

  • mimi7grands
    Just heading off to bed after a full day. The girls and I went blackberry picking this morning. Our harvest was not too impressive. The harvest of blackberries that is. The harvest of scratches was just fine.

    Afterward, we went down to Costco for lunch where I had a hot dog - and stayed on track! A major accomplishment. I enjoyed every bite but I don't think the outcome would have been as good if I hadn't been eating so much fruit and so many veggies the last couple of days.

    After lunch, I took the girls to the pool in Folsom. It's really more than a pool. There must be 5 or 6 pools at least, including a huge play pool with slide, water blasters, etc.

    One of the pools had a couple of Wipeout-style inflated structures that required climbing up, over, around, swinging from ropes, etc. The girls were the smallest ones out there (they just turned 5 & 7). They went off the high-dive too. The lifeguards were ready to go after Kate (5) a couple of times. Her swimming is still under development :laugh: but she loves the water.

    I'm worn out from all the sunshine and activity so I'm going to take my sunburned nose :tongue: and toddle off to bed.


    p.s. I'm so happy to be reading your posts. I've missed you too.
    p.p.s. Barbie, I'm excited about your move. Woo hoo and yippee!
  • Jeanne3651
    Jeanne3651 Posts: 84 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Welcome Genie, Janies & Tobybear. You'll love it here. Everyone is very supportive and encouraging.

    I went to the doc yesterday as a followup to my bloodwork. He says he can't understand it but after reviewing my records and all the blood test I am showing no signs or symptoms of diabetis. He said that losing the weight I've lost over the last five years and monitoring my diet has curred it. I didn't tell him that I have friends that have been praying for a cure for a long time. The only problem I have now is I'm hypoglycemic. I tend to run low blood sugers. He's totally baffled. He's scheduled me for more blood work (fasting) and also wants me to get to the lab and have blood drawn when I'm in an active episode of hypoglycemia. Doc said in many ways hypoglycemis is more difficult to treat than diabetis. When I told him I had gained 20 lbs. and was now trying to diet he said don't worry about it I could eat anything I want. He just doesn't get it - if I eat just any old thing I'll be gaining weight like there was no tomorrow. The one thing he said is he wants me to exercise 30 minutes a day. Water aerobics will take care of 3 days. I can lap swim on Tues & Thurs but that leaves the weekend. I think I will just walk on those two days.

    I weighed in this morning which I usually don't do until Fri but I just felt smaller (does that make sense?) so I weighed and found out I lost 1 1/2 lbs. YAY for me!

    Well I wrote out a food plan for myself yesterday and am going to follow it religously for 14 days - which is what they recomment.

    Oh Jane, I found an OA metting about 20 miles from me that meets every Friday A.M. so I'm going to call the contact person to make sure it's still meeting and if it is I'm going to try and go.

    Well I better quit blathering and give someone else time on the board.

    Have a good day everyone. Remeber just one bite at a time.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I am back from being "off the grid" for a week. We all had fun without phones, TV, Ipods and everything else we have learned to depend on. The closest land line was 20 minutes away and in case of an emergency, they had an old fashion radio.

    Bears, bears, deer, racoons, more deers and more bears sums up most of the trip.

    I will catch up on the posts later,

  • mynika
    mynika Posts: 312 Member
    I would love to join this group as well, I am 53 from Florida. Thanks in advance for having me :)

    NAME: Terri
    AGE: 53
    HEIGHT: 5'
    Current weight: 233
    FUN FACT: I'm gonna be another Nani, I have 2 beautiful granddaughters now, one more Grand on the way... hope it is a boy. but of course we will take what ever it is :flowerforyou:
  • sissygok
    sissygok Posts: 97 Member
    A terrific Tueday to all of you!

    Today is one of those days that if it were up to me I would NOT go to the gym...but my husband has an audiologist appt. tomorrow and wants to go today because he will not be able to tomorrow and he is so positive and so encouraging that I cannot disappoint him...So I need to get myself ready and go, once there I know I will get into the whole thing, but right now I would so much rather stay home and read my new book, The Help. Just reading the first few chapters I am appalled and ashamed of the level social acceptance of others and racial predjudice existed in this country...I have a mixed race grandson and it is so hard to even imagine how people could actually feel the way they used to...well, stepping down off my soap box, I will get ready to go now.

    Went to Tulsa yesterday for my mammogram and did a little shopping, bought a really cute top for our cruise. It 's an hour and a half drive home so really not keen on getting back into the car today.

    I desperately need one of those wonderful days when the scale presents me with a big loss, I have been riding this 14 pound loss way too long, I need a little downward action on the scale...xoSissy
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    I am on the otherside, had Surgery on ThuredayAugust 4. Today the knee is sore. I had PT for the first time yesterday two times and the leg and knee were sore today, and had PT again this morning. I bought an ice machine made by vitalwear. It costs $175 a week to rent, and they had one for $230 to purchase, so I just bought one. Hubbyl is bringing pizza here tonight for dinner. The food here is horrid, its kosher.....
    Hubby will bring ZOEY, our dog, again to see me and last night our older daughter came with Tyler, our 5 year old grandson.

