__Alex___ Member


  • I hadn't thought of this as a method. Learn something everyday 👍
  • What's getting tired? Your fingers?
  • Fair point 👍
  • Of course, we're all different and nothing is a given. My main point was to start out with something easy to build a habit. Then it's easier to add to it. Perhaps I overstated things - yes, it all requires effort, determination, etc. But habit is key so focus on that first.
  • You make a lot of valid points.
  • I was pointing out that a less vigorous version of the same exercise burns less calories. So same in, less out = more weight.
  • In a perfect world yes. But reality isn't so neat. A simple example: If the body is trying to conserve energy, your exercise isn't as intense. If you walk 3 miles a day, there's a difference between a brisk walk and a stroll. The distance is the same but the brisk walk will burn more calories because it requires a higher…
  • You may be at a plateau. When we start being active we start losing weight. Then we reach a point where the body goes "hang on, I keep losing weight - am I in danger? Must conserve energy (or must eat more)." That's a plateau and it's normal. Just keep being active and at some point your body will figure out that it's not…
  • Hi, do you exercise at all? We overeat for the dopamine hit. Exercise creates dopamine so we don't need to turn to food for it. If you have difficulties being active, no problem - ask and I'll give you the easy way.
    in Hello Comment by __Alex___ June 29
  • Hi, dopamine helps with motivation. Exercise creates dopamine. You don't need to exercise like crazy, just be consistent. 30 minute walk every day will do wonders - the key is consistency. If you do that for a month, you'll start feeling the effects and it will become easier to be active. Do it for 2 months and you'll be…
    in Hi there :) Comment by __Alex___ June 29
  • You're making this too complicated and awful. Forget calories and carbs. Go on a 30 minute walk every day. Make sure your first meal is mostly protein. Don't eat heavy carbs (rice, pasta, potatoes) for dinner. Do that for a month and see where you are. I bet happier and healthier.
  • Walk every day. 20 to 30 minutes. It's doable because everyone has a spare half hour. Just do it every day. After about a month when it becomes a habit, you can add another exercise. 2 weeks later, add another. Before you know it, your lifestyle will be one of exercise and your body will be burning everything you put in it.
  • Also it's common to gain a little weight in the beginning. The body thinks "omg I'm so active now, I need more energy" so you may eat more. Don't worry about it, that will go away. Also, after about a month when your brain (thanks to exercise) starts producing more dopamine, you won't reach for food as often for the…
  • That's unpleasant news for sure. Don't stress about changing everything overnight. Start out slow, in a couple of weeks make more changes, in a month make more. We generally fail at our goals because a large sudden change is disruptive and unsustainable. You'll meet your goals, it will happen. Just be consistent. And if…