progress.

    Have a wonderful day, everyone!!!!!!

    Pam aka Cherubcrnp

    That doesn't sound funny at all, those are great accomplishments and more will come.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    welcome Amy.
    have fun Donna.
    Everyone enjoy the weekend.
  • CarolALeBrun
    CarolALeBrun Posts: 25 Member
    Hi everyone, well I have been studying and working in the yard and studying some more. Doing a Level 2 Adjuster exam on Monday. I hope I will do ok but they are tough exams. Watching everything I eat and I am slowly whittling down a little bit every day. From some of the posts, it sounds like some folks are having a lot of life challenges that could very well impede progress. Stay strong and focus on targets. Stress is a killer and I can dive into the fridge so easily. Heading back to the gym next week - took a bit of a break. Having problems with my right shoulder - frozen. I had it with the left one and it took over a year to get over it. Now I have to watch what I do with my right arm all the time. I love to cross stitch so that is the main culprit. More stretching required.

    A beautiful weekend up here in Calgary - will sit on my deck some more tomorrow and study. Get a little yard work done and I will feel better. May even take the bike down off its rack in the garage and go for ride.

    Hope everyone has a nice weekend.

  • mimi7grands
    Just a quick hello.

    I've been off track lately - way off track. I was sorting through photos tonight looking for some to use in the family cookbook I've been working on. Seeing those old photos made me realize I never, never, never want to be that way again. I weighed over 300 pounds in most of them and looked every pound of it. Seeing those old pics was just the motivation I needed. I made a dinner of veggies tonight and felt great. I'm fighting the munchies but know it takes just two days of hard work then it will be smooth sailing again. I continue to be amazed by how much eating sugar and refined carbs stimulates the desire for more.

    Barbie, congrats on getting into your house. What a big relief and the start of a fun new adventure.

    Sissy, I'm thinking about you and the call back. I'm hoping for good news.

    Jane, my thoughts are with you too as you get ready to move. No fun at all. I hope the change leads to some good things too.

    Amanda, I'm thinking about you too and sending warm wishes your way.

    To everyone who's new, welcome to the best group on MFP. No kidding. (This group has helped me time after time to get and stay on track - something I hadn't done in 30+ years.)

  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Good morning everyone

    Donna - to answer your question about lawn bowling. It is more like curling (if you've ever seen that, or know about it). The bowls are not round and curl when you roll them. So to aim at a little white ball called the Jack at the other end of the green and you have to roll the bowl to the side so that it curls in to the middle to be as close as you can to the Jack.

    One load of laundry out on the clothes line at the moment. Some of the laundry was a new piece of fabric I just bought and the colour was rubbing off on to my hands, so obviously needed to be washed before I did anything else with it.

    My DBF and I are off to a local Fair this afternoon. Not sure what is on, but we'll have a wander around and see what is going on.

    Welcome Any - this is a great group with lots of support.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Denise - France! How wonderful! Their food is wonderful! What sites did you see (if any)

    Hi Amy and welcome. You know, I find that when I go to the gym, I have so much more energy that I can do more things and am more organized.

    We'll be going to Washington to see Bryan before he leaves and to meet his gf. Jessica wants to have a dinner for us. I made brownies (from scratch), muffins that aren't real sweet because I don't know if his gf likes chocolate and sweet things (I know Jessica and Vince do), I made this chocolate cookie dough but I'm not sure how they'll be when they're baked. We'll be back Tuesday and then Wednesday is our last bowling of this season. Then Thurs I have the mammo extra views and go for my plantar wart to be frozen. then Friday we have a conference call. Sat. I have to lector again. Boy, this week is pretty booked!....lol

    Did an hour of yoga today (Sat). Tomorrow I'll probably do an hour on the Wii of training games (haven't done that in a while). My shins still hurt, but they're getting better.

    Pam - your successes are just wonderful!

    I had an absolutely lovely salad for dinner (Vince didn't think so), green leaf lettuce, tomato, okra, hard boiled egg white (I'm not crazy about the yolks) and sardines with an ear of corn on the cob on the side. I thought it was just wonderful

    Made the chocolate cookies and also made some banana chocolate chip muffins for me (made them mini muffins).

