

  • sissygok
    sissygok Posts: 97 Member
    I am so thankful for the wonderful rain and cool air that has followed...The terrible 100+ temperatures we have had for weeks on end are just not conducive to movement and exercise. Today is our gym day and the kids are back in school around here so maybe the music will be toned down a bit.

    Lorri, I could not agree with you more about the parts in film that are offered to African American woman. Hopefully that will also change. I read a little more in The Help yesterday and I'm really enjoying it even though I am just getting started. I had bought 3 new books to take on our cruise in October, one by Jennifer Weiner, Steven Tyler's new book and The Help but could not resist starting this one, I will have to find another book to take now.

    Still sitting on the plateau and waiting for something to happen, it's almost seeming like a permanent weight to me...I hope that increasing my exercise routine helps. I have read some about increasing your caloric intake for a week to jolt your metabolism when you go back to 1200 but I would be afraid that would cause a weight gain and that is not what I need right now...Any thoughts or wisdom on this????

    I have no idea what we are having for dinner tonight...guess I have to go to the store and decide. I usually have a million ideas but not today. I have been a little rattled since yesterday.

    Yesterday I got a follow up letter from my Mammogram on Monday saying there is something on my first mammogram and I need to come right back in for an additional imaging study...This has happened before and it has always proven to be a cyst or scar tissue and was a benign finding, but always in my left breast as I had some problems years back. The letter said they saw something in my right breast so I am having bad thoughts about this. I made an appointment for next Tuesday so will be anxious until then.

    Have a great day today ladies, xoSissy
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 730 Member
    Today is the end of my "weekend" as I go back to work tomorrow. I have been working outside in the yard...most of the day yesterday and will head out there in just a few minutes again. I have plants to put into the new beds. Thank goodness the horrible heat wave is over here...it was as high as 97 degrees with heat index of as much as 105. Today is 78 and that is so much better.

    Glad to hear that everyone is doing well and making progress.

    I will catch you all later....and will read all the previous posts.

    Pam aka Cherubcrnp
  • redi2
    redi2 Posts: 70 Member
    Hi All, thank you for the welcomes!

    yesterday turned out to be so busy, I never got a chance to check back here. I had to take our little male yorkie puppy to the vet to be neutered.. aww while he was there and under they also pulled 2 baby teeth. He seems to be recovering just fine. Hard part is to keep him from playing with his sister until he is healed.

    I also had to go into work for a few hours, even tho I do not really work there anymore. I am a dog groomer and they were short handed for the day.

    Last night was my last time going to the city pool to walk against the current in the lazy river. It is a good work out and I love doing it, but the pool is closing with school starting. :( Now I need to find a new way to get my exercise. I am thinking of joining the Y and going to water aerobics. Anyone do that?

    I love reading all of your posts. I hope to get to know you all better and keep up with everything going on..

    anyone know why my ticker thing does not show for my posts?
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    robin can you swim?I know I have been doing that because of knee surgery.
    Everyone else,have a good rest for the day.
    take care
    jane HUGS
  • tobybear
    tobybear Posts: 109
    Hope everyone had a great day. Nothing new here, same ole, same ole. At least the weather is cooler.
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Good Evening everyone,
    It was a beautiful day here. I didn’t get as much as I wanted to do today. Had another bad headache this afternoon. I did get to the gym this morning so that was a good thing. I am finding that I am not burning as many calories as I used to. I think I have been doing the same workout for too long. I spoke to the woman who does a strength training class I go to twice a month about building a new program. I think I need to change things up.

    Sissy….I just started The Help too and I am really enjoying it. I love to read and at times that gets in the way of my moving!! Sissy…. I hope everything comes out alright with your mammograms. I hate getting called back.

    Michele….Thanks for the birthday wishes for my husband. He is ready to celebrate. I am excited about our little party.

    Jane…. I just want to send you a hug. Such tough decisions and tough times!

