

  • I totally understand where you're coming from living in Ireland myself, but to be honest I think what most of the replies have said before me is bang on, most of those U.S 'diet' products are pumped full of sugar and processed chemical crap. If you're havign a chocolate craving why not buy 'funsize' chocolate bars or…
  • Good job indeed, sounds like your hard work is paying off and getting you lots of compliments, keep up the hard work :-) Loving the profiler BTW
    in Kate Moss Comment by mcguink August 2011
  • P.S I totally agree with Rachel6503...cut the diet foods...start eating real foods and full fat versions of foods are ridiculously overprocessed and often contain a lot more hidden sugar and salt than their full fat counterparts
  • I would advise changing up your diet a bit, you seem to eat the same things most days...often mixing it up will help!
  • Love the Hepburn quote's one of my faves :-)
  • Brilliant post, thanks so much. I have not hit the plateau yet but I'm sure it's bound to this post!
  • Thanks ande2994, I'm like you...greasy foods don't agree with me...never have thankfully so I avoid them like the plague whether I'm hungover or not...I suppose my worst culprits are too much bread-based products, cheese, chocolate and biscuits...basically all rubbishy things
  • Thanks so muich folks...I always drink one litre of water before I go to bed when I've been drinking, but it doesn't seem to make much difference as I wake up like someone who has been depreived of food for a month!!! @runnermel I hate bananas too...I genuinely can't stomach them...any other foods you may be able to…
  • That is absolutely awesome...well done you!!! Keep up the good work, any words of advice/encouragement for someone like me who just joined on Monday? Congrats again :-)
  • Hi HayleyMarie, firstly congrats on your engagement, you certainly don't look like you need to lose 58 pounds. I'm similar to you in that I'm exhausted when I get home from work and often don't get home until 8pm as I have a wonderful but extremely busy job. However, I do find that if I get changed into my work out gera as…
  • Thanks for the add...hope all is going well :-)
    in I'm New! Comment by mcguink August 2011
  • Hi Sveta34, It sounds to me like you're gaining muscle weight due to all of the training, but this is good because you're losing fat. Muscle weighs more than fat so it sounds to me like you've replaced the fat with lean muscle mass. Muscle also helps to burn even more calories. Because muscle weighs more than fat, weight…
  • Hey soswald1 I'm new also, have just joined today and don't know anyone on the site. I'm 133 lbs but would like to get back to 113 lbs which I was at the beginning of 2011. In terms of low-cal dinner recipes, I always think that steamed fish and plenty of leafy green vegetables are hard to beat. They fill you up also. Any…
    in I'm New! Comment by mcguink August 2011
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