Myobi Member


  • I have hypothyroidism. I have done a lot of research on what inhibits the thyroid and what does not. Tea has not once come up on any credible website as a possibility. The levels I have on my current medication while drinking tea are exactly the same as the levels I have on my current medication while not drinking tea. For…
  • I see a difference. I agree with everyone that you should start taking measurements and maybe add some core work to your workouts. Congratulations on your progress so far!
  • If you have a heart monitor that can guesstimate calories burned, you can create your own exercise and it will be more accurate. However, you can also log it as circuit training.
  • Probably the worst I've encountered has been at the local theater, which is in a mall. I walked in once and EVERY toilet had pee-soaked toilet paper on top of the lid with un-flushed crap in the loo. Another time, someone had drawn on one of the toilets with a used tampon...blech. I really felt bad for the person I told…
  • While technically all "the same", each variation works differently from person to person. For me, synthroid works better. For others, Levoxyl works better. And for still others, the generic levothyroxine works best. Keep trying until you find what works.
    in Levothyroxine Comment by Myobi July 2012
  • Hmmm...brown it a little and make chicken salad. Nice, light, and fresh! Perfect for summer, imo.
  • I tend to get green teas that are in a blend. My favorite teas are from Zhi Tea. Their Cherry Sencha green tea blend is DELICIOUS and calorie free. =) (And yes, it is on the pricey side. All of their teas are from certified fair trade farms.)
  • I like natural stevia (I have a tea blend that mixes stevia leaves in the loose tea that is FABULOUS) over the granulated stuff. When I'm baking, I tend to just use sugar (the chemistry just isn't there, when I've tried it).
  • I used an air mattress pump to inflate my exercise ball. Worked great! Also, something that my dad noted (his air mattress pump) was that though the circumference was slightly smaller, it was definitely full. So be careful with that.
  • It's time to go to the doctor. They can test it and see if you simply need to do certain things to rehab it OR if surgery is needed. My sister had issues with her ulnar nerve, and she ended up in a soft cast to keep her arm from pinching the nerve until it chilled the heck out. In the meanwhile, focus on doing cardio and…
  • Even if you're drinking water in the morning and evening, be sure to hydrate right before and right after exercise. This fixed the problems I had. However, if you're like some people in my family, your body simply doesn't tolerate the heat. I can do labor/exercise outside in 100+ degree heat and be fine, so long as I wear…
    in Overheating Comment by Myobi June 2012
  • Doesn't it depend on whether or not you got the ones for frying or the ones for steaming? I'm pretty sure they're a little different. If it is the type for fried wontons, I'd bake it. If it is the type for steaming, I'd try steaming/boiling them.
  • My younger cat is very affectionate when I'm doing yoga/balance poses, ESPECIALLY if I am either upside down or on one leg (rubbing up against my head/standing leg as applicable). If I'm doing cardio or I'm easily balanced, he's not as interested. I have thoughts as to why he chooses to be "sweet" at this time.
  • is a GREAT resource.
  • Try doing things in small batches. For planks, try holding the plank for 10 seconds, rest, 8 seconds, rest, 8 seconds, rest, max (until you can't hold any longer). Then build up from there. On your crunches, you may need to strengthen your lower back before it stops yelling at you. Try a superman - lie on your stomach with…
  • Have you only weighed yourself to mark progress? When I did Ripped in 30, I saw more progress in inches lost than weight lost.
  • I don't know. I'm the opposite. If I don't exercise at night, it takes me forever to fall asleep and it's a very light sleep at that.
    in Sleep... Comment by Myobi June 2012
  • Not tacky at all! If I were a family member or a friend of yours, I'd be excited that you were finally able to celebrate being married and renewing your vows. My sister's fiance ended up getting orders to deploy. They got married by a JOP and were out of country a couple of weeks later. She goes back and forth on it, but I…
  • I've heard that it's good/preferable to continue exercising, but that the exercise has to be appropriate for how pregnant you are and how well your pregnancy is going. Having done some of the body revolution (I got to about where you are before an injury set me back), I might suggest scaling back once you're in your second…
  • This looks fun! I'm in. I'll be doing Jillian's Body Revolution workouts 1-4 (I'm having to slowly work up to the high impact, due to a foot injury that set me back). Name/Screenname: Myobi Starting Weight: 148.6 (Ack! I over-indulged at a beach trip this past weekend) Goal Weight: 128 06/18: 148.6 06/25: 07/02: 07/09:…
  • They do at least give you the nutrition info. Just pick one that looks like you'd enjoy and figure out how much you can have/are willing to have. A splurge is nice now and then and helps prevent binges. =)
  • I'm not sure. A woman I worked with a couple of years ago once talked to me about fitness and general health. I don't know her exact weight, but she was in the obese category. She told me she'd pretty much given up on being thin and was instead trying to be happy with life with how she was. She also talked to me about the…
    in opinions? Comment by Myobi June 2012
  • Maybe talk to your downstairs neighbor and find out if it would bug them if you exercised using DVDs? Maybe find out if there's a time they wouldn't mind you doing it or WOULD mind you doing it (say, they have little ones that go to bed at 8pm or something). That's what I did when I lived in an upstairs apartment. I found…
  • When you're ready to maintain, you can change your settings on the website from "Lose x/per week" to "Maintain my current weight". Just go to My Home > Goals > Change Goals > and select "Maintain my current weight" from the drop-down. If the amount it is giving you is giving you an accurate weight loss per week, it should…
  • I often wonder if any of the things Dr. Oz promotes actually work (aside from when he promotes healthy eating and exercise). It seems that there is some magical pill on every episode. You can't take EVERYTHING he suggests. Most of the things I see say they work when combined with diet and exercise. While it'd be nice to…
  • Your diary isn't open currently.
  • I don't understand the growing movement against c-sections. I was born in 1984. My mom tried to have me vaginally, but realized that something was wrong. She had to CONVINCE the nurse that something was wrong and to get the OBGYN. Fortunately, the OBGYN noticed that there was something wrong (wasn't sure what then), and…
  • Some people up their fiber without upping their water intake, which can make you even more constipated. Be sure you're getting adequate amounts of fiber AND water. I have had similar issues when my thyroid levels weren't completely in control. I try to get at least 20g of fiber while levels are normal. If I notice issues,…
  • Yes.
    in ? Comment by Myobi June 2012
  • The program already has a deficit built into the amount of calories it gives you each day. When you exercise, you create a bigger deficit. The program has you eat those calories back because it is bringing you back to the amount of calories you need for the deficit for the weight loss you want per week.
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