

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Just on here very briefly. It's my FIL's funeral tomorrow and we have been super busy. It's two weeks today since he passed, and will be a relief when he is finally laid to rest. My poor DH is so on edge.

    On top of that, I've had a really awful tummy bug which is thankfully almost gone now.

    I've been posting my food and exercise (what little there has been of it), but haven't had a chance until today to get onto the message boards. Once I'm back home tomorrow night I will try to catch up with the posts.

    In the meantime, I hope everyone is well and happy and send my love to you all.

    Amanda x
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Good Morning,
    I had my Weight Loss Challenge meeting last night and there I stayed the same (this is the 3rd week that I’ve been the same there). At home, at my weigh in for MFP this morning I was down .2 from last week. All in all, I know I need to keep motivated and feeling healthy is really what I want…not just the number on the scale. I know that when I come here and read your threads, I feel more balanced in my thinking.
    Today…I need to get the house. I am having a little party for my husband’s birthday on Saturday. So I will really work at clearing and cleaning today and I’ll get to the gym before I teach my yoga class.
    Have a good day!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    I am trying to catch up on the posts still and trying to get a handle on what is going on with everyone. As always, this forum is a busy one.

    Somehow I managed not to gain any weight while on vacation even though I ate more than normal. Breakfast and lunch where calorie loaded, but dinners were always grilled meat or chicken with grilled veggies and/or a salad.

    Next week we are going to my niece's wedding in Rosewood Minnesota. I hate to fly, but can't wait to go and get back again. Once I am back I will focus on getting back on track with exercising and meal planning.

    My biggest news is that we are getting new windows for the ground floor of the house. Hopefully, we will be a lot warmer this winter.

    happy hump day to all still working,

  • sissygok
    sissygok Posts: 97 Member
    Just want to say Happy Humpday to all, this will be short today. The scale is still on pause at a 14 pound loss, it is so hard to be faithful to my calorie limit when I am not seeing results..but will hang in there and continue on with this journey.
    About "The Help" I have only read the first few chapters but cannot wait to get back to it....so that should say volumes. They have made a movie based on the book and it is to be released soon, will probably be good but I think it will not cover all the emotions that are in the book.

    DH has an appointment later today and I will be home alone and will read then...it is a rare moment that we are not both home together so will take advantage of it by doing something I love to do. xoSissy
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Good morning, everyone! Catching up on the posts once again!

    Welcome to all our new members!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Sissy--I want to read The Help. too and plan to get it once I finish the book I am currently reading. Unfortunately, there is still a lot of racial prejudice in this great country of ours. I also have a number of mixed race family members and I do not understand how one can judge another on how they look or where they are from!

    Natalie--Hang in there! I'm happy for you that the surgery is over. As for the food in at the facility you are in--it must be bad cooking as all the kosher food I have had has been wonderful! Take care and do as you are told!:happy:

    I am meeting a friend soon and need to get ready. I hope everyone has a wonderful day!
  • mynika
    mynika Posts: 312 Member
    Today is Tuesday, and Goodmorning to all of you!!!
    I weighed today and I have lost 1.5 pounds, so excited... now down to 231.5 yay!!!
    On my way to my goal for October.
  • tula23
    tula23 Posts: 29 Member
    Hello ladies, I am new here and excited to have found MFP. I haven't read this whole thread but it sounds welcoming. :-)
    I hope I can join.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Oh, no, barbie - waiting some more!!! How frustrating! But it'll be worth it in the end.

    Let's see, got up and did an hour on the treadmill today. When I went to that fitness seminar this weekend, they talked about walking on the treadmill backwards, so I gave it a try. Only used 1% incline and couldn't go above 2.5mph, but I can feel different muscles were used. Then we had the Newcomer's general meeting. One lady didn't write down that she was bringing something, evidentally she told someone, and since I wasn't here last month, I had no idea. I brought a key lime cake and some canteloupe cut up. She also brought cantaloupe. How I wish they would sign the form rather than just telling someone or just bringing something! But if that's the worst of my troubles, that's not bad at all. Then we went bowling. Someone brought figs in with them so I had some of them. The bowling alley put the canteloupe that I had left over in their refrigerator until we were done. Out of three games, I bowled a 70 (yuk, and double yuk), then a 104, then a 124 (now that's not bad). Tomorrow, I'll probably do a DVD of a band workout, haven't done that in a while

    Really, walking on the treadmill backwards wasn't bad at all. I do feel that different muscles got used. I did lightly hold onto the handrails, especially since I'm not used to doing this.

    mimi - I'm so with you on how you feel. I, too, feel so sluggish and tired, but not when I have lots of veggies. Then I have so much energy and I feel so much better.

    Hey Carol and Donna! Donna, which program were you on? Congrats on the weight loss!

    Amanda - so glad that you're better

    Sally - happy birthday to your husband!

    Tula - Welcome to a fantastic place!