    Have a good night!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Lorri - the only problem I can see with Cathe's spinning DVD is that I would have to have a spinning bike. That's why I like the downloadable workouts that I have. I can use the bike at the Y (one less thing to clutter up my house....lol) yet still get in my workout. Cathe is the only one that I know of that has a "travel fitness" DVD which is a band workout. Did that one today. I do like her cues. Some of her DVD's, tho, I thought were pretty pricey. For some reason, I thought there was a taichi class today, but I was wrong, it's tomorrow. I can't go tomorrow since I'm going to take the yoga and deep water which is from 8:30-9:30 and the taichi starts at 9. Oh well...another time.

    Bowled 4 games today, did I ever stink! Think it's time to take a day off. Tonight there's the evening mahjongg that I think I'll go to, especially since I don't go on Fridays, I just can't justify the long trip there especially since there aren't any other errands that I can do.

    Jeanne - congrats on getting off the diabetes meds, but that is so weird that now you're hypoglycemic. Let us know as soon as you find out the cause, OK?

    Sissy - I have to go back for add'l views from my mammogram, too! I have an appt. on the 18th at 10. I'm sure it's because I'm lumpy and they're just being on the cautious side. I'm sure yours will prove to be nothing, too. Let us know how it goes, OK?

    Did a little food shopping today. I saw these dark seedless grapes, and I didn't do my usual routine of tasting before buying. Are they ever sour! But I'll finish them up. I've tasted grape tomatoes, and put them back if the tomatoes were sour.

    redi - one of the things I do is deep water workout. To me, it is a good workout, but you really don't feel like you're working out (that is....until the next day). It is a full body workout. I really enjoy it, but I'm just me and I can't do it three times/week, once is enough. If I were to do it more than once/week, I'd get bored to death.

    Played mahjongg tonight. I did maj twice. I made these sausage stuffed mushrooms, each one was only 45 calories. I took a big plate of them, and they were all gone. Guess that one's a hit!

    Everyone, have a great evening.

  • tula23
    tula23 Posts: 29 Member
    Hi Jane, Yes I can swim and that is a great idea! I'm just afraid I may get run over in the lap lanes!! LOL
    We have a beautiful swim center - I may look into that. Thanks! ♥
  • donna5049
    I just wanted to post a quick one. You are all so interesting. I would like to get to know more about you but have a short memory span and can't remember some things like what people say. And peoples faces, but I get along okay after awhile.

    tula23-Walking against a current sounds like it might be fun. I don't know how to swim but the walking part I could do. Do they have it in the Y where you might go?

    We have a small swimming pool but not for long. Our house is being repossessed and we have to move to a smaller affordable apartment or small house. Right now we live in a 3 bedroom with den big kitchen, 2 1/2 car garage. It's overwhleming at times when it is time to clean. LOL

    Anyway thought I would comment on that and I hope all of you have a great night and a beautiful morning.
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Barbie so glad to hear you are moving in! How exciting.

    Have skimmed the posts and been missing for so long I will never catch up with you all. Such a lot of interesting lives and so many great things going on.

    I have been fighting the same bug that took me down at the end of June. High temps, body aches, headaches, etc. Not really sick like I was but lots of joint pain and headaches which I just do not have as a rule. Dr.s finally ran some tests and this is Lymes related although perhaps not Lymes itself. Turns out there are a lot of similar bugs you can get one or more from the same tick. Who knew?

    I am still hard at it but making myself go rather than just doing it. On doxycycline for the next three weeks then back to the Drs.
    Hoping that is the end of that!

    Such a small hill to climb, when I look at some of the mountains you all have conquered! Onward and upward!

    Finally lovely weather here much nicer to be out and about, picked the last of the blackberries today and worked in the nursery beds. Summer grass is a workout all it's own. I am enjoying all of our fresh vegetables and about to embark on my canning and putting by. Have the berries and peaches put up, time to make jelly for the Grandkids, and Gramma's lumpy applesauce.