  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    I am on the otherside, had Surgery on ThuredayAugust 4. Today the knee is sore. I had PT for the first time yesterday two times and the leg and knee were sore today, and had PT again this morning. I bought an ice machine made by vitalwear. It costs $175 a week to rent, and they had one for $230 to purchase, so I just bought one. Hubbyl is bringing pizza here tonight for dinner. The food here is horrid, its kosher.....
    Hubby will bring ZOEY, our dog, again to see me and last night our older daughter came with Tyler, our 5 year old grandson.

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
  • redi2
    redi2 Posts: 70 Member
    I would love to join this group. :) I started MFP in January with my husband. I have not really taken advantage of all the help here with friends and the message board. I think it is great to find other with the same obstacles to losing like being older and menopause . I also have hypothyroidism. I started with my husband and hoped to lose 10 pounds and did not really want to change my life style. I am now down 20+ and find it easier to eat healthy and exercise. I love the results!!
  • olso123
    olso123 Posts: 192 Member
  • tobybear
    tobybear Posts: 109
    Thank you all so much for the warm welcomes. It will take me a while to catch up with what is going on, I hope to make some wonderful lifelong friends here. Take Care.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    barbie - I couldn't wait to log in today to find out how the house "stuff" went! I'm so excited for you.

    Did an hour of a downloadable spinning workout that I have. Tomorrow I'm going to go walking on the treadmill, then we have the Newcomers general meeting and then the bowling league. One thing they mentioned at the seminars I went to this weekend is to walk on the treadmill backwards. That makes sense -- uses different muscles. So I'm going to try that. We only had one person sign up to bring a snack to the meeting, so I made a key lime cake. I'm also going to take some cut up cantaloupe that I have. I'm going to put it in my very expensive dish -- cost me all of $1.06. what I like about this dish is that there's a place below where you can put ice cubes but they don't come in contact with the fruit so the fruit won't be sitting in a pool of water.

    Hey Terri! So glad to have you. Looks like your goal weight is pretty attainable, you have almost 2 months. There will be times when you lose and time when you won't, don't get discouraged when you won't because that'll all even out during the times when you will. when are you expecting the gradbaby?

    Sissy - was "the help" made into a movie? I think I've heard about the movie. What else are your thoughts on the book?

    I'm a bit frustrated that when I called the MD office to tell them at what time and what day to make the appt for and to call me to confirm that they did, I didn't get a call. I have a feeling that they didn't call. Really, it's my own fault. I should have said to them "you can make the appt, but I will be cancelling it to make it at a time that is suitable for me". I'm sure what it is is that the hosp needs to have the MD authorize it so it's just easier for them to do the authorization and set the appt at the same time. So what I'll do next time is let my MD office make the appt, but I follow up.

    Got my bangs trimmed today. Found out that my hairdresser's daughter is expecting in January.

    Welcome redi!

    Well, going to get ready for tomorrow. Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good evening ladies,
    Again I skimmed posts. Barbie glad the move is going well and you are able to keep up with eating and exercise. Sally thanks, yes I hate to complain because I dont want extreme cold either. I awoke this morning when kenneth left for work at 530 and was well rested so got up and went for walk from 6-7. by 7 when I was done I was dripping sweat it was already hot. Plan to do again tomorrow if I sleep as well. I too started reading before bed and I fine I sleep better and have less crazy dreams. I realize that what I watch before bed affects my sleep. i love the crime dramas but sometimes they are not pretty. We have been so busy getting the two girls ready for K and Pre-K. They had to go to meet and greet and meet their teachers and today they had to be tested. next week parent orientation and then they start on tues and wed. we took them after testing today to get nails painted and ice cream at chick fil a . trying to make their last week of freedom special for them. I am so glad they are such good and grown up girls but it seems like they were just born and I will miss them dearly. luckily I will get them off bus each day so I will get to spend some time with them. Well time to get ready for bed. Have a good evening ladies.
    vicki M
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: we are waiting some more.:grumble: :grumble: there were some mix-ups with paperwork, last minute requests from our buyers' lender, a computer somewhere that went down for awhile so even though all the papers have been signed, there is still more to be done before the transactions get recorded and we get our keys and can start moving

    :bigsmile: our realtor has the keys so we were able to go and spend half an hour in our future house and make some decisions about where things should go. It was fun, but made us even more anxious to move.

    :laugh: the day was so mentally exhausting that hubby insisted that we go out for Mexican food. I had a spinach enchilada with whole beans and rice and pico de gallo.. You can look at my food diary to see how "food filled' my day was :laugh:

    :bigsmile: Natalie, if you're complaining about the hospital food, then you are certainly on the road to recovery.:bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: Vicki, your granddaughters are so blessed to have your for their grandma......you do such fun stuff with them.

    :bigsmile: Michelle, walking on the treadmill backwards sounds scary. You'll have to let us know how your feel about it.

    :flowerforyou: Tobybear, I like your quote about how quitting is not an option :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: Redi2, welcome to the group. It sounds like you've had great results so you'll have to share some of the things that have worked for you

    A friend just came to the door, gotta go :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Good evening everyone

    Sounds like you are making good progress Natalie. Physio is hard but so essential.

