mlconstant5 Member


  • MFP advertised a “7 day trial” so I signed up to try it and it ended up charging me the full year instead. I think the main difference between the free and premium is in the nutrition section, you can set Macro goals- viewing in a bit more detail protein, fat, and carbohydrates. One other perk with Premium is no ads. I…
    in newbie Comment by mlconstant5 April 21
  • Squats, Bulgarian squats, walking lunges, step ups are excellent exercises to work the quadriceps. A bonus is you’ll also target glutes too🤷‍♀️💪 These can be done at home in many ways. Depending on your fitness level, starting out doing body weight. If you own weights, great! If you don’t, you can get creative and use…
  • I’ve been Carnivore since Jan 2024 and feeling so much better than when I was on the AIP diet. I first noticed my skin problems from June 2023 finally healed up mid-February and now noticing my inflammation & gut health is feeling significantly better.
  • Hey! I’m Mel. I sent you a friend request 😊
  • Hello! I think you had it right the first time😊 (if I remember correctly)
  • Hi Shellight, Sounds like good, realistic goals! I’ll send you a friend request 🙂 I’m currently working out with a short-term goal of being healthy enough to enjoy hiking this summer and not just survive it like previous years 😅🤣. My profile picture is my daily reminder because it took 8 blisters and a few tears to get up…
  • Hi Matt, I’ll send you a friend request. Here’s my 2024 focus: 1. Lift consistently again. Right now, focusing on building a solid foundation first with my sights on progressing to hypertrophy then strength over this year. 2. Improve cardiovascular health 3. Improve overall mobility My short-term training is to enjoy…
  • Step 3: Tip I’ve learned: I find it helpful to click on the person’s username and ‘copy’. I also bookmark the thread because you need to leave the thread to add the person. By the time I get to Step 3, I sometimes forget some of the persons username. So copying and pasting is helpful. I also bookmark the thread incase…
  • Step 2:
  • Step 1:
  • Welcome back Meeshell! I’ll send you a friend request 🙂
    in Hello! Comment by mlconstant5 February 8
  • Congratulations on the engagement and welcome to the MFP community! While your motivation is strong, write down your goal(s) and your ‘why(s)’. Because motivation is a rollercoaster where we have good days and off days. Like mentioned above, motivation can leave and that’s when reading what’s important to you can help…
  • Step 3: Here is just a tip - I sometimes forget the persons username numbers in so something I do now is click on the persons profile, select their name and copy it that way you can paste their name in this final step adding somebody. I also bookmark the post incase there is more than 1 person I’d like to add. That way you…
  • Step 2:
  • Hi mbcooker33, I took some screenshots so you can see each step. I hope this helps! Step 1:
  • Hello and welcome! I sent you a friend request 🙂 -Mel
  • Welcome to MFP and congrats on the strong start to the year!
  • Hi Jim, Welcome back! Excellent goal, April will be here before we know it! I’ll send you a friends request -Mel 🇨🇦
  • Hi Kyle, Welcome to MFP! and congrats on your progress so far!
  • Once you click on the plus (+) in the top right corner, you’ll either need to write the persons email or username. I personally will copy the persons username in the discussion. I find it easier and less risk of forgetting/misspelling by the time you click through to the friends request section. Anyways, hope this helps!…
  • Everyone is so different on how people get motivated, stay motivated and most importantly, how to keep going when motivation is low. I cannot tell you have many times in the last few years I set goals, told my husband “this is it” and then stop after a week or so and “fail”. For me, reading Atomic Habits by James Clear is…
  • Hello! I’ll send you a friends request. Its always nice having MFP friends in each others corner for support😊 -Mel
  • Hi Holly, Welcome to MFP! I’ll send you a friend invite🙂 My account shows I joined in 2018 which I don’t remember doing🤷‍♀️😅… I started logging daily in September 2022 on a 80 day challenge to myself and now I’m hooked. It’s a great community to be apart of. -Mel
  • Hi Jenny, congrats on your achievements so far! I’ll send you a friend request. It’s always nice having active MFP friend support in each others corner🥰💪 -Mel
  • Wow, incredible transformation! 💪 Thanks for sharing! I’m currently on week 2 of Keto, high protein (former vegetarian of 10yrs trying Ketovore😅😂 but already feeling much better.. more energy and finally feeling full!) Very, inspiring Sir.
  • Hi CarolBrady, Welcome! I’ll send you a friends request. It’s always nice having MFP friend support in each others corner on our health journey 😊 -Mel
  • I love that you are writing daily on your thread. There will be good days where you completed your intentions or go above and beyond and days where a challenge gets placed in your path (like the weather today). This is becoming an excellent journal that you can then look back and see your progress from month-to-month.…