IzzieDizzie93 Member


  • It took me two years to get rid of my Post partum weight. While breastfeeding I was more focused on eating healthy foods which weren't processed and a mixture of low fat and high fats too and not worried about calories as i was more focused on feeding my baby. But what helped me once I stopped was calorie counting, portion…
  • I'm up for having new friends! It would be via private message, keeping the accountability going and just checking up ! As there's no newsfeed now :( So feel free to add!
  • I've got a few 😊 Have you ever met a celebrity in person?
  • Thank You all, Honestly it's helpful, I'll definitely use those words to just help improve my mindset. Accomplishment wise, I haven't had anything crazy happen and maybe that's where this doubt is coming from? I need to find a hobby (which doesn't involve gym or children!) And focus on it. Build my own self worth and then…
  • 45 min workout, focusing on working out lower part of body today. My watch wasn't tracking initially which was annoying so I cam only say it was 200 calories burned (most likely it was more)
  • Hello! All the way from Devon, UK!
  • Not sure where your group is! But keep it up! I'm 31, 5ft and started off the similar weight as you! At 141lbs. 2 years on I'm 119 lbs and having a similar goal to weightloss as you. So definitely keen to join!
  • Change the way you view food, it's a lifestyle change... most of your weightloss can be done just by diet alone. For me it was food portions, I decided to cut back on the amount and I also decided personally go back to intermittent fasting (this works for me as I've been used to this since I was a teenager unknowingly! So…
  • Like the comment above, You can't pin point where the weight comes off, and even then achieving a flat stomach (or what society deems as flat) may not be something that can happen, due to the fact that we have organs. I've basically got very little upper body fat now and I still don't have what society deems as a "flat…
  • Leg Day today for me: Warm up: High knees - 30secs Body weight Squats Wide Stance Shift Sumo Squats - 4 x 6 Hip Thrusts - 4 x 6 Bulgarian Lunge - 4 x 6 Wall Sit (with a weight plate) - 1min Close Squats - 3 x 8 Plank - 1 min, 30sec Stepper - 10mins Not too tired after that, probably should have pushed myself a bit more...…