    Did a hour of training games today (Sun.). I'll do a weight DVD tomorrow, not sure which one. We figure we'll probably leave around 9 or 9:30 so I'll just do something at home.

    Carol - good luck on the exam.

    Got baggies of carrots to take with me, I want to finish up the okra so I portioned that out, same with the celery. I want to finish up the grapes so I portioned those out. I'll probably also take an apple and orange with me. Have some V-8 in the refrig so I don't forget it. Also, the walnuts, almonds, and beef jerky. Ohhh...want to take some fruit snacks so I'll put those in the refrig just so I don't forget them. Be back in a sec.

    Had a wonderful salad for dinner tonight. Green leaf lettuce, a tomato, okra, egg white, tuna carrots, and for dessert grapes. Now I'm stuffed to the gills!

    mimi - I'm with you, I'm constantly amazed how much sugar and refined carbs makes me want more and more.

    Well, sounds like a storm is rolling in so I'll post this and then take a shower. Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Hello Everyone,
    Just needed to check in here to get myself back into the habit of logging and writing everyday. The birthday party for my husband was great. I definitely had plenty of food.....too much. Today we were wiped out. I didn't do much. I haven't been to the gym in two days. It is scary how fast those bad habits come back. I had diet coke today and I had stopped that long ago. Gotta be on track and get myself moving, drinking my water and following my plan.
    Thanks for your posts!!

  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    I have been gone for a week or so.
    I go home on Wed, Aug 17. Can't believe its been a week and a half since the surgery. I am in rehab typing this. I am feeling pretty good. The knee hurts but that is being controlled by pain meds.. I can walk with a cane now. I need to start moving around more. I know that I have lost more weight, will weigh when I get home.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Natalie,sounds like you are making progress.
    take care of yourself.
    HUGS to all of you ,my friends 50+
  • mimi7grands
    I stayed on track today. Phew. One more day to go and I should be in decent shape as far as the munchies go. I argued with myself over stopping to buy ice cream bars for my kids and grandkids. They deserved them, didn't they? Sanity won the day and I just kept going. I know I would have eaten one - how could I resist? - and there would go my plan to stick with unrefined carbs the next couple of days or a week. i expect tomorrow will still be hard but easier. It's amazing how quickly the old bad habits and desires can kick in.

    Good night everyone.
  • chicletgirl21
    chicletgirl21 Posts: 99 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Haven't been on in a real long time, but I did finally catch up on the posts.

    Natalie: I am so glad you had the surgery finally! I have been worrying and thinking about you ever since you mentioned the paid you were going through. It sounds like you are doing much better even with the current pain you are in. You sound totally different. Is this pain different from the other. It sounds like it is much more tolerable. And then today I heard you are walking with a cane and its only been a week and a half! That is so impressive!
    I have been thinking of talking with a doctor about my own knee. Granted I am no way near as bad as you were. But it definitely affects the things I do or rather the things I can't do. Some days the pain is so bad I am loaded up on pain killers and am walking around like an ape. Then days like today I am walking fine with just slight pain. I cannot sit back on the heals of my feet at all. Which really hurts and bugs me to no end. NOW THOSE WHO ARE SQUEEMISH ABOUT TALKING ABOUT SEX, DON'T READ THIS NEXT PART! But dammit, I went through all that I have achieved in my weight loss journey so that I could walk again and have sex like a normal person. And I still can't do that!!!! I have never been able to sit on top while having sex because of my knees. They simply will not bend that way without excrutiating pain! I so wanted to experience that! It sucks!!

    Okay sex rant over.