    Time for this old girl to get to bed, Nite nite. Alice
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Good evening Everyone

    Just a quick pop-in to say hi.

    Donna - looks like the menus for your trip are good. Don't do all the work yourself - supervise. Then you know what is being prepared but you don't have to do it all. It is your get-away too. Are you near the beach at your timeshare? Walking in the edge of the sea is good too. Sorry to hear about your house too.

    We lived in a seaside town when I was a kid and lots of the family would come for a visit in the summer. My mum always ended up doing all the work because we lived there and everyone else was on holiday. She told me once, after we had moved from there, that it was the unhappiest time of her life.

    I went to the community centre today and signed up for 2 aquafit sessions. This evening played a game of lawn bowls and my team won - I think we are the top team so far this session (Aug to Sept), which is a big improvement because we were next to bottom last session (June and July).

    Well off to bed for me as I have to be up in time for bowls in the morning.
  • Jeanne3651
    Jeanne3651 Posts: 84 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Sissy & Michele will be praying for you as you go back for you rechecks. Let us know the results.

    My walking partner is moving so I need to find a new partner or go by myself. Bummer.

    Hope all my test results are back by tomorrow and maybe I can start swimming again. The instructor is concerned that I might pass out in the pool. Maybe I'll just start with light lap swimming and work myself up to water aerobics.

    Have a great day everyone. God Bless!
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    got to get my walk in today.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Donna5049 – Congratulations on loosing 2.4 lbs. That is a good start. There are a lot of good meal ideas here and on the recipe threads. From the crowd you have to cook for I think grilled meat (steak, chicken, pork or fish) with veggies and a salad would be good for you and easy. Like so many here, I have discovered grilled veggies.

    Tula – don’t worry about getting run over in the lap lanes. I swim a lot too and I have found swimmers to be mostly very nice and encouraging to those of us who are slower. Also, don’t be afraid to use the lanes for exercise. That too is very well accepted and any of the places I have swum over the last several years. We have one lady that hides behind the walk in steps and does her water jogging. She felt out of place at first, but now she knows anyone who is there is welcome. Good luck.

    I am at work, so will keep this short. Good luck to everyone this weekend as that is a time we all seem to struggle with.

  • donna5049
    Good morning everyone,

    I had a early dr. appt this morning. She changed some meds and increased others. the one she put me on is a weight gaining med as if I didn't have enough of them. but I shall perservere. I take about 34 pills a day and about 6-7 are weight gainers. So I am fighting an uphill battle all the time.

    Genealace-Thanks for the info. Yes I could delegate but I won't be going swimming too much and the others ( the other family we're taking with us has never been at our timeshare before and they are hard up and we (sh & I ) want them to have a really great time. It her, her BF and her three daughters. Then my DD, DGD, DGS is coming too. So they will be keeping the kids busy in the swimming area and I'll be using the video. If I do take my suit it'll be for the lazy river they have. I can walk against the current there and get in a little leg exercise and burn some calories. But mostly I just want to fiddle around, nothing too demanding. I do like to cook and I'm sure I'll get some help, like washing dishes. LOL Not near any sand or beach area, only pools, slides, lazy rivers and many more amenities.

    I'm sorry to hear about your beach house and your mom having to do all the work. I feel the same as she does. We used to own a marina and rent out cottages. But family and friends would always come up and we'd rent them a cottage at no cost of course and they would have fun all week, and practically ignore us. It got tiring after awhile, but working at a resort area is different than having the relatives living with you and having to cook for them and wait on them. It is indeed a practice I don't do anymore when inviting family from another state. They usually help either cooking or cleaning or both and that makes it seem a little like I am on vac ation too.

    Good for you on your bowl game. I'm not sure if I've ever played it but sounds fun. Is it like croquet?

    You have a great day. Hope to hear from you soon.
  • cathys01
    cathys01 Posts: 221
    Hi Ladies:

    I am having a horrible day at work - stress, stress, stress, but what else is new!!