    Well, I really feel my calves from walking on that treadmill. But in a way that's good.

    Say, does anyone know of any exercises you can do to strengthen your wrists that doesn't involve weights?

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Hump day!I `m trying to catch up.We are in the process of moving also,not by choice.We have to let go of our house of 17 years due to my husband loosing his job,the economy etc.
    Natalie,sounds like you are making progress.I think using the ice will help.i know it helped with my knee.
    welcome to all the new comers.This is an awesome site.
    Congrats to you all who are seeing results.It`s a one day at a time process.
    have a good night.
  • Gettinfit2
    Gettinfit2 Posts: 254 Member
    Barbie, I hope all goes well with your move.

    Cathy, jogging is great. I’ve always enjoyed the feeling of a good jog or run.

    Michele, you always seem to do a good job of mixing up your exercise. I’m working in some Firm with Cathe. Also, Cathe is coming out with a spinning DVD.

    Sissy, I read The Help and enjoyed every page. I have mixed feelings about the movie. The movie, for me, is a reminder that African-American females still can’t get mainstream roles in movies unless the role is a maid, a prostitute, an angry black woman or a struggling single mother. On another note, I, too, am waiting for a big loss. We are going to celebrate when our losses arrive.

    Natalie, I am glad to know that your progress is coming along well.

    Amanda, stay strong during this time of loss.

    Hello to all the newcomers. You will enjoy this group.

    I am enjoying the relief in weather.
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Good evening everyone

    Welcome to Carol, Donna and Tula23. This is a great place and you will get lots of inspiration here.

    Had a lawn bowls tournament today 3 games each of about 90 minutes so lots of exercise today.

    Haven't changed my weight yet for this week, so I'm still stuck at the same 14lbs as you Sissy. But maybe tomorrow.........

    Not a lot of other news tonight, so I'm off to bed.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    The smileys aren't working right now
    boo hoo

    Jane, I'm sorry to hear about your having to move because of your husband losing his job. Our move is partly for financial reasons and partly because my husband can't do the yard work because of his heart condition.

    The escrow finally closed on both the selling of our house and the purchase of the new one. I took the "for sale" sign to the realtor's office. We have taken three carloads of boxes to the new house, unpacked a lot of stuff, given the dogs a chance to sniff around and lie around in the new house. Now the work begins. I'll be going to line dance tomorrow and Friday mornings and to the afternoon practice Friday with the group that's performing at the county fair next week.
  • tula23
    tula23 Posts: 29 Member
    Thanks for the warm welcome. :-)

    I am a heart patient and am not allowed to do anything strenuous. So that removes most exercise for me except walking. Good thing I like to do that!
    Does anyone have any exercise ideas that have worked for you (that were not strenuous)?

    have a great evening,
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Morning everyone - smileys still not working!

    It is so dark here this morning, it has rained non stop since yesterday. It was more like November rather than August when I woke up, I thought it can't be time to get up - it's still dark lol.

    I must be almost back to normal as I'm getting more organised at work now. Last week I don't think I was aware of what I was doing, just catching up on emails etc and making a note of things I had to do. Yesterday I was more on top of things.

    Welcome to the newcomers tula and donna are two I can remember, but welcome to all.

    Jane sorry you are having to move house rather than wanting to, but I hope you settle into your new home and that you are very happy there, and if it helps financially too it's a bonus for you. Take care, moving house is supposed to be one of the more stressfull times in our lives!

    You too Barbie, glad things almost sorted for your move, sending calming thoughts to you and Jane.

    Natalie how's the rehab going?

    Amanda sending hugs your way.

    Sorry I'll have to go get ready for work, time seems to fly when on mfp and I haven't filled in my food and exercise for a few days - need to get back and do that regularly.

    Viv xx

    PS What does happy hump day mean??
  • Jeanne3651
    Jeanne3651 Posts: 84 Member
    Wow, I miss posting on this board for a few days and lots of stuff happens.

    Welcome to all those who are new and also those who are just listening in. Hope you decide to join us.

    Jane sorry that you have to move but hang in there things will get better.

    Barbie - it sounds as if you are finally going to get into the job of actually moving and getting settled in your new house. Congratulations!

    I've been doctoring and have missed exercise all this week. Went to the doctor on Mon and he said because of the weight loss over the last 6 years that my diabetis is basically gone. I've had no signs or symptoms and have not been on diabetic meds for over three years. Now however My body has switched to being hypoglycemic. So I'm going through all sorts of tests to find out why. He told me there is a type of tumor that could cause it or liver, pancreas or kidney problems. He wants me to exercise 30 min per day but not overly stressfull - swimming and water aerobics are O.K. I have to be careful driving because when my sugar level gets low I get very dizzy and light headed. Oh well, just another lifestyle change.

    I have to go now I have to get dressed to be at the hospital by 7 a.m. for more tests.

