ReReNotMe Member


  • Hi sorry I'm late to the party. Glad you've got a routine that works for you. Personally, I've been Oly WL for about 9 months since late September after joining my university's weightlifting society. I'm pretty lucky to have two group sessions with a coach during the semester with the coach giving us programs for over…
  • I try to account for snacks in my daily calories and buy snacks that I still enjoy but are lower in sugar - haven't had chocolate in the house for about a month and now I've just gotten used to not having it. Also not sure if anyone else has tried it but brushing your teeth after meals puts me in a mindset where snacking…
    in Snacking Comment by ReReNotMe July 2023
  • Ran 1.3km in <10 mins at the end of a workout. Next up a 10 minute mile :smiley:
  • Thank you for your replies. Will definitely see if I can get in touch with a S&C coach in my area. Tysm :)
  • Depends on what you're doing. Sadly it's pretty difficult to build muscle and lose fat at the same time. For building muscle (bulking) we need a surplus of calories to build the muscle fibres as we exercise. To lose fat (cut) you need the opposite, a decent calorie deficit for you to work off the fat during exercise. If…
  • Hi! Nice to meet you. And don't worry we all have to start somewhere. Congrats on that first kg! Not sure what tips you're looking for in particular but I love me some fitness goals. Getting used to moving more, having better mobility, lifting a new pb in weightlifting, running for 20 minutes instead of 10, find the things…
  • Red Velvet ❤️
  • Hi not sure if this helps but making smaller changes over time helps make them more sustainable. I started with limiting juice and soft drinks to meal times and keeping a water bottle with me wherever I went. I then started brushing my teeth after meals to limit snacking on sugary foods. I found healthier alternatives to…
  • Yes. I tend to have a goal of net calories a day as well as just consumed calories a day. My goal is to eat around 1800cal/day but my net goal to lose about 1kg/week based on my BMR is -1100cal/day. On a workout day I may burn more than that so I can eat a bit more to allow for that and keep my energy up for the day. Under…
  • Personally, I find small changes easier to stick with in the long run, starting with just limiting juice and soft drinks to meal times and carrying a water bottle everywhere, brushing teeth after meals to limit snacking on sugary sweets, finding easy, healthy versions of my favourite foods like pizza ow low calorie ice…
  • I love me some maths. It takes 7700 calories to lose 1kg so if you want to lose 0.5kg a week (steady and sustainable for your size) you need a net calories of -550/day. I'm 19, 173cm (5'8") and started at about 110kg (240lbs) with a BMR of about 1900cal/day (I just googled BMR for someone my size) so eating 1800 cal/day…
  • Hi not sure if anyone else has mentioned this but swimming is a great way to burn calories that is also low impact on joints and bones. I am a big fan of Olympic weightlifting and am lucky to be a part of my uni weightlifting society. I know it's easier said but gym bros are probably the most supportive people in the gym…
  • Hi not sure I can help but I think I'm coming from a similar place (19, 173cm or 5'8", starting weight 110kg or 240lbs) Initially, I thought it was too much being over 2000cal/day but in the beginning it is more sustainable. After about a month I figured I can sustainably eat 1800cal/day and still have energy for the day…
  • Sorry not sure if I should post here as don't have Hashimoto's but have had an underactive thyroid since childhood and as such have struggled with weight since puberty. I'm happy with any progress and focusing more on fitness and also wish everyone here the best with their journeys in weight loss and health. Looking at the…
  • Weight is a tricky one. For my height and weight (19 yo, 173cm or 5'8") I 'should' be around 70kg for a BMI in the mid-low 20s. Starting at 110kg that is still a goal but as someone who loves weightlifting as a sport and wants a muscular physique, once I get to about 85-90kg I may adjust that goal to better fit my physique…
  • Honestly I would worry less about weight at the beginning and more about sustainability and things like fitness and healthy eating. Two weeks in and your body is starting to get used to the changes you're making so it may take a while to see long term results. If you want the maths it takes 7700 calories to lose 1kg so if…
  • I'm by no means an expert but I've heard high performance shoes only work with people who already have good running technique. I've read that barefoot shoes or shoes with minimal padding are best to improve technique in the beginning though for longer distances you may want something with a bit more springyness to limit…
  • It depends. If it's cardio I do that more often (though mostly when I'm at work as I cycle between clients as a carer) but I also enjoy Olympic weightlifting which I do 2-4 times a week to give my body a bit more of a break. I'm lucky my uni has a weightlifting society where we work out together with a coach twice a week…
  • Hi also new here, also with a nut allergy. Not sure if it helps but I love the Eat Real crisps and there's lots of variety with flavours (my favourite being the chilli and lime) which are pretty low in calories, or something like a protein flapjack is also good.
  • Honestly doing things like brushing my teeth after every meal or keeping fewer snacks in the house in weird places has helped me stop snacking as it just makes snacking more inconvenient. If I've already brushed my teeth, anything other than water or some sugar free gum is just going to undo that so I don't feel like it…
  • Fresh veges can be expensive for how fast they go out of date. I'm also broke and only really cook for myself. I buy fresh veges, cut them up and freeze them for later. It helps save waste and cut with prep time whenever I wanna make a quick and cheap soup, stir fry or sauce and keeps them fresh for longer so I'm not…
  • I'm not sure if this helps but I have a little sister who was super picky when she was little. Like only chicken nuggets, pizza and chips. They could eat almost anything if they're able to be involved with the prep/cooking. I enjoyed helping make healthy pasta/pizza sauce and adding my own veggies and toppings to pizzas or…
  • Pre-made sauces can often have a lot of added sugars or salt. My favourite quick way to make sauce is - some chopped onion and bell peppers (about 20g each, fried) and whatever other veggies you fancy - 1 tin chopped tomatoes or passata - some tomato puree - some crushed garlic or garlic puree - mixed seasoning and spices…
  • It depends what you count as exercise. I was overexerting myself at the beginning by going to the gym an hour every day when through my work as a carer I'm burning 600-700cal each morning cycling to and from clients. Also I do weightlifting and a weights based routine is going to be different from a cardio based routine. I…
  • Hi. New here. Nice to meet everyone. Would definitely be up to friends to help each other out with motivation, recipes etc. :)