Blueto88 Member


  • "easily gain weight without many carbs". Unlikely. Carbs are a large portion of caloric intake in general, especially if you are in America. So much of your food is laced with sugar, it's hard to get away from it and processed foods. A healthy, low carb diet and plenty of activity, and discipline.
  • There's so much complicated talk about weight loss in these forums when really it's a very simple formula. Get your carb intake down (research what's an appropriate amount), exercise more, preferably every day, even if it's just walking and stick to your chosen plan. You don't need to worry about calories, fat, protein…
  • Weight loss is a very simple formula. Really, it is. It consists of three things. 1. Decrease intake. 2. Increase activity. 3. Discipline. That's it. All I did was count carbs, nothing else. But guess which one of those three is the most important. Number 3. It's entirely a mental game. Most people eat more than their body…
  • Keep it simple. Don't worry about deficits and other indexes. When I decided to lose my gut I simply focused on carb counting, nothing else. I got my carbs down, my exercise up, nothing drastic, but once or twice a day, including just walking. Over a few months I lost all my 'extra' weight without ever looking at a scale.…
  • I think sometimes too much information just complicates a very simple recipe for weight loss. I did the following myself and had excellent results. I researched on the internet (with a VERY discerning mind) how much carbs I should limit myself to, to lose fat. I intuitively focused only on carbs, not protein, fat or…
  • Try to be aware of your cravings and not act on them. They will pass. When I was carb counting and trying to lose fat, I'd get hungry at night time so I'd have a cup of tea or coffee, it completely distracted the urge and the craving stopped.
  • What I've learnt is that this is 100% a mental practice. Focus on staying connected to positive motivation, as well as at the same time rooting out tempting thoughts, apathy etc. It's all in your mind. Conquer the mind, conquer life!