    I am still getting in my walks and jogging in the morning, so that is good, I am glad about that.

    Jeanne - I hope your tests all work out okay for you

    Terri, redi2, Carol, Donna and Robin -Welcome. I have been reading some of your posts.

    Natalie - Hope you are getting along and feeling better.

    Mimi - So glad to hear from you. Hope you are okay?

    Viv - Glad you are doing so well.

    Amanda - My thoughts are with you.

    Jane - My thoughts are with you at this time too, you are going through some rough times. I am sending you hugs.

    Sally - Good luck with your party tomorrow.

    Barbie - I can't beleive you finally got your escrow closing done. I bet you are so relieved. Now you can get settled.

    It appears the smileys are not working???

    Well, I am soon to leave work and start that awful commute home, I hate it. On Fridays it takes even longer and usually I leave work at 4 but today I am late leaving so I will be stuck in even more traffic, yuck!

    Hope you all have a good evening and that you are all doing well.

    Talk to you later.

    Love, Cathy xx
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Thanks everyone who has either prayed or send messages to me.I do appreciate them.Can`t believe how much you have until it`s time to move.I think the dust with the packing has stirred up my allergies.Husband had been doing most of it.
    Hope everyone is doing ok.
    have a good nite.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Donna - I'm very sorry about your house.

    Alice - I hope you're better fast

    Did an hour of yoga today and then an hour of the deep water. You know, from the other day when I walked on the treadmill backwards, I can STILL feel my calves. Guess that just means that I need to build them up! Tomorrow I'll go to the farmer's market and then take a yoga class, then probably go to WalMart for some groceries.

    Had a nice lunch today with a friend. She gave a shower for a lady in our Newcomers group. The lady is in her 50's and this is her first marriage. I helped Josette with the cooking, etc. So she wanted to take me out to lunch. We went to this new place, it was really nice. Not very expensive, but the atmosphere was really really nice. At this place, you'd never know you were in Hickory, it's a really nice place. Anyway, she scheduled our next luncheon there. I got a spinach salad with grilled shrimp. What I got I didn't expect -- it was so large, there was a hard boiled egg, a few cukes, some bacon bits (next time I'm going to ask that they not be added, to me it detracted from the flavor), and I think a bit of feta cheese, but I could be wrong on that. There was a lemon sliced. They were so attentive to add'l drinks. I just had my water without ice, but my glass was never empty.

    Going to post this then watch some TV, then hit the sack. Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    I hit a rough patch the last week of vacation but I am nicely back in the groove again. I did great the first week of vacation and then it all kind of fell apart. Actually, it got worse after we got back. Next year I will toss all the crap that is left over. I truly hate throwing away food but anything that can't go back with our friends will be tossed. The good thing is that I have proven, once again, that I can and will get back at it.

    The damage is 3 pounds. I have corrected my ticker, darn it. I aim to get rid of them quickly!

    I think the whole problem started with veggie straws. I got them thinking it would be a way to have a chip-like snack that wasn't too bad on calories. Well, calorie wise they aren't bad in moderation - which, as I said, is where the problem began. :-) Live and learn.

    I am back on the lean meat and lots of veggies wagon.


    P.S. - I went to change my ticker and found that I had not accounted for my last two pounds lost. So I am only one pound off from my ticker. I think I can fix that by Monday so I am not going to change it for now. I can't believe I didn't take credit for 2 pounds lost!
  • smelliott
    smelliott Posts: 120
    Hi everyone.

    I'm back. We've been away from home for about 10 weeks, 8 of them in France. I have been totally off the weight loss road and have been drinking far more cheap red wine that is good for me. We did do some long walks but the weather wasn't that good (and I'm a bit of a fair weather walker) so the end result was that I put on 6lbs! I have changed my ticker to reflect this and decided it's time to get back to it. DH has also put on some weight and is now using MFP too.

    Missed you all but don't have internet in France. Can't possibly read all the posts although I have skimmed through a few pages.

    Bye for now.