    Hope everyone has a nice day. God Bless and think positively.
  • Patchworkperson
    Patchworkperson Posts: 151 Member
    Geri – have you thought about changing out one veggie for one fruit since you enjoy fruit so much. Perhaps there is something else you could trim to be able to have at least one piece of fruit each day. I find that a few cherries keep me happy for ages because I can eat one, and then not have the next one for a little while so the helping lasts longer than an apple or pear. Other small fruit like strawberries, raspberries, etc are also good rather than a larger single fruit.
    Genelace - oh for goodness sake & thank you!. Why did that not occur to me? I feel such a dunce now! I think I was feeling deprived & sorry for myself. The other thought that hit me today was - if I get myself to the gym 5 days a week instead of just 3, I will have a few more fruity calories & not need to give up the veggies.

    Something I read on another thread made me think & I'm sure I'm not an emotional eater. Mum didn't force me to eat all on my plate or get it each day until I did. I simply love food. Food fascinates me, I love to cook, I graduated from catering college, I cook from scratch each day, cookery books are my bedtime reading - although now I look at recipes to see how I can make them healthier.

    Anyway enough of me twittering & welcome to new friends. You really have found the best group here.

    How's it going Natalie? I hope you're feeling better each day.

    Hugs to you & your family Amanda.

    Good thoughts & hugs to all who may need them.

    Enjoy the rest of your week & it's nearly the weekend!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Just posting so you all know I am still here. I haven't been logging food to consistently but I am not eating badly. I just don't exersize anymore (yep, thats what I said. , I know I can't beleive it either considering what I was doing last year at this time) and I am enjoying my evening cocktails a little too much. I just don't quite have the gumption to get back on that road and start changing again. the walls of my rut are just a little tooo high at the moment. but at least I am still here reading and posting (insert big smiley here since my new computer at work won't let me.)
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

    Viv xx

    PS What does happy hump day mean??

    Morning, Viv!

    Hump Day is Wednesday--the middle of the work week. We are "over the hump" and sliding toward the weekend!

    Robin--hang in there, okay? Things WILL get better! (And the smileys aren't working for anyone right now!)
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Happy Hump day!I `m trying to catch up.We are in the process of moving also,not by choice.We have to let go of our house of 17 years due to my husband loosing his job,the economy etc.
    Natalie,sounds like you are making progress.I think using the ice will help.i know it helped with my knee.
    welcome to all the new comers.This is an awesome site.
    Congrats to you all who are seeing results.It`s a one day at a time process.
    have a good night.

    Jane - I am so sorry for you and your family. It must be so stressful for all of you. You are not alone. It is happening to many people we know here. My heart goes out to all of the families hurting during these hard times. We aren't that far behind you. Our plan is to hang on to the house until the kids graduate from high school, then downsize. Getting the new windows is actually part of the plan to start fixing the house up for resale. We have let so much go trying to save money here and there over the last several years. Hang in there. Be strong. These hard times will pass. Jeannie
  • donna5049
    Hello all,

    This is my second time to post. I am getting everyone confused, there's so many of you. I have lost 2.4 lbs already and this is my 6th day with MFP.

    I am staying riqorously to my caloric count and counting everything that goes in my mouth with as much accuracy as I can. I feel good about what I am doing and for the first time in 8 months (another program) I am seeing results in the first 6 days. Amazing!!

    It does help when you have motivators helping you and keeping you on tract. Thanks to you all. I see all the tickers with the weight losses and I am happy for you and know that someday that will be me up there too.

    Today I am feeling under the weather and I hope that I will start feeling better. I am working in the office and doing the laundry and cleaning house, but all I want to do is curl up and go to sleep. But it's my day off and other things take priority.
    We're, Dh & I, DD, DGD, DGS and another family are going to our timeshare. We invited DGD best friend and her mother and sisters to come with us so they might enjoy a weekend of fun and sun and swimming and just relaxing. We all can use that. We will be staying at our timeshare in Orlando Florida at Bonnet Creek. It is a wonderful place and has many amenities.

    So I just hope with that many people and I'll probably wind up doing most of the cooking I'll keep it to heathy lunches and dinners as best as I can. We're Dh & I in a presidential suite with 2 bedrooms which we think that DGD and Sarah her friend (both 11) will be staying with us and on another floor below us we have another two bedroom deluxe for the others. But we'll see how it works out. Nothing is in concrete yet.

    Any suggestions on what to feed 5 kids and 5 adults a healthy but filling lunches and dinners? I thought about bringing my crockpot so I can put it in in the morning and have it ready for dinner at night and then come up to room and cook or make lunch for everyone maybe sandwiches and fruit or sandwiches and chips etc with plenty of fruit on the side.How's that sound? I am not a big party cook, I am used to fixing for two not 10. However on Christmas Dinner last year we cooked for 20 people and decorated and everything. It was tiring but very very rewarding.

    I am babbling as usual. Let me know what you think about the meals any suggestions would be welcomed.