

  • Strong, either espresso roast or French roast, with a tablespoon of fat free half & half, and one Stevia packet.
  • Thaks everyone, the dieitician called last night and noted she reviewed the wrong medical charts. Honestly, this is why I do not visit the doctor unless absolutely necessary.
  • I appreciate the input from the both of you. You've proven my point that there are conflicting opnions as to what works best regarding weight/fat loss. What works best for some folks does nothing for others. I'm fishing for ideas to determine if this professional made assumptions rather than consulting my medical history,…
  • Because I'm a meathead who believe protein is the lifeblood of weight training.
  • She was referring to bread and starch. I don't eat either one. I eat oatmeal in the morning.
  • Thank you! I was looking for some sound reasoning on the matter. She did a poor job of explaining the drastic carbohydrate increase. As you can see by some of the posts from folks on here, we're programmed to believe that carbs are the enemy. I suffer from fatigue, and sleeplessness. I'm just concerned about gaining bad…
  • I saw a dietician who specializes in the morbidly obese. I was referred to her, because my goal was to reduce body fat. I'm the farthest thing from morbidly obese. I have a friend who is an exercise physiologist who disagrees with everything she said. I show no signs of hypolipodemia or anything that indicates I have…
  • I don't have any medical conditions, I saw my family doctor because I was having issues losing weight. I have my cholesterol, and thyroid tested. I was also tested for diabetes. Everything came back normal. She said I didn't have energy due to lack of carbs and I would have issues with my kidneys if I continued to consume…
  • I like Dymatize. The flavors are decent and DPSNutrition.net has awesome prices. 5lb. for $28
  • Based on this, the dietician was spot on.
  • Sorry, that should have been 27%, I typed this on my cell phone.
  • Pre: Jack3d During: Water Post: Breakfast because I workout at 4:30, before work.
  • Greek Yogurt with honey Apples or Celery with Peanut Butter Whey Protein Shakes Hummus Protein bars broccoli almonds Recently, I found excellent recipes for high protein muffins and protein balls. I'm finding that they take care of my sugar and chocolate cravings.
  • There's no magic number of sets and reps for someone to improve their bench press. What may work for me may not work for you. Dinosmopro mentioned the 5x5 program, which worked great for me, but did nothing for my training partner. Improving your bench press could require several changes including diet (are you eating or…
  • DPS Nutirition (http://www.dpsnutrition.net) is by far the best place to buy high quality protein at low prices. I highly recommend Dymatize, Forever Fit, or Optimum Nutrition. All of the flavors are good.
  • While I agree that may be the case for some, I tell everyone I'm dieting. My girlfriend and I rely on each other heavily for support when we diet. The issue for me is that I go from a structured week to free-for-all weekends. While I do work around my house, it is not enough to fill my days. Do you think it would be a good…
  • I do the same thing. I'm a 30 year old male with a very busy life style from Monday to Friday. Unfortunately, when the weekends come around there are too many opportunities to eat out and drink. I do my best to avoid it, but I seem to have issues with cravings. I make it a point to buy absolutely no sweets or unhealthy…
  • My typical breakfast includes: 1 cup of coffee with 2 tablespoons of fat free 1/2 1/4 cup of old fashioned oats with cinnamon and one packed of truvia 4 egg whites and 2 whole eggs scrambled with McCormick fiery 5 pepper seasoning 4 tablespoons of medium salsa on eggs 380 calories, 35g of protein, 34g of carbs, and 10g of…
  • Thank you for the link. Per the BMR calculator, I should eat 3221 calories to drop down to my goal weight.
  • My BMR is 2246. If I eat less than 1800 calories I don't have enough energy to complete my workouts. My works outs are very intense and involve very heavy weights.
  • That is gross. I use a different program to track my workouts, Fitocracy, because some of the exercises I do are not in the library here.