    I have been swimming everyday since I moved into this complex. Sometimes twice a day. My girlfriend came over yesterday who I haven't seen in over 3 months and she said I looked skinny. Now I know that is BS but I do think I look better. For one thing I am the brownest I have ever been in my entire life. I usually am DAYGLOW white, but now I look like I belong in a coppertone ad. That's kind of cool. My clothes are looser too, and I have had to go and order more clothes now. Pretty soon I am going to have to throw my 26/28 clothes out forever. I still walk around in them with a clip attached to the waist to hold them up. I just can't throw them away. They honestly look like crap but they are so comfortable. When I wear clothes that actually fit me, I feel confined in them. So do I go with bag lady look clothes for comfort or "wow you look terrific!" clothes that start to bug me because they are form fitting? I am even getting complaints from people who say, "I didn't realize you looked like that, because you are wearing clothes that look like potato sacks." :) So one day I will break down and toss them. I can't give them away because they are so beat up that no one would want to wear them. lol (Except me, that is)

    I am still following my normal way of eating but due to bbq's and get togethers fudge a little. But I have it under control so I am good. I also am still with my guy friend and we are getting closer everyday, despite having my mom around amazing enough!

    Speaking of her, I have to go and pick up her dishes from dinner and do her toileting now. So I am off.

    Keep going strong everyone!
    Natalie I am proud of you being such a trooper. I am watching your every step.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Natalie - you're sounding better and better all the time!

    chcicklet - I was wondering where you were! I love your honesty and openness. How's that guy of yours? Inquiring minds want to know......

    We'll probably be leaving pretty soon and I won't be able to check in for at least until Wed. (maybe Tues night, depends when we get back.).

    Hugs to everyone.

  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Natalie , so glad you are doing much better.

    To others thinking of you. Just don't have the energy to respond to everyone.

    Today and tomorrow I have Dr. duty with my Dad. I will be busy with him. He live alone and really had no interest in TV or listening to music. He just sits and thinks. but that is the way his mind works now that he has had his storks and lost my mom. It will be one year Aug 26 that she has passed and this has been the worst year for me. I wish she was still with me. She was my Rock.

    But, I have been really keeping on track with my eating and happy about that. I am really ready to get back into my skinny clothes and I am on my way.

    This site is the best for that and I am so happy for this post.

    Well, I'm off doing the daughter things to do.

    Take care everyone. Maybe I will check in later. It is raining here and might get bored so I might have time to read more of the post.

    Chat later

    Kathy, (plantlady):flowerforyou:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Chicklet - Glad to hear from you again. Can we assume there is still a guy in your life from your post? lol

    Donna - I use my crockpot a lot. There is a forum for crockpot recipes that has a lot of good meals posted. Many people have redone their favorites to be more healthy. There is always meat sauce and spaghetti. Crockpots make good sauce, just put what ever you usually do in it and go have fun. I make chili in mine all the time. Try to have fun and let others do some of the work.

    I am at work and my computer restarted and I lost my long post. To everyone have a great Monday and I hope you did well over the weekend.

    As for me, I started running (actually run walking) and doing pushups. I really need something to target my belly area. It is one size bigger than my top or my bottom.

    The kids and I leave Thursday for Minneapolis and my niece's wedding. While I hate to fly, I can't wait to get there and see friends and family. We are coming back the following Tuesday. I did not want make a short fast trip with the folks. They will need some nap time as it is with all the excitement.

    Have a great day,

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    A quick hello from MT! Glad to catch up a bit and WELCOME to the many new members! This is a fantastic place!

    Mimi: I am struggling to get 3 days in a row off of carb/sugar craving...you are right...once you give in to them, they keep calling you! Hang in there! I am right behind you!

    Wild lightening storm in the middle of the night here last night...not so much rain, but a wild show! DH and I slept later than usual because of it, so I am off track with my morning. Will get a nice walk in with a friend in a bit and have a long hike planned for tomorrow. NOW...I just have to PLAN my food a bit better and leave off the red wine a bit at night. Wish me luck!

    chicklet: Good to hear from you too. I am curious, like Michele and Jeannie about your "guy"! Hope all is well

    Kathy: Way to go with being on track...keep it up! It feels so good to be in that groove...I am trying to get back there!

    Take care all, and have a great day, Kackie
  • redi2
    redi2 Posts: 70 Member
    Happy Monday to all!

    I was inspired by all of you doing so many different things to work out. Yesterday, went to the Y and joined. :) Tonight I am going to the water aerobics class. I have never been very good about exercising but I did go to the pool all summer and walked against the lazy river twice a week. Now I need to do more and keep getting into better shape. It is raining out today and I wont be walking the dogs so great day to start indoors. :)