Let's lift each other up!

Hey Everybody,

I'd love to add a bunch of friends here that are motivated to make real gains and progress this year. Currently I'm at the beginning of a bulk and would love to make some friends here to share in all the progress moving forward!


  • mlconstant5
    mlconstant5 Posts: 43 Member
    Hi Matt,
    I’ll send you a friend request.

    Here’s my 2024 focus:
    1. Lift consistently again. Right now, focusing on building a solid foundation first with my sights on progressing to hypertrophy then strength over this year.

    2. Improve cardiovascular health
    3. Improve overall mobility

    My short-term training is to enjoy hiking this summer and not just “survive” them like previous exercise but overall just working on being a better version of myself from the previous year 🤷‍♀️💪