KetoGammie Member


  • New fav. Quesadillas! This was soooo good. Almond flour tortillas, Monterrey Jack cheese and salsa.
  • I eat way more greens on keto than on my regular (processed food) diet. I kinda think it’s cause they are the carbs my body is allowed. Ha! On keto I craaaaave green beans with my bacon. Off keto I crave desserts. ;)
  • They have a ton of workout a there too. I have several IG accounts. One personal. One for my journey.
  • Almost 4 weeks in, 16 pounds down. Every day so far: Logged foods ✅ Steps goal (usually met) In ketosis (ketostix) ✅ In bed at a decent time ✅ Lots of water/no sugary drinks ✅ No processed foods (except carb tortillas occas.) ✅ Salad (almost) every day for lunch ✅ Weight training - beginner (new goal) These are the things…
  • So agree. Cucumber boats. Lettuce wraps. Both incredibly weird and difficult to eat and messy! I just take it super simple and eat foods that don’t really need recipes. Hamburgers. Grilled chicken. Maybe a simple chicken salad with Mayo, celery and onion plus basic spices. I try not to do substitute foods (ie: egg pancakes…
  • Totally agree! Exercise is always harder for me than controlling what I eat. I started all with a modest number of steps to hit each day. Most times I hit it and sometimes I double it, but I always walk more with the goal set. “Gotta hit my steps”. My next goal is weights.
  • I don’t think I could put grains back in my diet and stay on my diet. I have to cut white flour and white sugar, in fact all flours or the cravings will just be insane. I’m taking control of what I put in my mouth and it seems to be working well so far but it’s only been two weeks. I guess I’m at all or nothing kind of…
  • Yeah, my tummy issues cleared up! And joint pain is less too. I can take steps two at a time now via one (both feet) before. I still have a rash and I don’t know if it’s stress related or diet related but I just don’t wanna give up dairy to find out. 😨
  • I try to eat plain foods (like from 100 yrs ago) and here’s my quick grocery list. I drink pretty much only tea, coffee, (both unsweetened) and water. I’m also including a longer list but it has a few processed foods in it. Pretty much anything I can create from these ingredients is game.
  • Yep. That’s a big part of mine. Rashes too. I have less cravings and little hunger. Haven’t noticed any improvement in inflammation or rashes but it’s only been a week.
  • Thanks! It’s still going good so far. Cravings crazy low. Having a hard time even hitting 1,000 calories a day.
  • Getting in 5000-10000 steps a day.
  • Adding walking daily to my diet plan, or working out with weights.