    Welcome redi2 - this is a good group with lots of support.

    Welcome Terri - I thought your goal a little ambitious as you want to lose 33lbs in about 10 weeks. I don't think I could sustain 3 lbs each and every week. I sincerely wish you success and hope you prove my doubts wrong.

    It started raining this evening just before I was due to go bowling, so that it was cancelled. Tomorrow however, there is a tournament which will go (probably) rain or shine unless there is thunder and lightning. 3 games. I need to get up when the alarm goes off and not just turn over and go back to sleep. Have to make my lunch to take with me as I don't fancy what they are offering for lunch. Water bottle is in the freezer ready for the morning.,

    Good night and sleep tight.
  • CarolALeBrun
    CarolALeBrun Posts: 25 Member
    Sounds like a group for me. 57 and battling the bulge - still trying to get into menopause but mama nature does not want me there quite yet I suppose. Been really watching this month and am down 7 lbs since monitoring in July. Had originally dropped about 15 but attempted a half marathon and nearly killed myself - well my feet actually and it set me back. Taking it slow and easy and want to drop 60-70 lbs by Feb 2012 so I will keep posting . Keep up the good work everyone - your postings are great motivation. Carol
  • mimi7grands
    Welcome to everyone new. There are bunches of you! This is an amazing bunch of women. Their support has made a huge difference in my staying (not always but mostly) on track. I was thinking about what's made the most difference for me...

    Getting more active (and not working at a desk!)
    Counting my blessings (and deliberately pushing out negative thoughts)
    Logging what I eat
    Keeping up with your posts and posting myself
    Eating lots of fruit and veggies

    I've learned to love the way I eat now. Once in a while I "try" going back to eating the old junk. Every time, without exception, I feel tired and depressed. When I get back to eating fruit and veggies, my spirits lift and I have more energy. I love it.

    I enjoy eating lots of food too. With fruit and veggies, I can do that.

    Barbie, good luck with your move!

    Sissy, The Help sounds worth reading. I have a bi-racial family too and know some of the struggles. Having weighed over 300 lbs I can relate somewhat to being judged based on looks. Weight can be changed; color can't (and shouldn't). A little consciousness-raising is good.

    Good night everyone.

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Hi everyone - welcome to all the newcomers.

    :flowerforyou: Just a quick one as I'm back at work today and need to get ready.

    :flowerforyou: Our cat had his dental on Monday - we were so worried - but he came through it okay and only had to have 1 tooth extracted, the rest have been cleaned and they look like new. Had a bit of a busy day Monday waiting for the cat to come home, noticed our water was brown and muddy looking. Phoned the water board who said they didn't know of any work in our are, and that to pour it into a jug and it should soon settle, it should be okay to use.:huh: :huh: I wasn't taking any chances! I popped over to my mums and filled a few lemonade bottles with fresh water. I kept checking on ours and eventually after a few hours it started to run clear again. Yuk! brown water did not look good.

    :smile: Yesteday had a lovely day in Hull seeing my niece and her new little baby (nearly a month old now) she adorable and so is her big sister Autumn who's 3 in October. We went to a place called cheeky monkies where there's lots of slides and ball pools etc and grown ups can go inside with the kids. I had a whale of a time going down the slide - great fun I want to go again!! I think the grown ups enjoy it more than the kids. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :smile: That should have used up a few calories :laugh:

    :ohwell: Suppose I'd better get ready for work - it's pouring with rain today - looks like the sun has gone for good!

    Have a good day and I'll catch up with you all later.

    Viv xx

    PS Barbie - Hope you get moving soon - all the waiting is not good for your stress levels.
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Another day to keep going.
  • donna5049
    Hi my name is Donna and I am 61 and trying to stay motivated. I found this site after being on another program and failing miserably, didn't gain but didn't lose either. So I went up to get an app on calorie counting and found this site and have become very attached to it. It's not complicated, it is rather easy to follow. I am held accountable for everything I put into my mouth, that's what I like about it. I need the structure.

    I need to lose about 50lbs. I am not a active person. I used to walk alot but that was before summer hit. It's way too hot here in Florida right now. I am diabetic, have multiple chronic conditions and take 34 pills a day that alot of them are weight gaining. So I am fighting an uphill battle with no gun. But not to worry I've been in this position for most of my life and counting calories has done me well before. If only I wouldn't go into my depression state because of seizures or medication withdrawl due to unfortunate circumstances beyond my control. Last depression was about 5 years ago and it lasted 3 years because of a seizure I had. The mind is a complicated thing. But I am back and have been for awhile and have been trying for the last two years and haven't been successful to the point that I can keep it off. So that is the birds eye view of my life, much more to tell, but don't want to bore you.

    And how do you do the graphics on this site. They are wonderful. Please let me know if you can. I weigh right now 180.6 and started out 5 days ago at 182. So, so far so good. Have stayed under calorie count so far. But yesterday went over by less than 100 calories, I think, due to a chicken stir fry I made from scratch. Boy the calories add up quickly. I'll try to check in each day. Thanks for letting me join you on your journey as well as my own. thanks